Blazer-season is ON.

Blazer-season is ON.

Thanks to autumn and the fact that I am finally able to wear my favourite style-uniform again, I feel like I’m back to my normal self after a good, long (and warm) summer!) I have 3 blazers in my basic wardrobe, which I wear on rotation every single week. Not...
Style: easy breezy summer look.

Style: easy breezy summer look.

shirt – H&M / shorts – Secondhand / sliders – Boohoo / bag – Marc by Marc Jacobs / hat – H&M (old) Links are in the bottom of this post / When we were on a one-week vacation in a cottage last week I had, without thinking about it,...
Working on it: my fall capsule.

Working on it: my fall capsule.

My fall capsule in progress Som de fleste af jer ved, så bygger jeg løbende på min capsule fra sæson til sæson. Normalt køber jeg løbende et par nye ting ved sæsonskifte, og denne gang er ingen undtagelse; dog har jeg tilladt mig selv, at købe lidt mere end jeg ellers...