What is a capsule wardrobe REALLY about?

Dec 11, 2017 | 2 comments

Even though I’m approaching my third year as a so-called “capsule wardrobe blogger”, I’ve actually had trouble short and to the point defining what the heck a capsule wardrobe is anyway, especially when people ask me face to face. When I’m out in real life, you know. I’ve already taught many of you guys HOW to build a capsule wardrobe with inspiration from myself and my own favourite capsule wardrobe bloggers. But in this post I thought I wanted to explain this phenomenon in a short, precise way. Then hopefully it will also be easier for me to answer the question to those I know in real life, who are curious about what I’m really writing about in here, haha!

Selvom jeg snart går ind i mit tredje år som såkaldt “capsule wardrobe blogger”, så har jeg indtil nu haft virkelig svært ved kort og godt at definere, hvad en capsule wardrobe egentlig er, når folk spørger mig. Især når de spørger mig sådan face to face. I det virkelige liv, I ved. Jeg har allerede lært mange af jer hvordan I kan bygge en capsule wardrobe selv, med inspiration fra mine og andres tilgang til systemet. Men i dette indlæg tænkte jeg, at jeg én gang for alle ville forklare jer helt kort og kontant hvad det egentlig går ud på. Så kan det også være det bliver nemmere for mig selv at svare på spørgsmålet, næste gang nogen spørger mig hvad pokker det egentlig er jeg render og laver herinde, haha!

Minimal closet decisions means more time for life – Philly Voice 

A capsule wardrobe means having a more structured wardrobe, where quality above quantity is key; a wardrobe where you’ve cut to the bone. You only have things in your wardrobe you are truly happy about using over and over again throughout the entire year, and therefore you don’t have to worry about whether something is gonna be trendy next season or not. It is a very sustainable way of building up your wardrobe.

A capsule wardrobe is about being true to your own style and feeling like your the best possible version of yourself, every time you walk out the door. It gives you freedom to worry about other more important things in life, instead of walking around feeling like your not good enough because you don’t own this and that item. The phenomenon capsule wardrobe was invented in the 80’s by a British boutique owner called Susie Faux. We are living in a time where we are constantly influenced by brands and bloggers that makes us feel like we are not good enough; that we need to buy this and that before our lives are complete. And for some reason we always end up feeling like less, even when we purchase something we’ve been on the hunt for, like Cladwell describes it. So a capsule wardrobe is first and foremost meant to give you more freedom in the long run; both mentally, physically and economically.

En capsule wardrobe betyder, at du har en mere struktureret garderobe hvor kodeordet er kvalitet over kvantitet; en garderobe hvor du har skåret ind til benet. Du har kun ting i din garderobe, som du er glad for at bruge igen og igen hele året rundt, og du kommer derved udover det dér med, hvorvidt et givent item er trendy næste sæson eller ej. Det er derfor en meget bæredygtig tilgang til garderobeopbygning.

En capsule wardrobe handler om, at man hviler i sin stil og føler sig som den bedst mulige version af sig selv hver eneste gang man træder ud af døren. Den giver frihed til at bekymre sig om andre vigtigere ting i livet, end at rende rundt og tænke mindre om sig selv, fordi man ikke er i besiddelse af de og de ting. Fænomenet capsule wardrobe blev i 80’erne opfundet af en britisk butiksejer ved navn Susie Faux (kilde). Vi lever i en tid hvor vi konstant bombarderes med udsalg, gode tilbud og vi bliver ikke mindst influeret til at tænke, at vi ikke er gode nok; vi skal købe de og de ting, før vores liv er fuldendt. Og af én eller anden årsag ender vi alligevel altid med, at føle os utilstrækkelige selv når vi har tilegnet os en given ting vi har været på jagt efter, som Cladwell beskriver det. Så en capsule wardrobe skal først og fremmest give dig mere frihed i det lange løb; både psykisk, fysisk og økonomisk.

There are no rules

Even though there are many capsule wardrobe guides and also bloggers out there who are working around a certain number of items in their capsule wardrobe, the number is not important. The important part of this exercise is being left with only the things that you truly love in your wardrobe. That being said, I think it’s been nice to work around a certain number especially in the beginning, just to support you in the exercise. But now it’s not something I worry too much about – it happens naturally that I end up between 35-45 items in my capsule wardrobes from season to season. But I think it is a broad misunderstanding that the number is what is important. It can be very individual; some people might think 37 items are too much, other will find that number way too low. It’s up to you. Just keep in mind that most women in Western societies only use about 20% of their wardrobes, so be honest to yourself too. You need those 20%, no more. But remember, it’s okay to make mistakes – we’re not striving for perfection here, quite the opposite. 

Selvom der findes mange capsule wardrobe guides og efterhånden også bloggere derude, som lægger sig fast på et bestemt antal af items i deres capsule wardrobe, så er tallet ikke vigtigt. Den vigtige del af øvelsen her er, at du kun har de ting du er glad for i din garderobe. Når det så er sagt, så synes jeg nu det har været rart at have et tal at støtte sig op af – ihvertfald det første års tid. Nu giver det efterhånden lidt sig selv for mig, og jeg lander som regel et sted mellem 35-45 items fra sæson til sæson. Men jeg synes det er en udbredt misforståelse, at det vigtige er antallet. Det er det ikke, og det kan være meget individuelt; nogle synes måske 37 items er alt for meget, andre vil synes det er for lidt. Det er helt op til dig. Bare husk dét der med, at mange kvinder i de vestlige samfund reelt set kun bruger ca. 20% af deres garderobe, så vær ærlig overfor dig selv. Det er dé 20% du skal bruge, ikke mere. Men husk samtidig, at det er okay at begå fejl – vi stræber ikke efter perfektion her, tværtimod.


I could never do a capsule wardrobe

And speaking of one of those things that may seem terrifying to some people, the art of limiting yourself, I want to encourage you guys to read my post about the most common myths about the capsule wardrobe system right HERE. Some people use these myths as excuses not to try out the system. But the rules are pretty simple: there are no rules. You can let yourself be inspired by me or other capsule wardrobe bloggers of course, but in the end you’re the boss. You get to decide which colours (or non-colours), patterns and fits you want in your wardrobe. You get to define what items you can’t live without in your daily life. A capsule wardrobe is not about depriving yourself things (that you may think makes you happy). It’s about choosing freedom; free yourself from feeling you need to be perfect. It’s an exercise where you will learn to be at peace with yourself instead of never feeling good enough. And maybe you’ll learn to adopt this way of thinking to other areas of your life too.

So give the capsule wardrobe system a change – maybe in 2018? If so, then you can get started using my step-by-step guide right HERE.

Og nu vi er ved den del af capsule wardrobe systemet der måske kan skræmme nogen væk, nemlig begrænsningens kunst, så vil jeg gerne opfordre jer til at læse mit indlæg om de mest almindelige myter omkring capsule wardrobe systemet HER. Nogle af disse myter er nogen som folk bruger som undskyldning for, ikke selv at prøve det af. Men reglerne er ret simple: der er ingen regler. Du kan lade dig inspirere af den måde andre gør det på ja, men i sidste ende er det dig der bestemmer, hvordan du skal gøre det her. Hvilke snit, farver, mønstre du gerne vil have i din garderobe. Det er dig der definerer hvilke items der er uundværlige for dig i det daglige. En capsule wardrobe handler ikke om at frarøve dig selv ting som (du tror) gør dig glad. Det handler mere om at tilvælge frihed; at frigøre dig selv fra at føle du skal være perfekt. Det er en øvelse, hvor du lærer at hvile mere i dig selv frem for at føle dig utilstrækkelig. Og måske ikke kun når det gælder tøj og stil.

Så giv capsule wardrobe systemet en chance – måske i 2018? I så fald kan du læse min step-by-step til at komme igang lige HER.


  1. Anne

    Great Post! I do absolutely agree with you in every point. Maybe except for one part: I find the capsule wardrobe the perfect tool to strive for my ultimate wardrobe. It is so much easier to know what pieces I do still miss with just a handful of clothes left in my closet. My capsule wardrobe journey is not over yet!

    Love your blog, your channel and you!

    Best wishes from Germany,
    Anne – http://recklessly-restless.com/

  2. Anna

    I have been inspired to make a capsule wardrobe over the past few weeks. It was so liberating to realise that I don’t have to keep all the things I don’t like. I think I must have donated about 12 binbags full of clothes. I now have a single wardrobe, with hanging shelves and 38 items of clothing. I have found getting dressed a pleasure and have bought a couple of pairs of shoes because they were the issue with every outfit I had – nothing looked right. Now I have found it was because my shoes didn’t match the rest of my clothes! I am on the lookout for a couple of pairs of boots but other than that I no longer have the panicky feeling that I have nothing to wear. I have stored some of my non-winter clothes so I can go through the process for each season and donate what I do not want. Thank you for such a helpful blog!


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