It’s finally warming up now in Denmark as we’re approaching April, and so I thought it was about time I did my seasonal capsule wardrobe switchover. Like I mentioned in my autumn capsule video last year, I truly feel like I’ve reached a point where I have a much better understanding of dressing in alignment for myself – the colour palette especially just makes me feel so happy and calm and it’s been so exciting for me to branch out into colour analysis, not just as part of my job but also as a fun journey for myself.
Just as with my autumn capsule you can download my “spring capsule PDF” via the button below and get tons of outfit inspiration if you share a similar style like me or just if you need a little outfit inspiration and ideas on styling some of these pieces.
DK: Endelig begynder det lunere vejr at nå til Danmark så jeg tænkte det var på tide, at jeg lavede mit capsule wardrobe skift, som jeg jo gerne gør når sæsonerne skifter. Som jeg nævnte i en video tilbage i efteråret sidste år så føler jeg virkelig at jeg er nået til et punkt, hvor jeg har en meget bedre forståelse for at klæde mig i overensstemmelse med mig selv – farvepaletten især får mig bare til at føle mig så glad og rolig, og det har været så spændende for mig at kaste mig ud i farveanalyse, ikke kun som en del af mit job, men også som en sjov rejse for mig selv og min personlige stil.
Præcis som med min efterår capsule kan du downloade en PDF via knappen nedenfor og få masser af outfit-inspiration og ideer til styling af din egen garderobe, især hvis du har noget tøj der minder om mit.
- Trench coat
- Denim jacket
- Blazer
- Basic t-shirt
- Classic shirt
- Straight leg jeans
- Wool sweater
- White sneakers
- Classic loafers
- Simple flats
I keep getting an error when trying to download the pdf, also not working on my phone. Would it be possible to email? For one second it worked on my phone through the link in your Instagram story, and now won’t load.
Hi Bethany! I just re-uploaded the PDF so it should work now – it is a heavy document though, so it might take a few minutes to load! Kind regards, Signe xx
Hi! I am unable to see the pdf.
I’m getting the same problem. Would live to get the details about your spring capsule.
I can’t download the pdf either.
Download didn’t work on my iPhone either, but it DID download successfully on my iMac. Thank you!
So sorry everyone, the file was too large but my support team compressed the file so now it should be working! Please let me know if not! <3
Hi Signe. I’ve been following you for a couple of years now and really appreciate that you still use a blog. Thank you!