Occasional wear: mini-capsule guide

Sep 6, 2017 | 6 comments

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There was always an upcoming event, and thus an excuse to go out and buy something new. I have eliminated this scenario by making a well crafted little mini-capsule

/ I have dedicated two shelves in my closet for party clothes: one shelf for tops/bottoms and one shelf for shoes and clutches. All in all, my little party capsule contains approx. 12 pieces of clothes and shoes. Of course, I also have products in my all-year wardrobe that can be dressed up and down (my little black dress for example), and that’s how many of the things here can also be used as party wear. In the past, different occasions, parties, events, etc. contributed to my countless impulse purchases. There was always an upcoming event, and thus an excuse to go out and buy something new. I have eliminated this scenario by making a well crafted little mini-capsule with occasional wear, so I dont feel like having nothing to wear. It can be combined crosswise, mixed with my basic wardrobe, dressed up and down – and therefore it will never become boring!

Jeg har dedikeret to hylder i mit skab til festtøj: én hylde til toppe/bunde og én hylde til sko og clutches. Alt i alt indeholder min lille fest-capsule ca. 12 stykker tøj og sko. Jeg har naturligvis også produkter i min helårsgarderobe, som kan dresses op og ned (min klassiske sorte kjole fx), og på den måde er der mange af de ting hér, der også kunne fungere som festtøj. Men for mig har anledningen til diverse fester, events mv. før i tiden medvirket til mine utallige impulskøb. Der var altid et kommende event, og dermed en undskyldning for, at gå ud og købe noget nyt. Dette scenarie har jeg elimineret ved, at lave en gennemarbejdet lille mini-capsule med festtøj, så jeg slipper for dén der følelse af ikke at have noget at tage på. Det kan kombineres på kryds og tværs, blandes med min basis garderobe, peppes op og ned – og på den måde bliver det aldrig kedeligt!


  • define your lifestyle

/ Your occasional wear should reflect your personal style and lifestyle. There is no need to rethink your wardrobe every time you go out – the risk of ending up feeling uncomfortable will then be quite big So be true to your own style! When I go out, I like to be casual but chic. This can clearly be linked to the types of places I prefer to find myself if I’m going out. Usually it ends up with a bar where there is some sort of live music. I can easily put on a pair of light wash boyfriend jeans, put on my stilettos and a lace top and put on a bunch of jewelry and accessories. If I’m attending something more formal I always have a few nice lace tops and slip tops, a pair of classic slacks and my black dress at hand.

Dit festtøj bør afspejle din personlige stil og livsstil. Der er ingen grund til, at nytænke din garderobe hver gang du skal ud – så er risikoen for, at ende med at føle sig utilpas temmelig stor. Så vær tro mod din egen stil! Når jeg skal ud kan jeg bedst lide, at være afslappet men chic. Dette kan helt klart sættes i sammenhæng med den type af steder jeg helst befinder mig, hvis jeg skal ud. Som oftest ender det med en bar, hvor der er live-musik. Jeg kan sagtens finde på at hoppe i et par lyse boyfriend jeans, tage et par stiletter og en blonde top på og skrue ekstra op for smykker og accessories. Skal jeg til noget mere formelt har jeg et par fine blondetoppe, et par klassiske slacks og min sorte kjole ved hånden.


  • comfort comes first

/ It’s essential that you feel comfortable in the things you have in this little mini capsule if you want to avoid that nagging feeling of having nothing to wear. You have to feel comfortable wearing the clothes – everything else will automatically be reflected in your overall appearance! And you just want to have a pleasant evening, right? If you dont feel comfortable in a 10 cm stiletto (like me) then go for the magic 5-6 cm. They give a comfortable yet nice lift, and they wont destroy your feet. If you are more into wearing pants than dresses (yep, me again!), stay true to this. You can dress up in so many other ways!

Det er essentielt, at du føler dig godt tilpas i de ting du har i denne lille mini-capsule, hvis du vil undgå tøjkriser. Dit tøj skal sidde så du føler dig godt tilpas – alt andet vil automatisk afspejles i din generelle fremtoning! Og helt ærligt, du vil jo gerne have en god aften, ikke? Hvis du ikke føler dig tilpas i en 10 cm stilethæl (som jeg), så gå efter de magiske 5-6 cm. De giver et tilpas løft til dine ben og din holdning, og de er til at holde ud at gå i. Hvis du er mere til bukser end kjole (jep, mig igen!), så vær tro mod dette. Man kan være fin på så mange andre måder!


  • investments instead of impulse buys

/ The little black dress, a pair of classic stilettos and a crossbody bag. It’s the ultimate party kit that I can always count on! It’s important that you invest in products that have this effect on you: products you can always put on without feeling uncomfortable, under-dressed, boring or anything else that could ruin your mood and your evening.

Den lille sorte kjole, et par klassiske stiletter og en crossbody taske. Det er det ultimative party-kit, som jeg altid kan regne med! Det er vigtigt, at du investerer i produkter, der har denne effekt på dig: at det er produkter du altid kan hoppe i, uden du føler dig utilpas, under-dressed, kedelig eller andet der kan ødelægge dit humør og din aften.



  1. Lucie Liermann

    Hello from Germany! I really do adore your website and your youtube channel <3 I'd like to say thankyou,because as a mother of two, I desperatly needed a practical but classic- chique (chic?) style that mades me happy AND saved me a lot of time – even in the mornings. Et voilà: Here you are! A very nice and smart goodlooking young woman who explaines everything SO well 😉

    • signeh24

      Aaw, thank you SO much for your sweet comment <3

  2. Inez

    I just wonder because your text isn’t the same in Danish and English…??! 😉

  3. Maria

    Loved the video!

  4. Ashlee

    I really love the way you’ve photographed all of your actual items to create your visual board! I have been using Polyvore a bit, but since half my wardrobe is thrifted, I’ve found it hard. Can you upload your own photos on Polyvore. Or – I’d really like to do as you do, and take photographs. Would you be interested in putting together a video on it? That would be very helpful! Thanks, Signe!

    • Ashlee

      I just saw you showed some of this in your Autumn capsule… I’ll go there!



  1. How to find your style in 5 steps. – Use less - […] I also like to hang out with friends and family. Maybe I’m eating brunch, going to the movies or…
  2. 3 foolproof day-to-night looks. – Use less - […] though I have a mini-capsule (click HERE) for my more fancy occasional wear, I actually more often tend to reach…
  3. Capsule wardrobe: How to guide | Lyndsey Stripped - […] from Use less, and a few other Minimalist fashion bloggers recommend keeping an occasion capsule wardrobe.  I […]

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