Quit the q-tips and cotton pads: do this instead!

Quit the q-tips and cotton pads: do this instead!

/ Some of you have probably already seen these tips in some of the videos in my “less waste” series on Youtube, but I really wanted to share them with you in here too in case you missed it. I’m sure many women aren’t really aware of how much...
Why a tidy home keeps me focused.

Why a tidy home keeps me focused.

/ One of the comments I get most often – both on my social channels and in reality – is how clean and tidy our home is. Of course, I take it as a compliment, but sometimes I also get the feeling that people think “dude, chill”. I’m...
Plastic-free dishwasher tablets.

Plastic-free dishwasher tablets.

/ The pursuit of looking for plastic-free alternatives continues, and the more you think about going for that type of product, the easier it actually gets to find them, I think. You get to know the local supermarket’s range a bit better, so in time you...
Our minimalist bathroom

Our minimalist bathroom

/ Although I have previously published both a video and another post both with my thoughts about avoiding plastics and what environmentally friendly products I can not live without in the bathroom, I think it’s super important to talk openly about the journey it...
Biodegredable doggy bags.

Biodegredable doggy bags.

/ It’s kind of a constant development, making better choices whenever you purchase something. Now that I feel I’ve become quite environmentally conscious about my consumption of clothing and beauty products, I have slowly begun to move toward the kitchen...