Slow fashion brings you more peace: here’s why

Dec 12, 2022 | 2 comments

Fashion and psychology are connected on so many levels; not only when looking at the complexity of different societies all around the globe, but also the way we all as individuals feel when we’re dressed in clothes that are a true reflection of who we are – or who we want to be, and what we wish to achieve in life.

What we wear is so much deeper than it gets recognised for. Fashion can indeed be used as a vehicle to enhance our mental well-being.

At 61 I finally feel like I have found my “lane”. It’s so fun and rewarding to plan my clothes. I don’t feel the constant stress about how I’m going to present myself. Now I can just enjoy life and feel comfortable in my own skin. Thank you.

Polly Menaker, USE LESS client

The other day a follower kindly wrote a comment on one of my Instagram posts, how she felt my slow fashion videos had such a comforting feeling about them. And I completely get it. I feel the same way about slow fashion content myself. It takes the pressure of feeling like you have to dress a certain way. It dissolves the feeling of having to possess all the latest fashion trends to be chic and stylish.

Because you don’t. You just have to be… you.

It’s been almost a month since we met and I can’t explain how grateful I am that we met and you could give me the clarity I needed. Ever since we met I’ve been recreating amazing outfits, I feel great, a new me has been born.

Triana, USE LESS Client

you deserve to look and feel your best.

Everyone deserves to look and feel beautiful. In case you need the reminder, I’m right here cheering on you. I’ve got your back friend ❤️ You are strong, you are beautiful and you are worthy of all the good things life throws at you, and I hope you know that.

With that, I wanted to thank you all so much for your everlasting support yet another year – I wish you all a wonderful rest of December! I hope to see you guys around on some of my platforms too, as I’ve got some content prepared for you to keep you company the next couple weeks. Take care!

Signe xx

Gain the style confidence you deserve: join my capsule wardrobe masterclass!



  1. Alyssa

    I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment – I took up knitting a couple of years ago, and have so much deeper of an appreciation for where my clothing comes from and who makes it. Happy Holidays, signe!

  2. caroline ladefoged

    hi signe! i completely agree! i am now much closer to having created a strong wardrobe in which there are a lesser amount of clothes but more clothes that i actually feel comfortable and cool in. this is also what inspired me to start my slow fashion shirt brand:


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