A peek into my spring capsule – part two.

May 1, 2016 | 4 comments

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Husk at afspille i HD kvalitet

Så er det tid til en video venner! Jeg har virkelig glædet mig til, at få mit kamera tilbage, så jeg endelig kan komme igang med at lave flere videoer til jer. Jeg har indtil nu lavet en del beauty tutorials, men jeg vil til at invitere jer meget mere med ind i mine capsule garderober igennem videoer, og så måske i ny og næ lave en beauty video. Jeg håber det vil inspirere jer endnu mere til, at hoppe med på mit koncept. Lad mig endelig høre hvad I synes. <3

/ Finally it’s time for a new video guys! I’ve been super excited to get my camera back, so I can make more of these videos for you guys. I’ve been doing some beauty tutorials, but I want to start making more like this video, where I invite you inside my capsule wardrobe and show you how I make it all work. I hope it will inspire you to try it out yourselves! There will be english subs available in all my videos. I’ve decided to speak danish since I have most danish readers right now. If this change, I will of course consider making them in english in the future. I hope you can settle with the subs for now though! Let me know what you guys think. <3


    • signeh24

      Tak! 🙂 de er købt i søstrene grene. Mener de koster 1-2 kr pr styk 🙂

        • signeh24

          Super scoop ja! Ja, det synes jeg de er. 🙂


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