Switching up my skincare routine: some lessons I’ve learned lately.

Jan 26, 2018 | 16 comments

As I’ve been expressing on my Youtube channel a couple times lately, my face skin has been quite a challenge for me lately. I’ve actually had a very bad relationship with my skin since I was about 15 years old, when I first started getting acne. A couple years back this evolved into cystic acne, that got so bad I had to go into treatment. I did this treatment for about 6 months and it helped a lot, but my acne has never been fully cured. People who don’t suffer from these things can have trouble understanding why it bothers you so much, but it just does. Being young and having terrible skin just sucks. Luckily it’s far from as bad now than it was just a few years back and I don’t have a lot of scarring either, but ever since I switched my skincare routine up with a packagefree soapbar for my face, my acne has been going crazy the last couple months. I’ve tried a soapbar like this once before, and it did exactly the same thing to my skin. There’s just something in these bars that my skin can’t deal with.

Som jeg et par gange har givet udtryk for ovre på min Youtube kanal, så har min hud i ansigtet længe skabt store udfordringer for mig. Faktisk siden jeg var omkring 15 år har jeg døjet med akne, som for blot et par år tilbage udviklede sig til så slem cystisk akne, at jeg kom i behandling for det gennem min hudlæge. Jeg var under behandling i ca. 6 måneder, og det hjalp helt vildt, men jeg er aldrig sluppet helt af med mine problemer. Folk der ikke selv har prøvet det kan have svært ved at forstå, at det kan gå én så meget på, men det gør det bare. Heldigvis er det langt fra så slemt nu som det var da jeg havde cystisk akne og ar har jeg heldigvis ikke rigtig noget af, men ikke desto mindre synes jeg især mine hudproblemer er blusset op, siden jeg skiftede over til min sæbebar til ansigtet. Jeg har før prøvet en ansigtsvask i sæbebar-version for at undgå, at producere spild i form af indpakning, og den irriterede også min hud noget så forfærdeligt. Der er bare ét eller andet i de der faste sæbebarer, som min hud ikke kan tåle.

So right now I feel like acknowledging the fact that I’m no expert. I’m not afraid of trying out new things (especially when it comes to creating less waste and consume less products in general), but maybe it’s about time I swing by a dermatologist and get some advice instead. I’m still convinced that you can do a lot from within, and I recently watched a danish TV-show about a women with severe akne, who had to change up her diet to see if it would help. She cut out diary and gluten completely, and I tell you it helped SO much! I’ve already cut out diary almost completely of our weekly meals because of #veganuary, and I intend to continue doing this. Maybe avoiding gluten is the next step. And then a general healthy diet (especially one based upon anti-inflammatory principles), fresh air, lots of water and healthy, simple skincare routines are a huge part of it all too.

Så lige nu har jeg det lidt sådan, at jeg må erkende jeg ikke er hudpleje-ekspert. Jeg er ikke bange for at prøve nye metoder af (specielt ikke når det kommer til, at nedbringe spild og forbrug), men måske er det også på tide jeg tager turen forbi en dermatolog – en ekspert på området, og spørger vedkommende til råds. Jeg er stadig overbevist om, at man kan gøre meget indefra, og så for nyligt en dansk udsendelse om en kvinde, der også havde svær akne. Hun skulle på 12 uger prøve at undgå gluten og laktose (mælkeprodukter), og jeg siger jer det hjalp så meget på hendes hud! Jeg har allerede skåret mælkeprodukter næsten helt ud af min hverdag i forbindelse med #veganuary, og ynder at fortsætte med det. Måske mindre gluten er næste skridt. Og så er sund kost (især en kost hvor man spiser anti-inflammatorisk), frisk luft, masser af vand og sunde hudpleje ritualer generelt jo også en stor del af det.

I still no longer believe in 5-step cleasning rituals, and I’m also still a firm believer that bringing down your consumption is one of the first most valuable steps in terms of living a more sustainable life. I try not to use products with harsh chemicals, and so I’ve recently ordered af cleansing gel from 100% Pure, who are known for their clean, free from harsh toxins and organic products. So even though this is not a package-free brand, maybe they will be in time. Right now my skin just needs a break from the package-free alternatives there are on the market, and I intend to give it just that for now. My homemade oil is still a favourite, especially during these cold winter months where my skin tends to get extra dry. I’ll make sure to give you a full review of the 100% Pure products when I’ve been testing it for a month or so, but I really just wanted to check in at share some of my recent “less waste” frustrations with you guys. I think it’s important to be honest about this. Sometimes you make some decisions with good intentions about making less waste but then you realize, that it just doesn’t work as well for you as it might do for others. In that case I think its only fair to take a step back, and revise your choices. Especially when it comes to body and health – I’m not gonna make unhealthy decisions just because “zero waste”. That’s not very sustainable in the long run. So again, I’m taking a step back to just focus on less consumption and then I’ll take it from there. 

Jeg tror stadigvæk ikke på 5-trins hudpleje ritualer, så jeg holder stadig stædigt ved, at nedbringe mit forbrug her og navigerer også stadig udenom produkter fuld af kemi. Jeg har derfor bestilt en ansigtsrens fra 100% Pure, som har fået rigtig gode anmeldelser. Mærket er kendt for deres rene, kemi-frie og økologiske produkter og selvom de ikke er kendt for at være et emballage-frit mærke, så har man da lov til at håbe. Lige nu trænger min hud bare til en pause fra nogle af de emballage-fri alternativer, og det giver jeg den altså. Min hjemmelavede olie er jeg stadig super glad for – især her i den kolde vintertid hvor min hud god kan blive ekstra tør. Jeg skal nok give jer en fuld anmeldelse af 100% Pure når jeg har testet det af om en måneds tid, men ville egentlig bare lige tjekke ind og dele lidt af mine nuværende “mindre spild” frustrationer med jer. Synes det er vigtigt, at være ærlig omkring det. Sommetider træffer man nogle beslutninger som bare ikke fungerer for én selv, og så er det fint lige at gå et skridt tilbage og gennemtænke nogle ting igen. Især når det kommer til krop og sundhed – jeg vil ikke træffe usunde beslutninger på den bekostning, at jeg ikke må efterlade noget spild. Det er ikke særlig bæredygtigt og holdbart i længden, i min optik. Og blot at nedbringe sit forbrug er jo i forvejen en super vigtig øvelse i forhold til, at træffe mere bæredygtige valg.




  1. Carolina

    Hi! Thanks for all the inspiration you give me through the blog, youtube and Instagram. 🙂 I have some skincare product advice. Sensitive cleanser from Esse probiotic skincare is a must for me nowadays – very calming and effective. And Maybe check out the swedish brand Maria Åkerberg. They think about the environment in all they do.

  2. Sophie

    Hi Signe,

    I just wanted to come out of anonymous lurking to say that I appreciate your honesty and sincerity when it comes to your quest for less waste. I can very much relate to your skin issues and I fully understand how insecure having bad skin can make you feel. I am by no means package-free myself and hence don’t blame you for returning to a skincare routine with products that do come in plastic containers, but (if you don’t do this already) maybe you could use your status as an influencer on sustainable living to contact these companies and inspire them to strive for using more durable packaging in the future. As your following grows, I definitely think your opinions and influence could make a difference in sensitizing these companies to think about their packaging and how they, too, can grow in this area.

    Either way (and in part in reply to today’s video), I think you’re doing beautiful work as far as sustainable living and shopping goes and I can honestly say that you have single-handedly inspired me to build my own capsule wardrobe and to really reconsider my shopping habits. We’re the same age and while I’ve always been quite minimalistic both in my fashion sense and in other aspects of my life, your website and videos have given me the extra push I needed to take it to the next level and to really pare down the sheer amount of THINGS in my life.

    Please don’t let negative comments bring you down and destroy your enthusiasm. You’re clearly doing the best you can with the knowledge and the means that you have. Of course there is always room for improvement, but it is as you’ve said: it’s a process and you will undoubtedly learn more as you go, but just know that doing your best is good enough.

    You’re one of my favourite bloggers/youtubers out there and I love your content and your kind, passionate spirit. Keep it up girl! 🙂

    Love from Belgium!

    • signeh24

      Your’e so rght! That’s also really what I want to do as an influencer, to use my voice so thanks for your feedback, maybe I’ll gather up som courage and confront some of these companies! <3 Thanks for your support, and for sharing your journey too, you're doing great! Big hugs!

  3. Vicky

    Dear Signe,
    I appreciate your honesty especially when it comes to your choices for content. This is the real world and I love that you are approaching your blog this way. Hey – no one is perfect! Remember that you are also young – and hormones play a very big part of your body’s reaction to the environment around you and what you put in it. (Hope this isn’t too personal – just something I’ve learned.) It sounds like you are already using gentle products but remember that the climate (humidity, cold, warm, pollution, etc.) can all play a part in how your body reacts. At your age, (I am a bit older than you) I had weekly visits to a dermatologist for acne treatments. I changed my eating habits, and cleansing routine – all with great results. Perseverance is key. Again, thanks for your honesty.

  4. Andrea

    I’ve been dealing with rosacea for the last ten years and now use 2 creams and take a daily pill – which I do not like but it had gotten to the point where I didn’t like going out at all. I can recommend two really great brands, that are not package free but very gentle. Most of the bars will have ingredients to make them foam and are very harsh on the skin. The brand MV Organics is very gentle (I use the Rose cleanser and moisturizer) and I also had good luck with another organic brand called Twelve. I currently use an American organic brand, Tata Harper which is in glass containers and very lovely. While I’d like to use less packaging, to me it’s more important to treat my skin well and at least be able to recycle whatever I use.

    Good luck!

    • signeh24

      Thank you so much for sharing your story and for those tips!

  5. Agnes

    Dear Signe,
    I am 39 and still have acne. I’m trying the oil cleansing method now and hope the best. I use hamamelis water and face oil (because your video inspired me so much ☺). And every products are in glass bottles. ♻️
    I hope you will find the solution for your skin!
    Love from Hungary,

    • signeh24

      Great to hear you were inspired to try out the oil, how’s it working out for you? :-*

  6. Anna

    I am also a bit (ahem, fifteen years older) than you and have been around and around the skincare issue, having also had a problem with acne. My two pieces of advice are 1. don’t get obsessed with food. I am veggie because I do not like the texture or thought of meat, but when I started to look into gluten free and other diets to clear the skin I found that scientifically, our livers do a fantastic job of detoxing us, all day every day. There is no diet that can make our bodies “purer” or “cleaner”. It is all marketing and could make you ill with lack of nutrients, rather than otherwise. Unless we are allergic to gluten, such as suffering with coeliac disease, we benefit from gluten in the diet. 2. poor skin in your twenties = fabulous skin in your forties! Make sure you use a moisturiser with SPF A and B in it, that is the most important thing and the thing that will make the most difference. The rest is mostly hormones and it will sort itself out eventually. I had a baby at 25 and that was the magic cure. I don’t recommend that unless you actually WANT a baby though!

    • signeh24

      Thanks for sharing that insight! Guess that’s another reason for letting our decisions up to the expert sometimes right, that’s what they are there for 🙂 Thanks for all your tips!

  7. Lisa @ Lisa Living Well

    Thanks for sharing this post! Ever since I went vegan last summer, my skin has improved dramatically. I also found a good cleanser and serum that seem to work well for my PMS cystic acne. I do find that sometimes I need a good mask to pull out more impurities every week or so. Good luck with finding the best solution for you! Love 100% pure products.

    • signeh24

      Glad to hear you love 100% pure! I’ve been using the products for a couple days now, and really like the calming effect they have on my skin so fingers crossed!

  8. Kathy Tresnak

    My son had terrible, terrible acne as a teen. It was really hard fot him emotionally. He started using products called Proactive. At that time they were only available by mail. . His skin REALLY improved. . I just checked and they are available in Denmark.

  9. Kasia

    Hi Signe, I’m facing the same problem, my acne has never been properly cured. I found good package-free solution though, aleppo soap bars. They are made of very basic ingredients and if they don’t help the skin, at least they don’t harm it (and environment). Not sure what kind of soap bar you used but these worked magic for me.

    • signeh24

      Oh, thanks for the tip! Need to check them out the next time I run out of face wash :-*

  10. Carolyn

    I’m enjoying your blog frm Canada, I too have struggled with cystic acne on and off in my life, and I’m 50 in a few weeks. Great news! I have been eating barberries (they are little dark red berries with a delicious tart flavour) three times a day (about 1 teaspoon each time). My acne is almost gone! Just red areas to heal up. It’s been about 4 weeks. There is science behind this claim! Here’s a youtube video https://youtu.be/0B1GP9HgDWk


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