Quotes to live by: my tattoos.

Jun 26, 2017 | 3 comments

[pullquote width=”300″ float=”left”]I dont think about whether or not I will regret them one day. They’re just there, they are part of me and they represent different times and experiences in my life.[/pullquote]

/ A lot of you have been reaching out for me on both Instagram and Youtube, asking about my tattoos. I have two: one on the right wrist and one around the left arm. I know tattoos are a little controversial, and there are many shared opinions about whether it’s nice or not. I’m happy with my tattoos, and frankly, I dont think about whether or not I will regret them one day. They’re just there, they are part of me and they represent different times and experiences in my life. And I think they are nice. And then it’s just a great experience to get tattooed. I’m sure that most people with tattoos can relate 😉

Der er en del af jer der på det seneste har henvendt sig – både på min Instagram og min Youtube kanal – og spurgt lidt ind til mine tatoveringer. Jeg har to: én på højre håndled og én rundt om venstre underarm. Jeg ved tatoveringer er lidt kontroversielt, og der er mange delte meninger om hvorvidt det er pænt eller ej. Jeg er glad for mine tatoveringer, og helt ærligt så tænker jeg ikke over hvorvidt jeg en dag vil fortryde dem eller ej. De er der bare, de er en del af mig og de repræsenterer forskellige tidspunkter og oplevelser i mit liv. Og jeg synes selv de er fine. Og så er det altså bare en fed oplevelse, at blive tatoveret. Det tror jeg de fleste med tatoveringer kan skrive under på 😉

Turn it over. This was my first tattoo. I got it when I was about 19 years old, so it might be a bit far away from what I would have chosen today style-wise, but that’s just the way it is. I love it and it matters a lot to me regardless. The meaning of it is to remind me to see the positive in even the most hopeless situations.

I’m from a sibling bunch of 5, and we have not all grown up together. My one brother and I have grown up in foster care, and without sharing too much, I can reveal that our childhood has not been like most others. In spite of all, there are so many people I would not have met, so many good experiences I would not have had if my life had looked different. So in this way, this tattoo helps me every day to be grateful for my life, no matter what has happened and what happens. A reminder that you build this beautiful life yourself and that something really good can come from something not so good. To forgive the people who needed to be forgiven and to be grateful for them after all. Get out on the other side in one piece, you know. Very kliché that is also the symbol of the butterfly: it’s starts out being a tiny, insignificant caterpillar but it turns into this beautiful, colourful create over time.

Turn it over. Dette var min første tatovering. Jeg fik den da jeg var ca. 19 år gammel, så stilmæssigt ligger den måske lidt væk fra hvad jeg ville have valgt den dag i dag, men sådan er det jo. Jeg elsker den, og den betyder meget for mig uanset. Meningen med den er, at minde mig om, at se det positive i selv de mest håbløse situationer.

Jeg kommer fra en søskendeflok på 5, og vi er ikke alle vokset op sammen. Min ene bror og jeg er vokset op i pleje, og uden at fortælle så meget kan jeg godt afsløre, at vores barndom ikke har været som de fleste andres. På trods af det hele, så er der så mange mennesker jeg ikke ville have mødt, så mange gode oplevelser jeg ikke ville have fået, hvis mit liv havde set anderledes ud. Så på dén måde hjælper denne tatovering mig til hver eneste dag, at være taknemmelig for mit liv, uanset hvad der er sket og hvad der sker. Minde mig om, at man selv er bygherre i denne her finurlige tilværelse, og at der faktisk kan komme noget rigtig godt ud af noget mindre godt. At tilgive de mennesker der har skullet tilgives, og være taknemmelig for dem trods alt. Komme godt ud på den anden side, I ved. Meget kliché så er det også det sommerfuglen symboliserer: den starter med at være en lille, måske ubetydelig larve men vokser sig smuk og farverig med tiden.

If you try sometime you might find you will get what you need. Pheew, that’s a long sentence, huh? In fact, I dont really like when people ask me what it says because it’s such a long sentence, Haha 😉 It’s a quote from Rolling Stone’s song “You Can not Always Get What You Want”. That’s the thought behind this tattoo: you can’t always get what you want, but usually you get what you need along the way. And what you want is not always what you actually need. It’s an “everything happens for a reason” kind of thinking, which I generally like to lean towards in my life. Right now I’m very unsure about my job situation. I have chosen so far to bet on my online universe. I have quit my position as design assistant and I’m afraid of how it’s all gonna go when I stop there. But it makes me comfortable thinking that I’ll probably figure out what I really need no matter what. And I actually think I already know it: simplicity. I’m just done living an overcomplicated life. I want to be present, see the people who mean most to me, explore the world with my loved ones and just be happy about what I’m doing. Whether it’s this on full time or something completely else.

I love how this quote fits many of the major challenges I’ve faced here in my life: I thought until recently I wanted to be a fashion designer but have since found out that it’s not at all what I need, nor what I expected. I have learned a lot and would not have been without the experience nor what I have been without meeting so many awesome people.

If you try sometime you might find you will get what you need. Pyha, det er en lang sætning hva’? Faktisk bryder jeg mig ikke rigtig om når folk spørger mig hvad der står, fordi det er så lang en remse, Haha 😉 Det er et quote fra Rolling Stones sangen “You can’t always get what you want”, hvilket man jo må sige er sandt. Det er også den tanke der ligger bag denne tatovering: du kan ikke altid få det du vil, men som oftest får du dét du har brug for her i livet. Og dét du gerne vil have er ikke altid lig med, hvad du faktisk har brug for. Det er også lidt en “der er en mening med alting”-tankegang, hvilket jeg generelt godt kan lide, at læne mig op ad her i livet. Lige nu er jeg på ret bar bund med hensyn til job. Jeg har valgt indtil nu, at satse på mit online univers. Har opsagt min stilling som designassistent og er ret bange for hvordan det hele skal gå når jeg stopper der. Men det gør mig tryg at tænke på, at jeg nok skal finde ud af hen ad vejen, hvad det i virkeligheden er jeg har brug for. Og egentlig tror jeg godt, jeg allerede ved det: simplicitet. Jeg er bare færdig med, at leve et overkompliceret liv. Jeg vil være til stede, ses med de mennesker der betyder allermest for mig, opleve verden og bare være glad for det jeg laver. Hvad enten det er dét her på fuldtid eller noget helt andet.

Jeg elsker hvordan det her quote passer til mange af de større udfordringer jeg har stået overfor her i livet: jeg troede jo indtil for nylig at jeg gerne ville være designer, men har sidenhen fundet ud af, at det slet ikke er dét jeg har brug for. Ikke lige nu ihvertfald. Jeg har dog lært meget, mødt nogle dejlige mennesker og ville ikke have været oplevelsen foruden.

Pictures from my tattoo inspiration board HERE

/ Tattoos I want. Over the years my love for minimalism has spread, and it also applies to tattoos. I love these simple, feminine and delicate tattoos and would like to have the little bouquet as my next tattoo. I’m also crazy about the dragonfly – it’s elegant and edgy at the same time. If I’ll ever get it done I dont know – it’s not like I dream of getting tattoos all over the body 😉 But as long as they are little feminine tattoos, I could imagine getting a few more. And then there is no specific reason for these. They are just nice motives, which I really like. There doesn’t always have to be a whole life story behind a tattoo, I think. I think I have enough in the two I already have, haha!

Tatoveringer jeg ønsker mig. Over årene er min kærlighed til minimalisme blevet spredt ud over det hele, og det gælder også tatoveringer. Jeg er vild med de her simple, feminine og fine tatoveringer og kunne vildt godt tænke mig den lille buket som det næste. Jeg er også vild med guldsmeden – den er elegant og rå på samme tid. Om jeg nogensinde får det gjort ved jeg ikke – jeg drømmer ikke om, at få tatoveringer over hele kroppen 😉 Men så længe det er små, feminine tatoveringer så kunne jeg sagtes forestille mig, at få et par stykker til. Og så er der ikke nogen bestemt grund til disse. Det er bare fine motiver, hvilket jeg ret godt kan lide. Der behøver ikke altid ligge en hel livsfortælling bag en tatovering, synes jeg. Jeg tror jeg har nok i de to jeg allerede har, haha!


  1. Laura

    Hi, Signe! I was always wondering what your tattoos said – thanks for sharing that. I really like the “If you try sometime…” quote from The Stones song. I have come to believe that there is a balance and flow to life. I find that I need to be careful with confusing what I want and what is good for me. There have been times in my life when it seemed that something wasn’t coming together, like it wasn’t meant to be, but I pushed ahead really hard for it anyway. In the end, it always turned out to be the wrong thing for me. But, I still learned from it. Anyway, this quote reminds me of that. It’s like sometimes you have to let go and just know you will be taken care of – needs will be met. Thanks for your wonderful video and blog. I really enjoy them, a lot. Good luck with your new plans. I look forward to seeing what you produce further.

  2. Ritchel T. Macapagal

    Hi Signe!
    Thank you for sharing about your tattoos.
    The Turn it over to me is like okay, whatever good or bad that is currently in my situation can be taken away in a snap. And sometimes we have no control over it. So whether we like it or not, it’s like I just have to let it go and turn it over to the circumstances.
    While the If you try sometime… is where I can also relate to because I think it only goes to show that we are all equal. Not all of us can have what we want no matter how hard we try. I totally agree with your point of view.
    And I think you made the right choice of leaving your previous work and make it here in different social media. You inspire not only me but many of us, by bringing the best in everyone without judging and you are very respectful and humble as I witnessed you in many of your vlogs (which I’m so much into 🙂 ).
    Maybe the Universe is telling you that you can make a Change, an Impact to people like me and to our Mother Nature.
    I pray, and wish you nothing but the best of success, peace and so much love from your family, friends, colleagues and fans around the globe.
    And when I get a job, I will save and buy your beautiful product (especially the necklace that has a round pendant) 🙂
    Keep safe my friend and God bless you more.

  3. Suman Desai

    Nice Blog…. This is really amazing. Great information about Tattoos.



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