Sunshine poke bowl (happiness in a bowl!)

Mar 23, 2020 | 0 comments

Today I wanted to share a SUPER simple recipe, for one of my alltime fave dishes. A poke bowl was one of the first dishes I ever made (and fell in love with) when I jumped on the #veganuary bandwagon 2 years ago. A month which indeed kickstarted a new lifestyle for me with less meat and dairy and a lot more wholesome, plantbased food. I still don’t label myself as vegan or vegetarian because I do still eat fish sometimes, especially if I’m eating out or if I find myself at some sort of a social gathering, and the only “alternative” there is, is fish. And I do still enjoy a good round of freshly made sushi sometimes too, although it doesn’t happen very often… But for most of the time I eat plantbased meals and I feel so good about it!

Last week I made this lovely dish for dinner one night, and I ate leftovers the next day too. I’ve named it “sunshine poke bowl”, just because it’s such a lovely bowl which makes me happy both visually and mentally! A little meat-free ray of sunshine in the midst of the virus lockdown.

I dag vil jeg dele en SUPER simpel opskrift, på én af mine livretter. En poke bowl var en af de første retter jeg lavede (og forelskede mig i), da jeg prøvede “veganuary” for 2 år siden. En måned der i dén grad kickstartede en ny livsstil for mig, med mindre kød og mælkeprodukter generelt, og meget mere plantebaseret kost. Jeg kalder stadig hverken mig selv veganer eller vegetar, for somme tider spiser jeg stadig fisk og især hvis jeg spiser ude eller i forsamlinger og det eneste alternativ der er, er fisk, så er det ofte dét mit valg falder på. Og jeg elsker stadig at spise sushi indimellem, omend det ikke sker så tit… Men jeg spiser plantebaseret langt størstedelen af tiden og det har jeg det super godt med!

Sidste uge lavede jeg denne ret til aften, og spiste rester dagen efter. Jeg har selv døbt den “sunshine poke bowl”, for det er en skål fuld af lækkerier der både visuelt gør mig glad, men den gør også min mave glad! En lille kødfri, sund solstråle her midt i vores virus lockdown.

You can make many variations of this bowl of happiness – I love adding typical asian ingredients such as noodles (you could also use rice), lime, coriander, peppermint leaves, edamame beans, chili, fried tofu, chopped cashews or peanuts and mango. Besides that it tastes extra good with a handful of chopped rocket leaves or spinach too, and maybe some chopped cucumber and then a splash of sweet chili sauce on the whole thing. Chili mayo is good too. But then again, you can eat that on anything (at least according to this household…).

I especially like adding the ingredients in little portions spread around the bowl. A handfuld of cucumber here, a handful of mango there and so on. I know it’s purely visual (because it all ends up the same place, right?), but it just makes the dish even more delicious.

Du kan lave alle mulige variationer af denne lækre skålfuld – jeg elsker at putte typiske asiatiske råvarer i såsom nudler (du kan også bruge ris), lime, koriander, frisk mynte, edamame bønner, chili, stegt tofu, hakkede cashewnødder eller peanuts og mango. Udover det smager det også godt med lidt ekstra grønt som hakket rucola eller spinat, lidt agurker og måske overhældt med lidt sød chili sauce hvis du har. Chili mayo kan dog også gøre det. Men det kan man jo også spise på alt (ihverfald ifølge os herhjemme…).

Jeg kan især godt lide at anrette skålen sådan lidt i små portioner. En lille håndfuld agurker her, en lille håndfuld mango der osv. Jeg ved det er mest for syns skyld (for det ender jo altsammen i maven alligevel, ikke?), men det gør bare noget lækkert.

This is one of my go-to dishes if I want to cook something healthy and yummy quickly, or if I have some veggies and fruit in the fridge that need to be eaten. But I also like making it if I’m feeling a bit poorly. In situations like that I often feel like eating something that tastes mild and fresh, and this little sunshine bowl ticks all those boxes. Plus, it contains all the good stuff, you know.

I know some countries, that are also in the midst of a lockdown, are experiencing empty shelves at the moment because people are panicking and buying bulks of everything. I’m not here to judge anyone, I just wanted to let you all know that I am so grateful that I’ve yet to experience that in any of my local supermarkets, and I acknowledge the privilige that it is to have the usual stuff available right now. No matter what this is a dish which can be varied in many ways, so play around with it and add whatever you might have available to you right now – or simply save it for later. Enjoy! <3

Dette er én af de retter jeg oftest laver hvis det enten skal gå hurtigt og jeg bare skal have brugt noget af det frugt+grønt vi har i køleskabet, men især også hvis jeg føler mig sløj eller skidt tilpas. I sådan nogle situationer har jeg oftest lyst til noget der smager mildt og friskt, og det gør denne lækre solskins-skål virkelig. Og så er det jo all the good stuff.

Jeg ved, at nogen lande som også er i lockdown p.t. døjer med tomme hylder i supermarkederne, fordi folk panik-køber. Jeg skal ikke dømme nogen, men vil blot sige at jeg er så taknemmelig for, at jeg endnu ikke har oplevet noget i samme grad, i nogen af mine lokale supermarkeder. Uanset hvad så kan denne ret som sagt varieres på mange forskellige måder, så leg rundt med det og tilsæt hvad du nu lige kan komme i nærheden af – eller gem den til senere. Enjoy! <3


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