Photo diary: Notting Hill, London.

Feb 1, 2019 | 5 comments

As many of your guys know I signed with London-based Sixteenth a while back, which means I’ll be flying to London quite a lot in the future. I’ve been in London a few times before with previous Jobs (primarily around Oxford Circus), but there’s so much more the city than Oxford Street. I actually don’t really like hanging out in that part of the city, because I find it overcrowded and stressful. If I can avoid it, that’s what I tend to do to be honest. I’ll much rather spend time at the more peaceful and charming parts of London.

Some of you might remember from a vlog that I invited my husband on a long weekend to London last January. Back then we lived in Shoreditch in east London, and it’s definitely one of my favourite areas n the city. Especially when it comes to secondhand shopping, which is amazing on Brick Lane. We went to London again this January because we were invited to an event with my agency, and I also had a launch event of a new sustainable brand to attend. So partly work-related but also just a nice little getaway to beat the January-blues. This time around we lived in the complete opposite side of town, in Notting Hill. It was such a lovely area and also quite something else than the vibrant Shoreditch, I must say. A little more peaceful but you still have everything you need right outside your doorstep.

*White sneakers and bag above are gifted.

Som mange af jer ved så skrev jeg for et par måneder siden kontrakt med Sixteenth som ligger i London, hvilket betyder at jeg fremover kommer til at rejse til dertil en del. Jeg har været i London et par gange med tidligere jobs (primært i og omkring Oxford Circus), men der er jo så meget mere til London end Oxford Street. Faktisk synes jeg ikke personligt Oxford Street er særlig hyggelig, og jeg undgår faktisk helst denne del af byen hvis jeg kan komme til det. Der er altid sindssygt mange mennesker, og jeg føler mig som regel lidt overvældet når jeg befinder mig dér.

Nogle af jer husker måske min vlog fra januar sidste år, da jeg inviterede min mand med på forlænget weekend til London. Dengang boede vi i Shoreditch i øst-London, og det er helt klart er ét af mine favorit områder i hele byen – især når det kommer til secondhand shopping, som er fantastisk på Brick Lane. Vi var afsted sammen igen for nogle uger siden i forbindelse med et event sammen med mit agency og en lancering af et nyt, bæredygtigt brand men også bare som en dejlig lille getaway. Denne gang boede vi i den modsatte ende af byen i Notting Hill. Det var simpelthen så skønt et område at bo i, også noget helt andet end Shoreditch. Det er lidt mere stille og roligt, men samtidig er der alt hvad man har brug for lige ude foran éns dør.

We lived right next to the north/west entrance to Hyde Park, and it took us 5-7 minutes to walk from our airbnb to the park. So lovely! Hyde Park is probably one of my favourite areas in the whole city. I can’t hide from the small-town-girl blood that runs in my veins, haha! I love the way the park is surrounded by the lively atmosphere of the city, and it’s nice to have some nature and space to retire to if the pulse of the city gets too overwhelming for you. And dogs. Oh, so many cute dogs! We usually pick up a hot cup of something to drink at the entrance of the park, and then we go for a nice, long walk.

I’ve always been somewhat obsessed with the story of Princess Diana and this time around we actually went to see the Fashion Story exhibition on Kensington Palace (which is placed inside the park), showcasing some of her her most memorable dresses and outfits. Being a little cultural never hurt anyone, right? It was a really captivating exhibition, which sadly ends this February. 

The airbnb we stayed at was THIS one in Linden Gardens, and I highly recommend it. It’s placed right next to the Notting Hill Gate tube station, so you can easily get around town from there. But there are also lots of things you can do in the Notting Hill area within a walkable distance. Portobello Road is just nearby for example. It can be somewhat of a tourist-trap, but it’s definitely worth the visit. Maybe it’s actually Notting Hill’s version of Brick Lane when it comes to secondhand shopping? There’s lots of great vintage shops there in any case.

*Boots and makeup on the pictures above are gifted. Jewelry is from my sustainable jewelry collection.

Vi boede lige ved nord/vest indgangen til Hyde Park, og det tog os max 5-7 minutter at gå fra vores airbnb hen til parken. Så dejligt! Hyde Park er nok ét af mine favoritsteder i hele byen. Lige dér kan jeg nok ikke skjule at jeg er en small-town girl ind til benet, haha! Jeg elsker den måde parken er omgivet af byens summen på, samtidig med der er masser af luft og natur omkring én. Og hunde. Åååh, så mange søde hunde. Vi plejer at købe os en kop varm kakao eller kaffe ved én af indgangene til parken, og så går vi en lang tur.

Jeg har altid været lidt besat af historien on prinsesse Diana og på Kensington Palace der ligger inde i parken, var der en udstilling med nogle af hendes mest mindeværdige kjoler og outfits. Lidt kulturel må man jo have lov til at være, ikke? Det var iøvrigt en meget fængende udstilling, som dog desværre lukker her i Februar.

Den airbnb vi boede i var DENNE i Linden Gardens, som varmt kan anbefales. Den er placeret lige ved siden af Notting Hill Gate station, så du kan nemt komme rundt i byen med undergrunden derfra. Men der er masser af ting i Notting Hill området, som er indenfor en rimelig gå-afstand også. Bl.a. Portobello Road der kan være lidt af en turistfælde, men helt bestemt er en oplevelse værd. Det er måske Notting Hills svar på Brick Lane i forhold til secondhand shopping? Der ligger ihverfald super mange finde vintage butikker der.


We ate breakfast two days in a row in the vegan restaurant Farmacy. Never in my life have I had such an amazing plant-based breakfast before! I get hungry just by the thought of it, haha! I can’t really explain what it was, it was just so fresh and rich in it’s taste and we were full well into the afternoon. We had their Farmacy breakfast with a Firestarter shot, which I highly recommend (see the picture above). So delicious! I’m sure it can convince even the most meat-loving person to try a plant-based meal every once in a while. And then I just felt like taking pictures of all their interior. As many of you guys know, we’re selling our house and I’m not really thinking about re-decorating completely when we move, but I definitely feel like getting inspired a bit by the interior at Farmacy. I love all the green and dark brown colours and all the plants too. Oh, and lovely music! Lots of relaxing soul, and I’m a sucker for that.

Last but not least we went to Lush as well before heading home (the one in Oxford Street though, but there’s also one at Liverpool Street Station if you’re heading that way anyway). I ALWAYS go to Lush if I’m in London and Hamburg (or any city they have a Lush store really). I primarily go there to pick up some of their package-free hair- and body soap bars that I’ve been using for ages, and that I still love. It’s nice to bring back some stock while you’re there anyway, so you don’t have to order online every time. 

Anyway, I think Notting Hill might be my new favourite area in London, and I just know I’ll be coming back to that area again and again in the future!

Vi spiste to dage i træk morgenmad på den veganske restaurant Farmacy. Aldrig i mit liv har jeg smagt så lækkert, plantebaseret morgenmad! Jeg bliver helt sulten bare ved tanken, haha! Jeg kan ikke rigtig forklare det, men det smagte bare så friskt og fyldigt og vi var mætte til langt op ad dagen. Vi fik deres Farmacy Breakfast med et Firestarter shot, som virkelig kan anbefales. Den bestod af bl.a. af hjemmelavet rösti, stegte champignon, bønner og surdejsbrød (se billedet ovenfor). Så lækkert altså! Er sikker på, at selv den mest kød-glade person ville elske denne morgenmad. Og så havde jeg lyst til, at tage billeder af alt deres interiør. Som mange af jer ved så har vi vores hus til salg, og det er ikke fordi jeg som sådan har planer om, at re-dekorere fuldstændig når vi flytter. Men der var helt klart nogle ting hos Farmacy jeg godt kunne finde på, at blive inspireret af. De fine, grønne farver, mørkt træ og masser af planter for at nævne et par eksempler. Uh, og god musik! Vigtig detalje. Masser af lækker soul og det ELSKER jeg.

Sidst men ikke mindst slog vi lige et smut inden om Lush inden turen gik hjemad igen (godt nok den på Oxford Street, men der ligger også én på Liverpool Street Station hvis I alligevel skal derhen). Det gør jeg ALTID når jeg er i London eller Hamborg. Jeg køber primært deres emballage-fri sæbebarer til både hår og krop, som jeg har brugt de sidste par år med stor fornøjelse. Det er fint lige at købe et lille lager med hjem, når nu man alligevel er der, så man slipper for at skulle bestille online hver gang.

Anyway, jeg tror Notting Hill er mit nye favoritområde i London, og jeg véd jeg kommer til at vende tilbage dertil igen og igen i fremtiden!


  1. Anna

    London is lovely, but I’m glad I live a couple of hours away. Near enough to go for the day or a short trip but far enough away to get away from the cultural nonsense of the capital. It really thinks that the rest of England is nowhere near as nice or special, when in fact it isn’t even my favourite English city!

    • signeh24

      I think it’s the same deal with Copenhagen! Everytime someone mentions Denmark CPH get all the attention, when in fact there are lots of other lovely ares and cities here. 🙂 I’d love to visit other places in England for sure! Any recommendations? x Signe

  2. Martina Nitschke

    Dear Signe,
    even if i am defenitly not your age, I thank you very much for your inspiration in style, sustainability and your friendliness. Am looking forward to your videos and comments.
    Happy living for you and your husband.
    Martina from Germany

    • signeh24

      Dear Marina! Thank you so much for your kind comment <3 Your support means everything to me! Lots of love, Signe

  3. Lena Franco

    Hi Signe,

    I have lived overseas now for over 30 years and away from my country, Sweden. Visited earlier in April but also went to Rome and Paris. I have currently lives in Los Angeles for 20 years and it’s somewhat exhausting. Luckily I live an hour south of Los Angeles which is only a few miles but with the heavy traffic it taken an hour. The city is good for a day but I am always happier at home in the beach city of Redondo Beach, CA which is close to LAX.


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