by use less | Jan 29, 2020 | Travel
Turen gik denne gang til skønne Berlin (tjek mine andre guides ud HER), og i år er jeg fast besluttet på, at skære endnu mere ned på mine rejser med fly – for at skåne miljøet endnu mere. Derfor hoppede jeg på et tog fra Rødekro torsdag morgen, og skulle skifte...
by use less | Jan 10, 2020 | Lifestyle
Hello! Hi! How are we all doing?? The blog has been quiet these past few weeks, and even though I’m generally also putting a lot more work into Instagram and Youtube, my blog will always be a part of me because this is where it all started. I know many people...
by use less | Dec 18, 2019 | Home & interior
I’ve made a few of these wardrobe tours over the years, mainly because we’ve moved a couple times since I started my blog. The first wardrobe tour I made was in our first house in Vojens, which we sold after living there for 3 years because we just missed...
by use less | Dec 10, 2019 | Capsule wardrobe guides
The days of frosty degrees has reached Denmark, and therefore I am super happy that I’ve finally been reunited with some of my heavier jumpers and coats. My autumn capsule was a bit more simple this year with around 37 items in total, and it worked out so well!...
by use less | Nov 15, 2019 | Capsule wardrobe guides
AD for my own jewelry brand 1,5 years ago I started working on my own jewelry brand together with the German jewelry business Stilnest. I’ve written several posts about my jewelry collection in the past, so if you’d like to read some thoughts and ideas...