DIY eyebrow gel: the best I’ve ever tried!

Sep 21, 2017 | 5 comments

/ So this might seem strange, but the so-called soap brows are definitely a thing on Youtube! Try searching for it, there are so many makeup gurus testing this technique with great succes. So I thought I wanted to try for myself, and make this post for you guys! The past 6 months I’ve been using a regular eyebrow gel from a Danish beauty brand called Nilens Jord (a great product btw!), and when I emptied the very last drops of product from that one a couple of days ago, I thought it was time to give this technique a go. And now, I’m not planning on repurchasing an eyebrow gel anytime soon!

Selvom det lyder mærkeligt, så er “soap brows” faktisk en ting! prøv selv, at søge på Youtube. Der findes en masse videoer om netop soap brows derude, så efter selv at have prøvet denne fantastiske teknik, så tænkte jeg at jeg ville stykke et indlæg sammen. Jeg har det sidste halve års tid brugt en fantastisk eyebrow gel fra Nilens Jord, og da jeg for et par dage siden fik tømt de absolut sidste dråber ud af den, så kom jeg i tanke om, at jeg havde set en pige på Youtube bruge denne her teknik. Og nu er jeg ikke i tvivl om, at dette bliver min favorit eyebrow gel fremover! Jeg ved det måske lyder mærkeligt, men frygt ej!

/ All you need is a spoolie brush (I usually upcycle the ones from my empty mascaras), a soap bar and water. I’d recommend you to use a gentle soap with no perfume, parabens or other harsh chemicals. I’m afraid that a soap bar like that would irritate your skin. I just use our regular handsoap, since it’s already there on the counter anyway (this one).

Det eneste du skal bruge er en spoolie (evt. en gammel børste fra en mascara, som jeg gerne gemmer til netop mine bryn), en sæbebar og vand. Jeg anbefaler, at du bruger en naturlig sæbebar uden parfume, parabener og andet kemi, da jeg har en mistanke om, at sæben ellers kan irritere hvis du rammer din hud. Jeg bruger bare vores håndsæbe, som alligevel er til rådighed (DENNE).

/ Make the spoolie wet and gently tap it on the soap. You’ll have to try a couple of times, just to get a feeling of the texture it applies. Maybe you want to apply another layer afterwards. I think it depends on the soap you’re using. You could either brush your eyebrows with soap before you fill them in with your favourite pen og shadow, or you can do it the other way around like I did. Either way, the result is so nice and natural! My eyebrows stay in place all day, just as if I had been using a regular eyebrow gel, yay! The hairs in my eyebrows are pretty long, so it takes some effort keeping them in place, and this just works. And how cool is it, that I no longer need to buy eyebrow gel or waste the 8plastic) packaging! I’ll try it out, and hopefully my skin wont get irritated, because I’m over the moon for this technique.

Gør først børsten våd, og dup den dernæst på sæben. Du må prøve dig frem med, hvor meget der skal på. Du kan evt. starte ud med lidt bare for at få en føling af den tekstur det giver, og så påføre et ekstra lag hvis du synes. Tror det kommer lidt an på hvilken sæbe man bruger. Du kan enten starte med at børste brynene op med sæbe inden du fylder dem ud med din yndlings pen eller skygge. Det giver et super naturligt look! Jeg fyldte dog mine øjenbryn ud først. Mine øjenbryn får samme holdbarhed som havde jeg brugt en almindelig eyebrow gel, og holder sig på plads hele dagen! Mine øjenbryns hår er ret lange, så det kræver noget at holde på plads. Og fedt at jeg fremover slipper for, både at spilde emballage og penge på eyebrow gels! Nu prøver jeg det af noget tid, og forhåbentlig bliver min hud ikke irriteret af denne teknik. Krydser fingre!



  1. Madison Marie

    I have actually never heard of this before! I will totally remember it next time I’m in a pinch! Actually super helpful for holidays if you forget your brow gel at home because hotels always have bar soap, and I always carry a spoolie with me!

    Madison from <3

  2. Lisa

    I have a question that has nothing to do with this blog entry, sorry. Could you tell me how long your golden necklaces are? I want to buy some like them and I don’t know which length to go for. Thanks! 🙂

    • signeh24

      Sure! I’d say the short one is app. 30 cm and the long one is app. 40 cm. :-*

  3. maria

    good luck if you sweat or get caught in the rain, the soap in your eyes will BURN~!!!better to use coconut oil !

    • signeh24

      I’ve been doing this for months and never had that problem. 😉 But I guess if you’re not careful it could happen


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