The things I always make room for in my busy schedule.

Oct 5, 2018 | 4 comments

Sportswear from Girlfriend Collective (adlink)

I have often shared my routines when it comes to eating healthy and exercising (here and here to name a few older posts), and therefore I thought I wanted to give you guys a little update on that subject. I am extremely busy at the moment – probably more than what is good for me in the long run to be honest. I have been rather stressed out this past month because I am currently working on a project that I will hopefully be launching in the middle of November, and I will of course tell you guys all about it very soon. It is a project I have been dreaming about making a reality pretty much ever since I started my youtube channel, but I’ve only recently taken the chance and started working more concentrated on it. I am SO excited to launch it, and I’m pretty sure that you guys are gonna love it too!

This has of course meant that I’ve been working almost every night and through weekends too the past few months, because I have 3 different jobs right now; I have my part time job as a SOME assistent for a Danish womenswear brand, I have my blog and my Youtube channel (which are still both my ‘babies’!) and then I’ve been working hard on my secret project too. Of course it is not my goal to keep working as much as I am right now in the future (even though I love all of my jobs!) – but starting something new is always hard in the beginning, it requires all of your blood, sweat and tears and I have chosen to accept that. The important thing is to keep my eyes on the prize and to look after myself during the wole ride as much as I can, even though things are crazy hard right now because all of my good energy is being put into my work, so I have to make some sacrifice at the moment and I’m just not myself some days. I strongly believe that it will turn out to be all worth it very soon though!

Jeg har ofte skrevet lidt om mine vaner i forhold til sund kost og motion (bl.a. her og her), og derfor tænkte jeg at jeg ville komme med en lille update på dén front. Lige nu har jeg enormt travlt – nok mere end hvad godt er faktisk. Jeg har været ret stresset den sidste måneds tid, fordi jeg p.t. arbejder på at realisere et projekt midt i november, som I nok skal komme til at høre meget mere om snarest. Det er et projekt jeg har drømt om realisere stort set lige siden jeg startede min youtube kanal, men har altså først for nyligt set mit snit til, at arbejde koncentreret nok på det. Jeg glæder mig som et lille barn til det går i luften, og jeg tror også alle jer der læser med derude vil blive begejstredede for det!

Det har dog også betydet at jeg de seneste måneder har arbejdet stort set hver aften og også i weekenderne, da jeg lige nu nærmest har 3 forskellige jobs; jeg har mit deltidsjob som SOME assistent for et dansk tøjmærke, jeg har min blog og min Youtube kanal (som begge stadig er mine ‘babyer’!) og så har jeg arbejdet temmelig hårdt på mit hemmelige projekt. Det er helt klart ikke planen, at jeg skal køre så hårdt på i fremtiden (selvom jeg elsker mine jobs!) – men alt opstart kræver tid og energi, og det har jeg valgt at acceptere. Det vigtigste er at have øjet på målet, og passe så godt som muligt på mig selv undervejs, selvom det er sindssygt hårdt lige nu, fordi alt min gode energi går til arbejde og jeg derfor er lidt ved siden af mig selv nogle dage. Jeg tror dog på at det snart vil vise sig, at være det hele værd!

*This post contains gifted items

Even though I am a busy bee there are a few things I always allow myself to do, and that I always make room for in my schedule – even when I’m as busy as I am right now. One of the things is of course to make sure to eat my greens, and not much has changed in that whole area since last time I wrote about it. You can read more about that right HERE. We still plan out all of our meals ahead of the new week, so that we are sure we eat healthy and don’t fall (too much) into the takeaway- and snack drill. Healthy food is better for your brain, and what I choose to eat has a huge impact on how I perform and how I feel mentally.

Besides that I still make sure to get out and breathe some fresh air into my lungs (the 3 daily walks with our dog helps a lot), but also to really sweat, so I exercise around 3 times a week. I recently started in a center called LOOP which is a full body circuit training center only. I’ve always loved a good full body circuit, because you will effectively go through your entire body in a relatively short amount of time. I’m usually done with my exercise after 35-40 minutes and you are not wasting much time while you’re there. You don’t have to wait for a coach to explain the stations you go through and you don’t have time for smalltalk, because as soon as the bell rings after 1 minute, you have to move to the next station. Besides LOOP fitness I like to still do exercises at home as well, and I’m still a huge fan of Bodyfit By Amy’s videos on Youtube for this purpose. My faves the past year has especially been this one and this one. I’ve said it before, but I will never be the type of person who spends hours in the local gym. To me my workouts are super important because they give me a much needed boost of energy (which is especially important now while I’m this busy), but at the same time these workouts can’t take up too much of my time either. 

Der er dog et par ting jeg altid sørger for, at give mig selv tid til – selv når jeg har så travlt som nu. Den ene er selvfølgelig at sørge for at spise sundt og varieret – det kan I læse mere om hvordan vi klarer lige HER, for der er faktisk ikke ret meget der har ændret sig på dén front siden jeg sidst skrev om det. Vi laver stadig madplan hver søndag og handler ind til ugen, sådan så vi er sikre på vi ikke falder (for ofte) i takeaway- eller slikfælden. Sund mad er hjernemad, og det har en kæmpe betydning for mig og mit generelle humør, hvad jeg vælger at putte i munden.

Udover det så sørger jeg stadig for, at komme ud og få frisk luft (her hjælper de 3 daglige gåture med hunden langt hen ad vejen), men også at få svedt godt igennem. Jeg træner typisk ca. 3 gange om ugen. For nyligt startede jeg i LOOP som er et cirkeltræningscenter. Jeg har altid elsket cirkeltræning, fordi du kommer effektivt igennem hele kroppen på relativt kort tid. Jeg er som regel færdig med min træng efter 35-40 minutter og der er ikke ret meget spildtid. Du skal fx ikke stå og vente på en holdtræner der skal gennemgå alle stationerne og du har heller ikke tid til at smalltalke, fordi når klokken ringer hvert minut så skal du skifte station. Udover LOOP så supplerer jeg stadig med hjemmetræning, og her er jeg stadig meget begejstret for Bodyfit By Amy’s videoer. Mine favoritter det seneste år har især været denne og denne. Jeg har sagt det før men siger det gerne igen: jeg bliver aldrig typen der kommer til at bruge flere timer i mit lokale fitness center. For mig er træningen super vigtig fordi det giver mit energi-niveau og humør et boost i den rigtige retning (som især er nødvendigt når jeg har travlt som nu), men samtidig er det heller ikke noget der må tage for lang tid.

Another thing that has given me a little new boost of motivation is my new workout gear from Girlfriend Collective. I’ve bee gifted this set, and unfortunately they do not ship without customs to Europe yet, but they’ve told me they are working on it. At the moment they ship within the US, AU and Canada. The brand makes workout clothes that are not only suitable for any type of body, the material is also made from recycled nylon and plastic bottles. I’ve been testing it for a few weeks now, and it is so comfy! It sits well on my body and gives me the support I need, but at the same time it is the softest material I have ever worn. So nice!

Besides working out I am also trying to become better at just breathing and unplugging my brain for a bit. I do forget to do my regular meditation, but THIS video with neck stretching exercises is almost like a form of mediation in itself. When I feel stressed out I often feel it as tensions in my neck, but these exercises help me breathe and relax the muscles. I like to do them after a good workout but sometimes I also just do them in the morning when I wake up and then again at night before going to bed. These forms of selfcare is something I will always make room for in my busy schedule, and I couldn’t live without it. Recently I also started making puzzles, and it’s something I can spend hours doing because it really helps me unplug from my projects for a while. I’m the type of person who falls asleep and have trouble concentrating when reading books, but give me a good puzzle and I’m all there, haha!

En anden ting der har givet mig lidt fornyet motivation til at få trænet, er mit nye træningstøj fra Girlfriend Collective. Jeg har fået det i gave, og desværre sender de ikke toldfrit til EU endnu, men er blevet informeret om, at det er noget de arbejder på. Lige nu sender de kun toldfrit inden for US, AU og Canada. Mærket laver træningstøj der ikke alene passer til alle typer af kroppe, det er også lavet af blandt andet genanvendt nylon og plastikmateriale. Jeg har testet det i nogle uger nu og det er virkelig behageligt at have på! Det sidder til og giver optimal støtte, men samtidig er det bare super blødt. Virkelig lækkert!

Jeg forsøger udover at træne at minde mig selv om, også bare at trække vejret og koble fra. Jeg glemmer at få mediteret, men denne video med udstrækningsøvelser til nakken er faktisk rigtig god, og fungerer som en form for meditation i sig selv. Når jeg er stresset sætter det sig ofte som spændinger i min nakke, men disse øvelser hjælper mig med, at trække vejret helt ned i maven og få løsnet op. Jeg laver gerne øvelserne efter jeg har trænet men somme tider har jeg også lavet dem både morgen når jeg står op, og om aftenen inden jeg går i seng. Disse former for velvære og selvpleje er noget jeg altid vil lave plads til i mit travle skema, og jeg ville ikke undvære det for noget. For nyligt genopdagede jeg også glæden ved at lægge puslespil, som er noget jeg kan hygge mig med i timevis og som virkelig kobler min hjerne fra alle mine projekter. Jeg er typen der falder i søvn og kan have svært ved at koncentrere mig om at læse en bog, men puslespil – dér kan jeg være med, haha!


  1. Ally

    Really enjoyed this Signe. Oskar is a lucky dog with 3 walks. (It also helps you to breathe all that fresh autumn air and always lifts the mood.) I will definitely try the neck exercises as I’m bothered with this type of pain; stops me from sleeping. Your new workout gear is v flattering and being ethically made is awesome; so glad sustainable sportswear is now a thing. I wanted to ask about your photographs…the lighting is ? and elegant. ( I love great lighting…one of my fave artists is Vermeer because of this..) Would love to know what you do to achieve this…is it in the editing? ❤️

    • signeh24

      Thanks for a lovely comment Ally! <3 I edit my pictures in lightroom and always turn down the colours a bit, so that they are not so bright. Then I also add a bit of grain to the images. That gives that cozy kind of moody look. I should say that the afternoon sun was absolutely beautiful the day my husband shot these images of me though! <3

  2. Steph

    Hi! Do you have a series/capsule/video/post about your workout wear capsule?

    • signeh24

      Hi Steph :-* I don’t, no! I’ve never really found it necessary to make a capsule for workout wear. I just have the selection I have, and that’s it 🙂 xx


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