by use less | Nov 14, 2018 | Capsule wardrobe guides, Style
The base layer Denmark is in no way the coldest place on earth. Still I do believe I have some rather qualified suggestions on how to combine style and practicality – and that is exactly what today’s post (and video in the bottom) is about! With these...
by use less | Nov 5, 2018 | Capsule wardrobe guides
I get a lot of questions everyday about which brands to look for, when you are on the hunt for sustainable fashion. I thought it would be nice with a little follow-up and just a chat about what the term “sustainable” really means when we’re talking...
by use less | Oct 26, 2018 | Style
For the past year I’ve been really excited and quite addicted to the Cladwell wardrobe app, and at the beginning of this year I even wrote a post where I compared the app with other similar ones on the market. You can read that post right HERE (which will...
by use less | Oct 12, 2018 | Style
Within the last couple months we’ve attended two weddings among our nearest friends. My husband and I still haven’t had our wedding party after our little Vegas escpae back in May 17 so we still owe that one to our friends and family. It’s gonna come...
by use less | Jul 23, 2018 | Style
*This post contains adlinks within the text We all know how it feels to be super busy, to have an off-day or simply just a chilled out day o the couch. On days like these it might seem like the most logical option to go for a pair of worn out sweatpants and sweater,...