How to stop impulse shopping in 6 steps.

How to stop impulse shopping in 6 steps.

We all know the feeling; a bad day that makes us grasp for our creditcards. A new bag. A pair of new shoes. Or that thing from a sale pile in the supermarket you didn’t know you even missed. And what’s so bad about that anyway? In my opinion impulse...
“The subtle art of not giving a f…”

“The subtle art of not giving a f…”

An audiobook I’ve saved on my virtual bookshelf is the book “The subtle art of not giving a fuck” by Mark Manson. It’s a bit of a response to these rather exaggerated ‘always look on the bright side of life’ lessons, which must be...
#veganuary: why I’m considering going vegan.

#veganuary: why I’m considering going vegan.

I’ve had a couple documentaries on my to-watch list on a while under the subject ‘vegan lifestyle’, so the other day I decided to watch one of them. I watched the documentary Food Choices. As the title refers to it will probably change the way you...