How to dress practical with style.

How to dress practical with style.

A lot of you have been asking me for inspiration for styling practical wear without you ending up looking like you’re on your way to the ski slope. So in this post I’m gonna give you just that! I er flere der længe har efterspurgt lidt inspiration til, at...
Does sustainability go hand in hand with convenience?

Does sustainability go hand in hand with convenience?

/ The other day I was watching one of my favourite Danish TV shows (and alltime guilty pleasures), which evolves around two lifestyle experts, who have to guess which Danish Celeb they are visiting, based on what they have in their homes. One of the experts got a...
How to spice up an old bag.

How to spice up an old bag.

/ I have already been flashing my beautiful vintage bag for you guys a few times on just about all my channels, so in this post I thought I’d share a few tips on how to refresh an old bag. Perhaps you have a favourite bag that you use regularly but that need to...
Quit the q-tips and cotton pads: do this instead!

Quit the q-tips and cotton pads: do this instead!

/ Some of you have probably already seen these tips in some of the videos in my “less waste” series on Youtube, but I really wanted to share them with you in here too in case you missed it. I’m sure many women aren’t really aware of how much...
Why a tidy home keeps me focused.

Why a tidy home keeps me focused.

/ One of the comments I get most often – both on my social channels and in reality – is how clean and tidy our home is. Of course, I take it as a compliment, but sometimes I also get the feeling that people think “dude, chill”. I’m...