Rediscovering my wardrobe with the 10-day Cladwell challenge.

Oct 26, 2018 | 4 comments

For the past year I’ve been really excited and quite addicted to the Cladwell wardrobe app, and at the beginning of this year I even wrote a post where I compared the app with other similar ones on the market. You can read that post right HERE (which will particularly be interesting for those of you who have an Android phone, since Cladwell is still only available for iOS). Anyway, a couple months back I was contacted by the team behind Cladwell and ever since, I’ve had the chance to actually work more directly with them which is a collaboration I’m just so happy about. I’ve already not been able to hide my excitement for the app, haha! I think it is pure genius and a great tool to keep track of your wardrobe, and not least to be more creative with what you already have in your wardrobe.

Cladwell offered me to host a 10-day wardrobe challenge over on my Instagram – a challenge where you were to let Cladwell come up with our daily outfits for 10 days based on your entire wardrobe. One of the coolest features in the app is the automatic outfit generator, which is of course based on the visual wardrobe you create in it. This is by the way mostly why I became obsessed with the app in the first place, and also the reason why I’ve never stopped using it and never felt the need to explore other similar apps. Cladwell is normally a subscription-based app but they have a limited time offer right now so if you sign up now, you will get Cladwell free for life! You can read more about that here, also in regards to how to make it free if you already have a paid subscription. This post is by no means sponsored by Cladwell (they just offered me to host the challenge), but I just thought it would be fun to do  a little recap on how the challenge went for me.

Jeg har i et års tid nu været ovenud begejstret for capsule wardrobe app’en Cladwell, og skrev også en guide i begyndelsen af året hvor jeg sammenlignede den og andre lignende apps på markedet. Det kan du læse mere om lige HER (især relevant for dig der har Android som styresystem, da Cladwell stadig kun er tilgængelig med iOS). Anyway, jeg blev for nogle måneder siden kontaktet af teamet bag app’en og har siden da haft mulighed for, at arbejde mere direkte sammen med dem hvilket var et tilbud jeg blev super glad for. Jeg har jo i forvejen ikke lagt skjul på hvor afhængig jeg er af, at bruge denne app, haha! Synes simpelthen den er genial til, at holde styr på garderoben og ikke mindst være mere kreativ med det man allerede har.

Cladwell tilbød mig, at hoste en 10-day challenge ovre på Instagram – en udfordring hvor man i 10 dage skulle lade app’en bestemme, hvilket outfit man skulle iføre sig de enkelte dage baseret på hele éns garderobe. En af de fedeste funktioner ved Cladwell app’en er nemlig, at den kan generere automatiske outfits til dig, ud fra din visuelle garderobe som du registrerer i den. Iøvrigt overvejende den funktion der gjorde, at jeg i sin tid forelskede mig i app’en og ikke har kunnet lade være med at bruge den igen! Cladwell er normalt en abonnements-baseret app, men hvis du registrerer dig lige nu kan du faktisk få den gratis for life. Det er så vidt jeg ved et tidsbegrænset tilbud, så hvis du vil nå at være med så er det nu! Læse mere HER også i forhold til hvad du skal gøre, hvis du allerede har et abonnement som du betaler for. Dette indlæg er iøvrigt ikke sponsoreret af Cladwell (det var blot udfordringen, som jeg lavede i samarbejde med dem), men jeg tænkte det kunne være sjovt at tage en lille recap på, hvordan udfordringen gik for mig.

Find similar items HERE

One of the things the challenge helped me with, was reminding me of using my brown loafers before the weather turns too cold. I also haven’t been using them enough in general – I’ve been avoiding them, because ever since I got them they have just been so stiff and kind of tight too. So the night before the challenge began, I decided to stuff them with a pair of damp socks and leave them overnight. Then the next day (and more days throughout the challenge) I wore them, and now they are finally becoming more soft and comfy! On the website they recommend you to size up half a size, but I’d definitely say size up an entire size. I love these loafers, and I can’t wait to wear them for many more seasons. Breaking them in is definitely worth it all!

Besides that the app is amazingly helpful in regards to new outfit and layering combinations you might not have thought about yourself. For example I loved the outfit with the white jeans, my green shirt and my vintage blazer – but I might never had come up with that combo myself!

Én af de ting udfordringen især hjalp mig med var, at minde mig om at bruge mine brune loafers inden det bliver for koldt. Desuden har jeg ikke fået gået dem ordentligt til endnu, og jeg har faktisk undgået at bruge dem netop fordi jeg synes de var meget stramme og stive lige da jeg fik dem. Men aftenen forud for udfordringen stoppede jeg et par fugtige strømper ned i skoene, lod dem stå natten over og havde dem på hele 3 dage under udfordringen. Og det har hjulpet rigtig meget! Er ikke i tvivl om, at de nok skal blive rigtig behagelige (vi er allerede godt på vej), men jeg vil anbefale dig at gå en hel størrelse op hvis du er ligeså forelsket i disse sko som jeg, og ikke kun en halv størrelse som de anbefaler. Det har ihvertfald ikke været nok for mig, og jeg er ellers en ret almindelig størrelse 38.

Udover det så er app’en bare fantastisk til, at hjælpe dig på vej med nye outfit kombinationer du ellers ikke selv ville have fundet på. Fx synes jeg sættet med de hvide jeans, min grønne silkeskjorte og min ternede vintage blazer var vildt fint – men jeg ville nok aldrig selv have fundet på denne kombination!

coat – 2ndhand Maje / jeans – vintage Levi’s / jumper – secondhand / boots -2ndhand Acne / bag – Omybag

I use Cladwell pretty much every morning when I’m getting dresses and I’ve done that ever since discovering the app. I’m not very good at sing their new feature Style Profile though. The cool thing about this feature is (if you remember to use it!), that the app can gather up information about you and your style preferences. That will make you become more certain on your own true style and also become a better consumer in the long run! This is especially helpful to those of you who have only just begun decluttering your wardrobes. I explain more about the app, how its works and the different features in the video down below if you are interested. Personally I don’t use the feature that much, because I simply forget to log my outfits sometimes, which is pretty important in order for the Style Profile to really help you. But I’m so keen on the outfits library and generator and in general I love making visual wardrobe overviews and packing lists within the app. Again I find it highly addictive, and I use it every chance I get, haha!

I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you who participated in the challenge and giveaway over on Instagram. I hope we’ll be able to do something similar again sometime! Like I said I use the app pretty much every single day already, but I found it quite fun to use the app more concentrated this time. I’m sure that if you’re starting from scratch towards becoming a more conscious consumer, it can help you out a lot. 

Jeg bruger Cladwell stort set hver eneste morgen i forvejen, men er ikke så flittig til, at bruge deres nye feature Style Profile. Det smarte ved denne funktion er (når du husker at bruge den), at app’en indhenter dine præferencer og så kan den gøre dig klogere på din stil og eventuelle nye køb fremadrettet. Det er især nyttigt hvis du kun lige er begyndt på din garderobeoprydning og rejse imod, at blive en bedre (og mere bæredygtig) forbruger. Jeg forklarer nærmere om de forskellige funktioner og hvordan du bruger app’en i videoen nedenfor. Selv bruger jeg ikke denne funktion så meget, da jeg simpelthen glemmer at logge mine outfits. Jeg er mest begejstret for de automatiske outfits og så bruger jeg også app’en til når jeg skal pakke til rejser osv. Igen, synes den er sindssygt vanedannende og jeg kan ellers bruge den til alt, haha!

Kæmpe stort tak til alle jer der deltog i udfordringen og konkurrencen ovre på instagram. Jeg håber vi kan lave noget lignende igen! Nu bruger jeg jo som sagt stort set app’en dagligt, men alligevel synes jeg det var fedt at prøve at bruge app’en så koncentreret denne gang. Er ihvertfald sikker på, at hvis man starter helt fra scratch med fx capsule wardrobe systemet, så vil den være en stor hjælp.




  1. Leila

    Hello Signe!
    I’m Leila and I’m a huge fan of you and your work!
    I commented here once and sometimes in your videos (which I love).
    I found out about sustainable fashion through you! Thank you very much!!
    I’m writing because in your last video you said the views is declining, so maybe I can help by making a few requests:)
    Actually the first request is something that I dream about you making a video of, because I’ll feel you will be talking to me!
    I’m working as a cabin crew for a world know carrier, and you have no idea how your introduction of Cladwell helped me!! Thank you for that as well! But my request is, if you have a work like mine how would you arrange your wardrobe? Because I find very difficult of making capsules….I’m traveling the world so I go from summer to winter, spring to rain in the same week…..if you have any tips, please help me?.

    And this week I had a chance to watch the movie “ocean’s 8” (maybe a bit old already) and I completely fall in love of all the outfits that Cate Blanchett wear in the movie!! Every piece and combination of the patterns and jewelrys were breath taking for me!! My request is if you can do one “steal her style” video based on that character (Lou Miller) That she played??
    I’ll be very, very happy if you consider my requests.
    Hope some day I have a chance to meet you in person:)!!
    Thank you very much for your amazing work!
    Take care❤️

    • signeh24

      Dear Lelia <3 Thanks for your very kind message first of all! I really appreciate it. I understand, how hard that must be! I will definitely consider making some content based upon that. Otherwise right of the bat, my best tip for you will be to build up a "travelling-capsule" with pieces that you can layer or de-layer even, so that you can joggle between the different states of the weather. Does that make sense? Also, thanks for your Steal Her Style tip, I'll definitely note it down. Have a lovely day! Hugs from Denmark <3

  2. Lee

    Hi Signe: Love your stuff! You recently did a video that gave a link to the app you use to erase backgrounds when taking photos when using the Cladwell app. Unfortunately I didn’t note it at the time and now I can’t seem to find the video that provided it. Could you send me the link? BTW I got the Cladwell app and LOVE it. Thanks for all you do! Lee

    • signeh24

      Hi Lee <3 Thanks for your kind message, I'm happy to hear you are enjoying Cladwell too! The app is called "MagicEraser". Hope you'll be able to find it in the app store! xx


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