How to dress practical with style.

How to dress practical with style.

A lot of you have been asking me for inspiration for styling practical wear without you ending up looking like you’re on your way to the ski slope. So in this post I’m gonna give you just that! I er flere der længe har efterspurgt lidt inspiration til, at...
Plastic-free dishwasher tablets.

Plastic-free dishwasher tablets.

/ The pursuit of looking for plastic-free alternatives continues, and the more you think about going for that type of product, the easier it actually gets to find them, I think. You get to know the local supermarket’s range a bit better, so in time you...
Plastic-free shampoo bar: my favourite!

Plastic-free shampoo bar: my favourite!

Shampoo bar from Ethique HERE / After writing THIS post a while ago about how to change some of your conventional products on the bathroom shelf, with some that both work for more than one purpose and, in particular, reduces the use of unnecessary amounts of plastic,...
Facing autumn in a positive way.

Facing autumn in a positive way.

/ Autumn is creeping up on us, and so I thought I would share a few tips on how I make sure to take extra good care of myself this time of year. Many people fear the dark and cold months we are heading towards, and winter depression is no joke in northern countries...