Festive-season styling tips (for anti-dress women like me)

Dec 10, 2018 | 13 comments

I know you guys probably read lots of other blogs, and we’re all pretty much sharing the “same” Christmas and festive season inspiration at the moment. So I thought I wanted to give things an extra twist of “me” this time around to stand out from the crowd a bit. I love the festive season and December SO much (I think I’ve mentioned this quite a few times now), and I enjoy planning my outfits and making myself extra pretty this time of year. There are a few simple tips and tricks I tend to make use out of, and also certain items that I pull out from storage every single year to make my occasion-wear capsule just a little more Christmas-appropriate. The most important thing to me is comfort above all and also a quite balanced look; I rarely go all out on short, sparkly dresses and I love breaking the rules a bit, for example by mixing a festive, glittery top with a pair of rugged blue jeans that I wear on a daily basis. Therefore I’ve kept my festive-wear guide in the category of “anti-dress” looks, because that’s what I tend to go for myself (and feel most comfortable in) and I hope I’m hitting the nail on the head for those of you who feel the same. And also those of you who want to go the more sustainable way this time of year, by investing in timeless festive pieces, that you’ll want to wear year after year.

Speaking of sustainability – I’ve had the discussion with a few of you over on my Instagram this month, and Christmas can be tough for all of us in this context. If you do try to make the sustainable shift happen all at once, at least. I think this year has been the year where I’ve been most conscious about joining Christmas and sustainability; sure, we’ve gone out and bought ourselves a real Christmas tree, and I know that might not be the most sustainable choice. At least we bought it from the local scouts to support their work… Next year I do want to try a more long-lasting option (never plastic though!), and I have my eyes on Danish Habitree as a great option. Their trees are SO cute, and I like the idea of decorating them with other greens like moss and then the usual Christmas decor. Maybe next year will also be the year, where I go completely meat-free on Christmas eve, but this year it’s just not happening, I think. We’ve also chosen to slow down the gift-giving madness this year, so we’re only giving the children a few gifts and then of course as a couple you are still “allowed” to give each other a little thing on Christmas eve. My husband and I are doing that. Last but not least we never purchase lots of new Christmas decor, because we’re quite happy with our modest collection that we pull out every year. There are many ways to be more conscious this time of year, and every small step counts.

Jeg ved vi er mange der bombarderer jer derude med både julegave inspiration og stil-tips til de festlige højtider. Derfor tænkte jeg, at jeg ville give dagens indlæg et lille twist – et lille twist af mig selv, om I vil. Jeg elsker julehøjtiderne, det kan jeg slet ikke lyve mig fra (og har vidst også nævnt det et par gange nu efterhånden), og jeg synes det er super hyggeligt både at planlægge mine outfits og ikke mindst gøre mig ekstra fin i december måned. Der er nogle helt simple tricks og bestemte items jeg hvert år på denne tid hiver frem fra gemmerne og gør brug af, når jeg skal opdatere min occasion-wear capsule, så den er klar til jul og nytår. Vigtigst af alt er komfort og ikke mindst et dejligt balanceret outfit; jeg går sjældent all-in på korte glimmer-kjoler og jeg elsker at “bryde reglerne” lidt ved fx, at bære en festlig glimmer top med et par slidte, blå jeans som jeg bruger til hverdag. Derfor har jeg givet min guide en lidt anderledes vinkel; nemlig mine favorit looks i kombinationen top/bukser og derfor er det perfekt til alle jer der (inklusiv mig selv) bare føler sig allerbedst tilpas i alt andet end kjoler. Og også jer, som gerne vil give jeres party-wear et lidt mere bæredygtigt twist i form af klassikere, som du kan hive frem fra gemmerne år efter år og altså mikse med ting, som du allerede har i din hverdagsgarderobe.

Og nu vi taler om bæredygtig jul – jeg har haft snakken lidt med nogle af jer ovre på min Instagram, og jeg synes den er en svær nød at knække. I hvertfald på én gang. Jeg tror dog dette er året jeg har været allermest bevidst omkring lige netop bæredygtighed i forbindelse med julen; jovist har vi købt os et rigtigt juletræ, og jeg ved godt det ikke er det mest bæredygtige valg. I det mindste støtter vi de lokale spejdere med vores køb… Næste år kunne jeg dog vildt godt tænke mig, at prøve et genanvendeligt “træ” fra Habitree i stedet. Synes de er SÅ cute, og jeg er vild med idéen om at pynte dem med andet grønt som fx mos og så det sædvanlige julepynt. Måske bliver næste år også julen, hvor jeg går kødfri og prøver nogle af de veganske alternativer til de traditionelle kødretter i stedet. Vi har også valgt at droppe julegaveræset i min familie i år (ikke helt, men væsentligt), så faktisk har vi aftalt, kun at give børnene et par gaver og så kan man jo som par også give hinanden en lille ting. Sidst men ikke mindst så køber vi os aldrig fattige i julepynt – vi har en lille beskeden kasse med lige netop pynt, som vi hiver frem fra gemmerne hvert eneste år. Der er mange måder at være bæredygtig på i juletiden, og selv de små skridt er vigtige.

*This post contains a gifted item and adlinks

Let the shoes do the talking

Gosh, I love this look so much! Not only as an everyday look but also spiced up for a festive event as here. My favourite style-uniform of all times for sure! I love occasion wear that reflects my real, casual self. I’ve been gifted the bronze boots by Everlane, and I must admit I’ve been eying out metallic boots like these for quite some time. It’s clearly stated on my occasion wear inspiration board on Pinterest, haha! This is also a perfect day-to-night look if you’re going to attend a festive event right after work. You can wear the look with sneakers during the day, and then spice it up with the boots and a red lip for a nighttime look. Last but not least a handful of pretty jewellery makes a world of a difference too. I especially love a great pair of statement earrings with a simple look like this – you can either pull you hair pack behind one ear, or do a quick, messy low bun, to show of the earrings even more. By the way, I’ve got a very similar blazer to the one I’m wearing here for sale over on my secondhand shop if you’re interested. You can find it HERE.

Åh, hvor jeg elsker dette look! Ikke kun til hverdag, men altså og peppet lidt op som her, til festlige lejligheder. Min favorit uniform på alle tænkelige måder! Jeg elsker festtøj som afspejler min personlighed, og hvor jeg ikke føler at jeg bevæger mig for langt væk fra mit afslappede jeg. Jeg har fået støvlerne i gave af Everlane og jeg må indrømme, at jeg længe har haft et godt øje til støvler i metallic finish som lige netop disse. Se bare mit “occasion wear” inspirations board ovre på Pinterest, haha! Dette er også et perfekt look, hvis du skal direkte fra job til fest. Du kan bære det med sneakers i løbet af dagen og så skifte dem ud med de fine støvler og tage en rød læbestift på, så er du klar! Sidst men ikke mindst så gør en håndfuld smykker også underværker for et look som dette. Jeg elsker at krydre et basic look med især et par statement øreringe – du kan enten tage håret bag det ene øre, eller lave en fin, rodet og lav knold, for at fremhæve øreringene endnu mere. Jeg har iøvrigt en mega fin blazer til salg på min secondhand shop, som minder rigtig meget om den jeg har på her. Du kan finde blazeren HER.


The classic suit gone festive

A classic, black suit is gorgeous and it’s a great alternative to the little black dress (if you happen to like pants more than dresses especially).  I’ve pulled out an older glittery top from my storage to give the look a more festive twist. A white tee or a lace cami would look perfect with a suit too though. I’m wearing open toe sandals here, and then I’ve put on a deep, burgundy red nail polish on both finger- and toenails. If it’s too cold for shoes like this then the metallic boots from before would look amazing with a suit too! They are so versatile. Just make sure the pants you go for are a little bit cropped. Otherwise a classic pair of black pumps will never let you down either. I actually wore this exact look on a trip to London last week, where I attended a Christmas party with my management team. I had buttoned my blazer like on these images, and I feel like it works really well because the blazer is more longline. Besides that I had ruched up the sleeves on the blazer to give the whole look a more casual and undone vibe. Gotta love those contrasts.

Et klassisk sort jakkesæt er så smukt, og det er en god pendant til den lille sorte kjole (hvis du er mere til bukser). Jeg har hevet en ældre glittertop frem fra gemmerne, som giver dette look et lidt mere julet twist. En hvid t-shirt eller en stroptop med blondekant ser også fint ud til et jakkesæt. Jeg har åbne sko på her, og har lakeret både finger- og tånegle med en smuk bordeaux rød farve, men hvis det er for koldt til åbne sko kan de førnævnte metallic støvler også sagtens bruges til dette look! Ellers går man jo heller aldrig galt i byen med et par klassiske pumps. Jeg bar faktisk lige netop dette outfit til en julefest med mit management bureau i London sidste uge. Jeg havde knappet min blazer som på billederne her, og jeg synes det fungerer perfekt, fordi den går lidt ned over hoften. Udover det havde jeg også trukket ærmerne op, hvilket giver et cool og afslappet udtryk til det ellers meget velklædte look.


The feminine blouse

Last but certainly not least, I love the combination of a feminine blouse and a pair of basic black jeans. It’s kind of a no-brainer for me, especially if my husband and I are going out for dinner for example. I’m wearing a beautiful vintage silk blouse, but I would also gladly wear the same glittery top as before with this look. Again I’ve chosen to style the look with my new, festive boots. I just think they finish up the look so perfectly, and it’s just an easy way to get in a more festive mood! Again if any of you are interested, I do have a very similar blouse to this one for sale over on my shop right HERE.

I’ve finished up all of thee looks with a handful of my favourite jewellery, and then given my crossbody bag the usual festive-update with a golden chain from Noir Desire. Similar on Etsy can be found HERE. On friday I’m actually going to attend a Christmas party with my parttime job, and I’m not completely sure which of the 3 looks I will be going for yet, but it will for sure be one of these (or a mix of them maybe). That’s what is so amazing about choosing timeless items that are easy to style. Depends on my mood the particular day! I’m also thinking I’m gonna film a “get ready with me”, which I’ll include in my 3rd episode of #vlogmas on my channel on Sunday. I love these types of videos myself!

Sidst men ikke mindst, så holder jeg meget af kombinationen: basic sorte jeans og en fin top. Det er lidt en no-brainer og er især et look jeg går efter, hvis manden og jeg fx skal ud og spise. Her har jeg en smuk vintage silkebluse på, men jeg kunne også sagtens have fundet på at tage glittertoppen fra før på. Igen har jeg valgt at style looket med mine fine, nye, festlige støvletter. Jeg synes simpelthen de afrunder looket så godt, og igen er det bare en nem måde, at komme lidt mere i julestemning på! Og hvis der skulle være nogen interesserede, så har jeg igen en meget lignende bluse med høj hals til salg på min shop lige HER.

Fælles for alle disse looks er en håndfuld af mine yndlingssmykker og så guldkæden fra Noir Desire, som jeg altid skifter den almindelige rem på min taske ud med, når jeg skal til fest. På fredag skal jeg til julefrokost med mit deltidsjob, og jeg er ikke helt sikker på, hvad jeg tager på endnu – men ét af disse 3 looks (eller et mix af nogle af dem) bliver det helt klart! Det er dét der er fantastisk ved, at vælge items der er tidløse og nemme at style. Jeg tænker også jeg vil filme en lille “gør dig klar sammen med mig” på fredag, som jeg lægger op i 3. afsnit af min #vlogmas serie på søndag. Jeg synes selv denne type film er vildt hyggelige.



  1. JR

    This is so Anine Bing-esque! Love it

    • signeh24

      Oooh, the best compliment I could get, haha! Thanks love <3 x

  2. Myriam

    Hi Signe!
    You perfectly nailed it down here for me!!! This post was exactly what I needed!!!
    I don’t have glittery boots though, but shimmering Mary Janes which will do the job.
    Then I also have a similar white coton blouse – silk would be more festive, but my silk blouse is black and that’s to sinister for Christmas 😉
    Thank you for reminding me ti reinvent what’s already in my closet!!!
    Have a great day!!

    • signeh24

      Yay, thanks Myriam! I love that you are aware that even though you might not have the exact same items as these you already have some alternatives. Great thinking! Happy holidays <3 x Signe

  3. agavirgo

    2018 I would call a year of inspiration – so many of them found and liked!
    But you, Signe,are definitely my Number ONE! <3
    Your clothing style, they way you live, the sincere and humble way you address your audience – this is really the most wonderful thing I came across on the Internet. You are such a warm-hearted and unique person, I cannot stop watching your videos (they chear me up on a hard day and calm me down when I feel the urge to shop :))
    In this post you look absolutely stunning 🙂 Have a fabulous festive season and may the Christmas and party sprit be with you as long as possible 🙂
    Much love from Poland <3

    • signeh24

      This is possibly the sweetest comment I have ever received!! <3 Thank you SO so much for all this support, I can not describe how happy it makes me. I hope you will stick around for a long time still! Thanks for empowering me and making be believe that I make a difference. Lots of love and merry Christmas, Signe x <3

      • agavirgo

        Thank you so much, Signe ! ??❤️ Agnieszka

  4. Sandra

    Love your style, Signe! You look so stunning in those photos 🙂 Happy Holidays!

    • signeh24

      Thanks love, you’re so sweet! Happy holidays <3 x

  5. Selina

    Now I don’t have a typical capsule wardrobe. I love colours and patterns and I have more clothes than a typical capsule has. But I keep track of what I have, know where everything is and where it comes from (half of it is thrifted) and for me, using the essential rule, is that I wear all of clothes all of the time. So many of my clothes are suitable to wear for a party/family occasion as well as for work. I love dresses but I have enough dresses and separates to rotate and combine so never feel the need to buy anything new for occasions. So I love that you reuse your wardrobe for occasions because that’s what everyone should be doing instead of rushing out to buy a new dress for Christmas and a new thing they will rarely wear again for new years eve. There’s nothing wrong with buying something new every few years for Christmas but people discard things all the time without rewearing enough. I love having such clothes that I can rewear all of the time and get the best use out of and I rarely get bored of what I have because so many things are not from the high street. If I acquire something new it’s because I know it’s filling a hole in my wardrobe, an item that will go with so many of things, that is one of my principle rules. I don’t buy it otherwise. This is what I take away from the capsule wardrobe concept

  6. Heidi

    Så smukke klassiske looks. Det er virkelig inspirerende :O)

    • signeh24

      Tusind tak Heidi! <3 Er glad for du kan lide det! Godt det ikke kun er mig som er mere til bukser end kjoler, haha!

  7. Chris

    Thank you for this! I can’t remember the last time I wore a dress or skirt, and the holidays are so close!

    And I’m very grateful to you for your brilliant capsule wardrobe system. I just finished 2 days of clearing my closet, setting up a year-round capsule and a winter capsule.

    I watched so many of your videos and they got me through the process. I’m very happy with the result. Also, you can take it as a compliment that your style is mostly ageless. I’m 71 and 90% of your capsule works for me. I’m an avid follower of your blog in my Netvibes Reader. Thank you so much!
    🙂 Chris


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