Style: easy breezy summer look.

Aug 14, 2017 | 0 comments

shirt – H&M / shorts – Secondhand / sliders – Boohoo / bag – Marc by Marc Jacobs / hat – H&M (old)
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/ When we were on a one-week vacation in a cottage last week I had, without thinking about it, packed quite light. It kind of goes without thinking when you’re off on a vacation where all you have to do is be yourself and just unplug completely. I had packed clothes for cooler weather and then I had packed some summer clothes that were easy to jump both in and out of. The weather was lovely so it was nice to be able to pull a dress over your head if you wanted to sunbathe on the terrace and vice versa quickly jump into again if we were gonna go out for a walk.

Da vi var i sommerhus sidste uge havde jeg, uden at tænke over det, egentlig pakket ret let. Det giver lidt sig selv når man bare skal afsted for at slappe fuldstændigt af. Jeg havde pakket tøj til køligere vejr og så havde jeg pakket lidt sommertøj, som var let at hoppe både i og ud af. Vejret var heldigvis rigtig skønt, så det var rart at man bare lige kunne trække en kjole over hovedet hvis man gerne ville ligge og sole sig på terrassen, og omvendt hurtigt hoppe i den igen, hvis man skulle ud og gå en tur f.eks.

/ This was what I was wearing most of the days during our vacation. I love these very thin cotton shirts in the summer. It dries quickly if you wear it over a wet bikini if you’ve been brave enough to take a dip in the ocean and it’s just so nice and airy on the skin. My straw hat is also a faithful companion during summer when I’m too lazy to wash my hair and put on makeup. It’s been nice to feel 100% natural, and at the same time I felt quite put together. Since the summer has been so cold and wet it was nice to finally be able to put some of my summer seasonals to use.

Det her sæt var hvad jeg havde på de fleste dage. Jeg elsker de her helt tynde bomuldsskjorter om sommeren. Den tørrer hurtigt hvis man f.eks. tager den over sin våde bikini når man har været i vandet, og så er den bare dejlig luftig. Min stråhat er også en trofast følgesvend her om sommeren, når jeg er for doven til at vaske mit hår og tage makeup på. Det har været skønt at føle sig 100% naturlig, og samtidig har jeg egentlig følt mig ganske velklædt. Den våde og kolde sommer taget i betragtning var det rart endelig at føle, at jeg fik brugt de ting jeg i starten af sommeren tilføjede til min sommer capsule.




  1. Capsule wardrobe recap 2017. - […] … my love for light cotton shirts during summer HERE […]

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