by use less | Mar 9, 2018 | Home & interior, Lifestyle
Those of you who have followed me at least the past year may remember, that my husband and I went thorough a massive declutter throughout the house exactly one year ago. It was because I had read the book “The life-changing magic of tidying up” by Marie...
by use less | Aug 1, 2017 | Lifestyle
/ In continuation of my blog post about how we make food plans and make sure to eat healthy every week (read the post HERE), I have made the video below that is about how we mentally get ready for a new week. Monday morning is something many of us fear and this...
by use less | Apr 15, 2017 | Lifestyle
Da jeg lider af angst – i nogle perioder mærker jeg det stort set ikke, og i andre perioder kan det være meget hæmmende – så er jeg efterhånden blevet ret rutineret i selv-pleje. Det er godt for sjælen og ikke mindst en nødvendighed for os allesammen,...