My weekly at-home workout routine.

May 9, 2017 | 2 comments

/ Regular exercising has gradually become an important part of my everyday life. Not because I’m doing it for a specific event or because I want to look very fit. Of course, it means something to keep my body fit – I would lie if I said otherwise. But the most important thing for me in connection with exercise is actually the mental well-being that it gives me! After I started my current job as a design assistant at Ichi, I signed out of the fitness center. I often miss the different teams I went on, but the long drive at work just makes me not have the profits to just hitch two more hours out of my evenings at home. Now, however, I work part time because I have chosen to spend more time in my blog and my Youtube channel, so it gives me more freedom to exercise. Working out in the mornings is mostly preferable to me because I think the mental gain you get from exercising benefits me the rest of the day. But it is very individual – of course, you do not have so much energy in the morning, so depending on the type of workout you like and what kind of goals you have, you have to make up your mind if you want to work in the morning, afternoon or evening.

Træning er efterhånden noget som er blevet en vigtig del af min hverdag. Ikke fordi jeg træner op til noget specielt, eller har et ønske om, at jeg skal se ud på en bestemt måde. Selvfølgelig betyder det noget for mig, at holde mig slank – jeg ville lyve hvis jeg sagde andet. Men det vigtigste for mig i forbindelse med træning er faktisk den mentale velvære, som det giver mig! Efter jeg startede på mit nuværende job som designassistent ved Ichi, meldte jeg mig ud af fitnesscentret. Jeg savner ofte de forskellige hold jeg gik på, men den lange køretur på arbejde gør bare, at jeg ikke har overskuddet til lige at hive endnu to timer ud af mine aftner herhjemme. Nu arbejder jeg dog på deltid, fordi jeg har valgt at lægge mere tid i min blog og min Youtube kanal, så det giver mig lidt mere frihed til, at få trænet.  Morgentræning er for det meste at foretrække for mig, fordi jeg synes det mentale overskud man får af at træne gavner mig resten af dagen. Men det er meget individuelt – man har jo naturligvis heller ikke helt så meget energi om morgenen, så alt efter hvilken type træning man godt kan lide og hvilken målsætning man har, så må man gøre op med sig selv om man helst vil træne morgen, eftermiddag eller aften.

/ I have invested in a cross trainer (bought used) and I have also invested in a loose weight set (long ago), so I can make the most of my workout at home. I work out for 20-30 minutes approximately 4 times a week. Although it may be “only” for 20 minutes some days, it is actually scientifically proven that 20 minute interval training is extremely effective and especially beneficial to the heart. And even when I only work out for 20 minutes I can feel that it benefits me mentally, which I have to say again is the most important thing for me. I use most of my training as “fuel” for my brain and I know that if I have a bad day or if I have a lot of anxiety one day it helps me when I work out, even though I often dont feel like doing it on bad days with low energy. 

Jeg har investeret i en cross trainer (købt brugt) og så har jeg også investeret i et løsvægt sæt (begge dele for længe siden), sådan at jeg kan få mest muligt ud af min træning herhjemme. Jeg træner for det meste ikke ret længe – 20-30 minutter ca. 4 gange om ugen, og så supplerer jeg gerne med en cykeltur på min racer eller måske en løbetur i ny og næ. Sidstnævnte gør jeg ikke så tit, fordi jeg har dårlige knæ. Selvom det måske “kun” er 20 minutter nogle dage, så er det faktisk videnskabeligt bevist, at 20 minutters interval træning er yderst effektivt, og især gavnligt for hjertet. Og så kan jeg ikke mindst mærke det rent mentalt, hvilket jeg igen må sige er det aller vigtigste for mig. Jeg bruger mest min træning som “brændstof” til min hjerne, og jeg ved, at hvis jeg har en dårlig dag eller hvis jeg en dag har rigtig meget angst – ja, så hjælper det mig at få trænet, selvom det ofte ikke er dét man har mest lyst til.

My weekly workout usually looks like this

/ Cardio: crosstrainer, running or bike ride. The bike tours are often longer, approximately one hour. I like to do interval training on my crosstrainer. That means: 1 minute low intensity and 1 minute high intensity for a total of 20-30 minutes. It is scientifically proven that only 20 minutes of exercise like this is extremely effective and very beneficial to the heart. I exercise cardio approx. 2-3 times a week.

Strength exercise: either 10 minute cardio followed by 10-20 minute strength training of selected muscle groups (I like to do 3×15 sets pr muscle group) or a round of circuit training, which all takes about 30 minutes including heating. I like this form of strength exercise because you effectively go through every muscle group in a short period of time.

Cardio: crosstrainer, løbetur eller cykeltur. Cykelturene er gerne længere, gerne ca. en time. Jeg udfører helst intervaltræning på min crosstrainer. Dvs. 1 minuts lav intensitet og 1 minuts høj intensitet i samlet 20-30 minutter. Det er videnskabeligt bevist at bare 20 minutters træning på denne facon er yderst effektivt og meget gavnligt for hjertet. Jeg træner cardio ca. 2-3 gange om ugen.

Styrketræning: enten 10 minutters opvarmning (cardio) efterfulgt af 10-20 minutters styrketræning af udvalgte muskelgrupper (kører gerne 3×15 sæt) eller en omgang cirkeltræning, der alt i alt tager ca. 30 minutter inklusiv opvarmning. Jeg elsker cirkeltræning, fordi du kommer effektivt igennem alle muskelgrupper på kort tid (se evt. billedet nedenfor).

My full circuit training program

Each station is to be repeated for 45 seconds, followed by a 15 seconds break where you swtitch to the next station. In between each station there is an active “break” station, also for 45 seconds. Here I usually do high intensity exercises to keep my puls high: jumping jacks, squats, jump rope, the plank (normal or side), sprints, etc. The break stations should also be followed by a 15 second real break, where you switch to the next. So it goes: 45 seconds, 15 seconds to switch, 45 seconds, 15 seconds to switch – until you’re done! I have an app called “Tabata Timer” on my phone where I have made a routine like that with 20 rounds in total.

  1. Breast (either with my body bar or own body weight)
  2. Upper back (with elastic or weights)
  3. Lower back (own body weight)
  4. Thighs (normal squats)
  5. Abs
  6. Broad squat (legs)
  7. Shoulders
  8. Biceps
  9. Triceps
  10. Butt (usually I do butt-lifts laying flat on the ground with my body bar)

Always start out with a 10-20 minute warm up first. This routine gives you a very effective 30 minute workout.


  1. Tracey Shull

    I always say that I exercise for my mind, and the physical benefits are just the icing on the cake! (Although, like you, I do want to be fit and attractive, so I definitely love that aspect of exercise, too.) And I agree that, even on days when I don’t feel very good or am very tired or my muscles are sore, I always feel 100% better after working out. I have been exercising regularly (5-6 days a week) for many years, and it is so necessary for me to feel “myself” now that it’s a habit like brushing my teeth or washing my face. It makes me feel good, inside and out! Thanks for sharing your tips for cross training. I love your organized chart! : )

  2. Sue Wilkinson

    Hi Signe!

    I would love to see you do a youtube video on the workout above especially the circuit training. Have just discovered your channel and have enjoyed it and also learned alot! Congrats on your engagement!



  1. How to find your style in 5 steps. – Use less - […] workout 3-4 times a week – you can read more about that HERE. I therefore have a collection of…

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