Style: winter appropriate.

Dec 4, 2017 | 6 comments

We’ve reached December, and it’s gotten really cold here in Denmark. I’m kinda dreaming of a white christmas this year, even though I know that the changes for that are almost zero. It’s just so cozy. And when you’re dressed properly, it’s nice to be outside in the fresh winter air too. We’re spending new years eve in Harzen (Germany) this year with a whole bunch of our friends, so I’m hoping that if we don’t get any snow here then at least we’ll have a lot of it down there. I’ve pulled back out my lovely down parka which is around 3 years old now. It’s still going strong! It did cost me quite a lot back when I bought it, but it’s been worth every penny, and I’m sure it will keep me warm for many winters to come.

Vi har nået december, og det er blevet rigtig koldt i Danmark. Jeg går lidt og drømmer om en hvid jul i år, selvom jeg godt ved sandsynligheden for dét nærmest er lig med nul. Det er bare så hyggeligt. Og når man er rigtig klædt på til det, så er det dejligt at være ude i den friske vinterluft. Nytår skal vi fejre i Harzen med en hel masse venner i år, så jeg håber lidt at hvis vi ikke når at får sne herhjemme, at der så er faldet en hel masse dernede i stedet.  Jeg har som hvert år hevet min dejlige dun parka frem fra gemmerne. Denne er omkring 3 år gammel, og den holder sig fantastisk. Den kostede også lige knap 2000 kr., men er alle pengene værd – er sikker på den nok skal holde mig varm mange vintre endnu.

Parka – Minimum/ knit – People Tree/ jeans – Dr. Denim/ boots – Acne (2ndhand)/ bag – Adax

I especially use the coat when I’m walking the dog, but I think it’s pretty cool for an everyday look too. I love all the details – the zippers, metal push buttons and the faux fur hat. When it’s being put together with a pair of edgy boots, great jeans and a cozy jumper like here I think it looks more stylish than practical. Anyway, i’ve found some similar alternatives for you down below, if you’re looking for a great parka to keep you warm for many winters to come.

Jeg bruger især frakken når jeg skal ud og lufte vores lille Oskar, men jeg synes faktisk også den er ret cool til hverdag. Er vild med alle detaljerne – lynlåsene, trykknapperne og den aftagelige hætte med fake fur. Når den som her bliver sat sammen med et par rå støvler, gode jeans og en fin strik så bliver det også lidt mere stilet end bare praktisk. Anyway, jeg har fundet et par alternativer til gode, varme og holdbare vinterjakker til dig nederst på siden, hvis du skulle stå og mangle noget lignende denne vinter.


  1. Betina |

    Hej Signe, tak for tippet omkring styling af jakken. Den vinkel havde jeg ikke selv tænkt. Nu kan jeg roligt ønske mig sådan en parka.

    • signeh24

      Selv tak! :-* Den er uundværlig når man bor i Danmark, synes jeg!

  2. Silke Fletcher

    Hej Signe,

    Tusind tak for your Blog, it has helped me to finally sort my Wardrobe out. I have been travelling the world for work reasons for the last 13 Years with 7 times moving house and have accumulated so many clothe, which mostly got hidden in boxes and left in the loft or cellar after each move, in the hope that I wear them again. I have now adapted your Capsule Wardrobe system and seem to have more clothe to wear than ever, even though I got rid of 4 big bags. Keep up your lovely website and have fantastic break in the Harz Mountain.

    Hilsener fra Hannover,

    • signeh24

      I can’t describe how happy this makes me! I am so proud of all you cool girls having succes with this <3 Thank you SO much for your support! And good luck with the capsule wardrobe system :-* XX


    investing in a good simple high quality puffer is key. I bought mine last year from everlane, and am grateful that I have no desire to buy a new one this year.

    • signeh24

      I really love mine too! Can’t live without it living in Denmark, haha! xx


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