How to shine up your leather bags

Feb 7, 2020 | 2 comments

Many of you guys have probably seen my brown Lucy bag from the Dutch sustainable handbag company O My Bag several times before, and it’s a bag I’ve had for a couple of years now. I’ve been keeping a close eye on this brand for years, because not only do they make their bags ethically and sustainably, they are also very open and transparent about their practises. Some time ago they even launched a “preloved library” which means you can get your hands on one of their bags at a lower price point and in, well, a preloved version. I think this concept is SO cool, and I sincerely wish more brands would move in this direction as a way to expand their businesses! This way of shopping with a more circular approach is something I’m such a huge fan of, and again I just think it’s awesome that a brand like O My Bag is trying to dig deeper into this way of selling products. Social sustainability is also something that is deeply rooted in the brand, with initiatives such as their “give back” programme.

I know some of you would probably also like to know a little more about where their leathers come from and how they treat them, and you can read all about that right HERE.

Mange af jer har nok set min Lucy taske fra Hollandske O My Bag mange gange før, da det er en taske jeg har haft i efterhånden et par år. Jeg har længe haft et godt øje til dette specifikke taske mærke, for ikke alene laver de lækre tasker i bæredygtige materialer, de er også meget åbne og transparente omkring deres processer. For noget tid siden lancerede de sågar et “preloved library” på deres webshop, som giver dig mulighed for, at købe nogle af deres tasker lidt billigere og i en brugt version. Det synes jeg er MEGA sejt, og jeg ønsker virkelig for fremtiden at flere brands vil gøre sig i noget lignende! Denne her from for cirkulære shopping er jeg kæmpe fan af, og igen så synes jeg bare det er fedt at et brand som O My Bag forsøger at udforske denne måde, at sælge produkter på. Udover det er social bæredygtighed noget der står højt på programmet hos, fx med deres “give back” program.

Jeg ved nogle af jer derude sikkert gerne vil vide mere om, hvor deres læder kommer fra og hvordan de behandler det, og det kan I læse meget mere om lige HER.

Together with O My Bag I’ve made a little IGTV over on my Instagram, where I show you guys how to care for not only the lovely Lucy bag like mine, but all your bags. As you probably are aware of by now, the most important thing that determines whether an item in your wardrobe is sustainable or not, is how long you actually use this item. So it’s about taking good care of these items so they last for as long as possible, right? In the before mentioned video I simply follow these 6 steps to shine up my Lucy:

  1. Moisturize the bag with Collonil leather lotion in circular movements
  2. Let it dry for about 5 minutes
  3. Polish the bag with a dry cloth, again in circular movements
  4. Spray evenly with Collonil wax & protect spray
  5. Let it dry for a few more minutes
  6. Polish with a dry cloth again, and voila!

Sammen med O My Bag har jeg lavet en lille IGTV ovre på Instagram, hvor jeg demonstrerer hvordan du kan pleje ikke kun din brune Lucy taske som min, men egentlig alle dine tasker. Levetiden på et item i din garderobe er som bekendt virkelig essentiel, når vi snakker bæredygtighed – så det er med at passe på dine ting så de holder så længe som muligt, ikke? I førnævnte video følger jeg ganske enkelt disse 6 trin, for at shine min Lucy op:

  1. Blødgør tasken med Collonil læder lotion i cirkulære bevægelser
  2. Lad den tørre i ca 5 minutter
  3. Tag en tør klud og polér tasken, igen i cirkulære bevægelser
  4. Spray tasken jævnt med Collonil wax & protect spray
  5. Lad den igen tørre nogle minutter
  6. Polér tasken med den tørre klud igen, og voila!

I have 3 bags I use and rotate between on a daily basis (besides my vintage Chanel, but I tend to opt for her more for special occasions), and Lucy is one of my absolute go-tos. It’s so spacious and travel-friendly, and I think it’s truly one of those bags that look more and more beautiful through time. Of course she’s got some small scratches here and there, but the treatment has definitely made them less visible. Besides, it’s a natural way of leather that it will change through time and wear, but it’s also one of those things that make leather amazing. It changes, but it lasts.

I love my monochrome and colorless looks, but with a brown bag like this you add a pop of “colour” to the look, something to give it more definition. Lucy is available in black too though, which I also quite like!

Jeg har 3 tasker jeg bruger til hverdag (foruden min vintage Chanel, men hende bruger jeg mest til særlige lejligheder), og Lucy er én af mine hverdagsfavoritter. Den er super rummelig og rejsevenlig, og så synes jeg det er én af de der tasker som bare bliver smukkere og smukkere med alderen. Jovidst, har den fået nogle små skrammer hist og her, men plejerutinen ovenfor har helt klart gjort småskrammerne mindre synlige. Det er jo en naturlig del af læder, at det med tiden vil se brugt ud på den ene eller anden facon, men jeg synes også det er dét som er noget af charmen ved ægte læder. Det forandrer sig, men forgår ligesom ikke. 

Jeg elsker jo mine monokrome og farveløse looks, men med en brun taske som den her bryder man ligesom farverne lidt op. Lucy fås dog også i en sort version, som også er super fin! 


  1. Sara Faye

    Thank you for this! So helpful for my leather pieces x

  2. Dina

    Patagonia and REI here in the USA take back used items, refurbish them if necessary and resell too….called ReCrafted….it is such a good program and I love both companies for these sustainable practices…lets hope more companies begin doing this more ….quality lasts….


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