My sustainable jewelry collection: Scandinavia Bound.

Jan 23, 2019 | 5 comments

Pictures by Deeper Pixels

I’ve been working on many exciting project the past 6 months or so, and today is the day where one of them is launching. I have designed a jewelry collection in collaboration with Stilnest! Words can’t even begin to describe how excited I’ve been for this day to arrive, and not least how proud I am of the result.

I love jewelry; in fact I rarely leave the house without. I like putting on a great handful of jewelry, but I still like them to be rather simple and comfortable to wear. Comfort above all, you know. Besides that jewelry in high quality is something I’ve been giving a lot of thought for a long time; jewelry made in solid silver and solid gold last a lifetime, and from the very beginning of the designprocess I knew I wanted this to be reflected in my own jewelry collection. I wanted to design a collection where you don’t have to worry about if the surface will fade and you’ll be left with a dull piece of metal, that you’ll never love wearing again. Timeless jewelry that you can love your whole life, and that you can even pass on to someone dear to you. The collection is therefore sustainable in more than one way; there’s the overall longevity of the pieces, but everything is also ethically made. All materials are ethically sourced and come from conflict-free zones, and they are all made in Germany, so within EU. The gold used for the solid gold pieces is 14 carat recycled gold too. Last but not least everything is made to order. That means that that there is no mass production of the pieces whatsoever, and that of course again means less waste of materials, labour etc. This means you are left with jewelry you can purchase and feel good about in so many ways! This obviously also means the prices are slightly higher compared to conventional means, but I do believe they are quite reasonable (and still affordable), if you take the before mentioned factors into consideration. 

My jewelry collection is inspired by my Scandinavian roots; not only my love for Scandinavian minimalism and design, but also just the way of living a meaningful and happy life in balance. Therefore I’ve named the collection “Scandinavia Bound“, and all the pieces in the collection got names inspired by Danish nature.

Jeg har haft gang i mange spændende projekter det sidste halve års tid, og i dag er dagen hvor ét af dem lanceres. Jeg har nemlig designet en smykke kollektion i samarbejde med Stilnest! Ord kan slet ikke beskrive hvor spændt jeg har været på denne dag, og ikke mindst hvor stolt jeg er af resultatet.

Jeg elsker smykker; faktisk går jeg helst ikke uden for døren uden. Jeg kan godt lide at iføre mig en pæn håndfuld smykker, men de må gerne være simple og behagelige at have på. Komfort vinder altid, ved I. Udover det så er smykker i høj kvalitet noget, som længe har optaget mig; smykker i ægte sølv eller ægte guld holder nemlig hele livet, og fra første dag i designprocessen vidste jeg, at dette også skulle præge min egen smykke kollektion. Jeg ville designe en kollektion hvor du ikke skal bekymre dig om, om en eventuel belagt overflade med tiden fader og du så står tilbage med et mat stykke metal du aldrig kommer til, at holde af at bruge igen. Tidløse smykker som du kan elske hele livet, og som du måske endda engang kan give videre til én du elsker. Smykkerne er derfor bæredygtige i mere end én forstand; både i forhold til holdbarhed men bestemt også i forhold til produktion. Alle materialer kommer fra konflikt-frie zoner og smykkerne fremstilles indenfor EU, nærmere bestemt i Tyskland. Desuden er guldsmykkerne lavet i solidt 14 karats genanvendt guld. Sidst men ikke mindst er masse-produktion på ingen måde noget, som praktiseres. Hvert eneste smykke laves på bestilling, og derved mindskes spild og unødvendigt store mængder materiale, arbejdskraft mv. yderligere. Det er smykker med god samvittighed, hvis I spørger mig! Det betyder selvfølgelig også, at priserne er lidt højere sammenlignet med konventionelle priser på smykker, men samtidig synes jeg de er helt rimelige (og stadig til, at komme i nærheden af!), taget i betragtning af hvad der fås for pengene.

Min smykke kollektion tager afsæt i mine Skandinaviske rødder; ikke blot min forkærlighed for skandinavisk minimalisme og design, men også tilgangen til, at leve et mere meningsfuldt og lykkeligt liv i balance. Derfor har jeg døbt den “Scandinavia Bound“, og alle smykkerne har fået navne inspireret af dansk natur.

Another idea I’ve been working on together with the Stilnest team, was the ability to combine the jewelry. To mix and match them all together. That’s why the pendants can both be worn in a necklace or together with the ear studs, and besides that I really wanted to make a collection where you could wear silver and gold pieces together. I think it’s a horrible fashion-phrase that you can’t wear silver and gold jewelry together. I have an equal love for both materials; two of the rings I wear every day is one in gold (an heirloom) and one in silver (my wedding ring). And some days I’m all about those silver pieces, other days I just want to wear gold. So I wanted to give you guys (and myself) the opportunity to be creative with the jewelry. Just like I love a good capsule wardrobe, and I love coming up with new outfit combos using things I already have in my wardrobe, I wanted to reflect this way of thinking in my jewelry collection. That’s why the idea is that you should be able to put together the jewelry as you like everyday, depending on your mood, so you can wear “new” combos without spending a dime. You can wear the ear studs alone with a simple necklace and a pendant and then a ring too. Or you can go all out and layer a bunch of different necklaces and pendants in both silver and gold. The last mentioned one is especially cool if you’re wearing something really simple, and it’s the combination I tend to wear most of the time (as shown on the first images in this post). I also love mixing the different chains there are in the collection, to add a little more texture to a layered necklace look. A short anchor chain with a long curb chain looks really cool together!

En anden idé jeg sammen med Stilnest har udviklet på, er muligheden for at kombinere smykkerne på kryds og tværs. De forskellige vedhæng kan derfor bruges både sammen med ørestikkere og halskæder, og desuden har jeg forsøgt at lægge vægt på, at smykkerne skal kunne blandes guld og sølv imellem. Jeg synes det er forfærdelig mode-frase, at guld og sølvsmykker ikke kan bæres sammen. Jeg har en lige stor forkærlighed for både guld og sølvsmykker; to af de ringe jeg ifører mig hver eneste dag er netop både én i guld (et arvestykke) og én i sølv (min vielsesring). Og nogle dage er jeg mere til ren sølv, andre dage ren guld. Jeg ville rigtig gerne give jer (og mig selv) muligheden for, at være kreativ med smykkerne. Ligesom jeg elsker capsule wardrobes, og jeg elsker at finde på nye outfits baseret på items jeg allerede har i min garderobe – ja, så ville jeg gerne afspejle dette i min smykke kollektion. Så derfor er idéen netop, at du hver dag kan sammensætte dine smykker præcis som du er i humør til, så du kan bære “nye” kombinationer uden at gå ud og købe nyt. Du kan gå den simple vej og bære ørestikkerne alene, en enkelt halskæde med vedhæng og en ring. Eller du kan gå hele vejen og iføre dig flere lag af forskellige halskæder og ørestikkere med vedhæng. Sidstnævnte er især fint, hvis du har et super simpelt outfit på, og det er også ofte den kombination jeg selv vælger (du kan se hvordan det ser ud på de første billeder i dette indlæg). Jeg kan desuden godt lide at mikse de forskellige kæder der er til rådighed, for at give lidt mere tekstur især når jeg ifører mig flere halskæder. En kort anchor chain med en lang curb chain er fx super fint sammen!

Find all jewelry HERE

Even though the jewelry is made in the finest quality to ensure longevity, it is of course important that you take good care of them. I actually made a video not so long ago with some tips on how to clean and store your jewelry the right way so they won’t scratch each other (also a couple tips for storage while travelling). You can watch the video HERE. For example it is natural that silver jewelry tend to oxidise through time which means the surface gets slightly darker, and I’m sharing a rather simple and easy trick to get rid of that in the before mentioned video. Besides that it is of course important that you remove your jewelry when you go to sleep, workouts, gardening, swimming in chloride or salt water, before you put on lotions etc. I also make sure to take of my earrings if I’m wearing the pendants in them over my bed or something soft like that.  It’s nice to have something soft for them to land on (could also just be a sweater) so they won’t fall to the hard floor, just to be safe if they slip out of my hands. Having said all this of course the jewelry is made for you to enjoy it for many years to come, so use it – that’s why you’ve invested in it! Regarding shipping of the collection we offer worldwide shipping, but you can get a closer look under “Size summary & delivery times” on the pages of each product. If you are in doubt about anything don’t hesitate to contact the Stilnest support team. 

I’d like to say thank you SO much to those of you who initially pitched me to the Stilnest team, and I also wanted to thank you for all your support an eager for the launch in the process. I feel so honoured that I can’t even describe it with words. Thank you so much angels, really – I hope you’ll love the collection just as much as me.

Selvom smykkerne er lavet i høj kvalitet for at sikre holdbarhed, så er det selvfølgelig vigtigt, at du passer godt på dem. Faktisk lavede jeg en video for ikke så længe siden med lige netop tips til rengøring og korrekt opbevaring af dine smykker så de ikke ridser hinanden (også et par tips til opbevaring af smykker når du rejser). Den kan du se HER. Sølvsmykker kan fx oxidere og blive sorte på overfladen med tiden, og det kommer jeg med et super simpelt tip til, at komme til livs i førnævnte video. Udover dette er det selvfølgelig vigtigt, at du tager dine smykker af under træning, havearbejde, svømning i klorholdigt vand og saltvand, inden du skal sove, inden påførføring af diverse cremer osv. Jeg tager også øreringene af enten indover sengen eller en blød trøje, hvis jeg har vedhæng i. For at forhindre at vedhænget falder ned på det hårde gulv, så sørger jeg lige for der er noget blødt under til eventuelt at “gribe” dem hvis ikke jeg har ordentligt fat i dem med fingrene. Når alt dette er sagt, så er smykkerne selvfølgelig igen lavet for, at du skal kunne nyde dem i rigtig mange år. Så nyd dem og brug dem, det er dét du investerer i dem for! I forhold til levering af kollektionen er der worldwide shipping, men du kan kaste et nærmere blik på leveringsinfo under “Size summary & delivery times” på de enkelte produktsider. Og hvis der er det mindste du er i tvivl om, så kan Stilnest support teamet kontaktes på siden også.

Jeg vil gerne sige tusind tak til de af jer, som i tidernes morgen rakte ud til Stilnest med et ønske om en kollektion i samarbejde med mig, og ligeledes jer der under processen har støttet mig, og været ivrige efter lanceringen. Jeg er så beæret, at det slet ikke kan beskrives med ord. Tak for jer, virkelig – jeg håber, at I vil blive ligeså forelskede i kollektionen som jeg er!

My favourite combo at the moment;
In my ears: Tide studs and Dune Pendant (both in gold) – available as a set HERE
Top necklace: Gold Anchor chain (S/45 cm) with gold Meadow Pendant – available as a set HERE
Bottom necklace: Silver Anchor chain (M/60cm) with silver Dune Pendant (available as a set HERE) and gold Meadow Pendant HERE.
And of course the Starling ring on my finger – one of the pieces I love the most. 




  1. Shira

    Awesome blog an YouTube channel, you are an inspiration!
    What’s the difference between both styles of necklaces? (Anchor and curb)
    Thank you so much ??

    • signeh24

      Thank you so much! <3 The difference is that the anchor chain is small "loops" tied together whereas the curb chain is more flat and looks more sleek if that makes sense. x Signe

  2. Marcia

    My gold Starling Ring just arrived (here in California) and I absolutely love it! I am so impressed with the quality. It is the perfect accompaniment to my grandmother’s vintage ring that I inherited and adore. The Starling Ring’s style and quality fit perfectly with an aesthetic of owning fewer, better, classic pieces to enjoy for years to come. Thank you for making such a lovely, quality piece. Also, the fit instructions were just right and my ring is a perfect fit.

    • signeh24

      Dear Marcia! I am so so happy to hear you love the ring AND the service! Thank you so much for your lovely feedback. I agree, the Starling ring is gorgeous – I wear it every day myself also together with a gold ring I inherited from my husband’s grandmother. Perfect combo! Love, Signe x

  3. Signet Ring UK

    Lovely Post! You are looking so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your collection with us. You have such a great collection. I love all this jewellery. They are so pretty and unique. I want to add some these in my jewellery collection. Thanks for sharing and please keep sharing.


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