My summer capsule wardrobe: simple with a pop of colour

Jun 5, 2022 | 2 comments

I can’t believe we’re in JUNE! Where on earth did all the time go? Although looking back at everything we’ve experienced this year already, it does seem to make a little more sense. But boy, people weren’t kidding when they said time flies once you become a parent. It’s really all about cherishing those special, little moments every day. Anyway, the arrival of  June means that it’s officially summer and so last weekend I finally decided to get out my storage boxes and dig out my summer clothes.

Now if you’ve followed me for a while you’ll know that the way I pursue the capsule wardrobe system is by having a set amount of year-round basics, and then I build on to those with some more season appropriate pieces (knitwear in winter, dresses in summer for example). So compared to some of those 20 or 30 piece capsule wardrobe templates you might find online, my capsule wardrobes will sometimes be slightly larger. I could definitely pack away a few of the heavier pieces from my basic wardrobe over the summer, but with the Scandinavian weather often being very wishy washy during large periods of the summertime though, it makes more sense to keep things ready at hand alongside my summer key pieces, so I can mix and match everything depending on the weather and temperatures. Some seasons I keep things more minimalist-ish, other seasons (like this one) I end up with more of a maximalist approach. And that’s totally fine. I don’t change up my entire wardrobe with brand new clothes every season; after all, most of what you see will be older pieces anyway.

DK: Jeg fatter ikke hvordan det allerede er JUNI måned! Hvor i alverden blev tiden af? Dog når jeg ser tilbage på året og alle de ting vi allerede har oplevet, så giver det egentlig god mening. Men altså, folk mente det alvorligt når de sagde, at tiden flyver afsted på en helt anden måde når man er blevet forælder. Man skal virkelig huske at værne om, og sætte pris på de særlige, små øjeblikke hver dag. Uanset hvad fald betyder ankomsten af juni at det officielt er sommer, så sidste weekend besluttede jeg mig endelig for at tage mine opbevaringskasser ned og grave mit sommertøj frem.

Hvis du har fulgt mig i et stykke tid så ved du, at den måde jeg følger capsule wardrobe systemet på er ved, at have en fast mængde helårs basics, og så bygger jeg videre på dem med nogle mere sæson-baserede stykker tøj (strik om vinteren, kjoler om sommeren for eksempel). Så sammenlignet med nogle af de skabeloner du finder online med 20-30 stykker tøj i en capsule wardrobe i alt, så vil mine udgaver nogle gange være lidt større. Jeg kunne helt sikkert pakke et par af de tungere stykker tøj fra min basisgarderobe væk hen over sommeren, men da det skandinaviske vejr ofte er meget omskifteligt i store perioder af sommeren så giver det mere mening at beholde alt fremme, så jeg kan mikse og matche alt afhængig af vejr og temperaturer. Nogle sæsoner holder jeg det hele mere minimalistisk, andre sæsoner (som denne) ender jeg med en mere maksimalistisk tilgang. Og det er helt fint. Det er ikke sådan at jeg går ud og køber en helt ny garderobe hver gang; det meste er jo blot tøj jeg har fundet frem igen fra tidligere.

(Find links to the pieces/similar in the bottom of the post)

Summer has never been my favourite season to dress for if I’m being honest. I love sun, warm summer evenings and blue skies more than anything but I’m not very good with high humidity and heat. Having said that, I do think I’ve managed to finally crack the code and “translated” my favourite basics into summer staples the past couple years. Today I know my style personality, I know what components it’s made up of, I feel more confident playing around with a certain colour palette (that also flatters my colour type) and generally I just feel so much more at ease when getting dressed these days. I definitely have my 2016 self to thank for that, when I started pursuing a more minimalist way of life. During the cooler months I love wearing my jeans on most days, and so a denim skirt makes sense as a summer alternative to that piece. I love wearing dresses during summer, though the romantic style is only a small part of my style personality; that’s why I love styling them with pieces like a casual denim jacket, a pair of sneakers or something else to give them some texture and contrast.  These are just examples of how you can translate your favourite pieces into summer alternatives, but I’ll be making some more content about that on either Instagram or YouTube very soon. Until then, enjoy the summer!

DK: Sommer har aldrig været min yndlingsårstid at klæde mig på til, hvis jeg skal være ærlig. Jeg elsker sol, lyse sommeraftener og blå himmel, men jeg er ikke særlig god til høj luftfugtighed og varme. Når det er sagt så tror jeg at jeg endelig har formået, at knække koden og fået “oversat” mine yndlings basics til sommertøj de sidste par år. I dag kender jeg min stilpersonlighed, jeg ved, hvilke komponenter den består af, jeg føler mig mere selvsikker i at gå med enkelte farver (som også passer til min farvetype) og generelt føler jeg mig bare så meget mere afbalanceret, når jeg klæder mig på i dag. Det har jeg bestemt mit 2016-selv at takke for, da jeg begyndte at forfølge en mere minimalistisk livsstil. I de køligere måneder elsker jeg at have mine jeans på de fleste dage, og derfor giver en denimnederdel mening som et sommeralternativ. Jeg kan også godt lide at have kjoler på om sommeren, selvom den romantiske stil kun er en lille del af min stilpersonlighed; det er derfor, jeg elsker at style dem med ting som en afslappet denimjakke, et par sneakers eller noget andet for at give looket noget tekstur og kontrast. Dette er blot eksempler på, hvordan du kan “oversætte” dit yndlingstøj til sommeralternativer, men jeg laver snart noget mere indhold om det på enten Instagram eller YouTube. Indtil da, nyd sommeren!

Signe xx

**As a disclaimer, I did add two new pieces to my wardrobe this season which were gifted to me by slow fashion brands to test out – the purple shirt and the white top with puff sleeves

LINKS (adlinks are marked with a *)

Might only be similar due to availability.

Year-round basics

Trench coat* | Beige blazer* | Navy blazer* | Grey blazer* | Black biker*| Denim jacket* | Cardigan* | Basics tees* | White shirt* | Leopard shirt* | Striped top* | White jumper* | Grey jumper* | Navy jumper*| Tailored trousers* | Wide leg trousers* | White jeans* | Light blue jeans* | Dark blue jeans* | Black jeans* | Black boots | Beige boots* | Converse sneakers* | White sneakers | Loafers*

Summer capsule key pieces

Beige biker | Blue blazer* | Blue shirt* | Purple shirt* | Green shirt* | Black shirt | White top* | Flowy dress* | Printed tea dress* | Shirt dress* | Tie waist shorts*| Beige shorts | Denim skirt* | Midi skirt* | Sandals* | Birkenstocks | Espadrilles* | Flats*


  1. Kathy

    I have been following you for a few years and am now getting it! I love your new e-book and MasterClass and know I will have the perfect wardrobe soon. You are slowly guiding me in that direction. Can’t wait to hear more about color theory as I love the colors you have added 😍

  2. Shorts

    Nice Post! You are sharing a wonderful post. Thanks and keep sharing.


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