by use less | May 4, 2021 | Lifestyle
Én af de vigtigste ting jeg har lært efter at være blevet mor, er at skrue ned for forventningerne til mig selv, især som selvstændig. Hverdagen med en lille baby er virkelig uforudsigelig, og man er selvsagt nødt til, at “go with the flow” og indrette sig...
by use less | Apr 4, 2019 | Lifestyle
Some of you might already have seen the video in the bottom of this post, but I just thought I wanted to give you my written verdict as well. I invested in a bunch of products from the makeup brand ZAO a couple of weeks ago, so that I could test out a more...
by use less | Oct 24, 2018 | Lifestyle
Am I the only one who’s already excited about December and the festive season in general? I know it’s a bit (a lot) too early to be thinking about but you know, time flies and I’m sure that before we know it December is already here. The first...
by use less | Oct 8, 2018 | Capsule wardrobe guides
After I have been reading the book “Sustainable fashion & textiles” over the summer, I was rather shocked when I read the chapter about how we care for our clothes. The book says that if you look at one piece of clothing’s entire lifecycle, the...
by use less | Jul 27, 2018 | Style
Invisible undies from Organic basics HERE (adlink) ADVERTISEMENT | For quite some time I’ve been eyeing the brand Organic basics, and like I mentioned in my last video I’ve actually been asked to become a brand ambassador for them which I am quite happy to...