Slow friday.

Nov 24, 2017 | 6 comments

For days, I’ve been trying to figure out weather I should join in on the Black Friday slash Cyber Week sales or not. Tip you guys on where to get the best deals. Of course, I really want to lead the way towards the ethical and organic brands, plus help you find the best longterm basics for your wardrobes. I often share where to find similar items, to the ones I show on my social platforms both because I think it’s so user-friendly; both for you guys and for me too. And to a certain point I guess you could say that a sale like Cyber week is okay, as long as you only purchase things you’ve planned on purchasing anyway. I have none of those right now, so I personally won’t join in on the sale. So if you stay rational, if you stick with longterm items (clothes or whatever you might be dealing with) and maybe even choose the ones that are ethically made too, saving some money is actually quite common sense (take a look at Asos’ Eco Edit right HERE), especially if you would totally buy those products even outside the sale period too. Right?

Jeg har i flere dage gået og haft en indre dialog med mig selv om, hvorvidt jeg skulle lave diverse inspirationsindlæg og tippe jer om hvor I kan få de bedste tilbud henne i forbindelse med Black Friday og Cyber Week næste uge. Det er klart, at jeg gerne vil hjælpe jer med, at finde de bedste, langtidsholdbare basis items og også lede vejen i forhold til, at bakke om omkring bæredygtige mærker og fair produktion. Jeg tipper jer ofte om hvor I kan købe lignende produkter ala dem jeg viser frem på mine sociale kanaler, fordi jeg synes det er enormt brugervenligt for jer – og også for mig og det arbejde jeg leverer, for den sags skyld. Og til en vis grænse så synes jeg faktisk også godt man kan argumentere for, at et udsalgskoncept som Cyber week kan være nyttigt, hvis man finder frem til de produkter man alligevel havde planlagt at købe. Dem har jeg ikke personligt nogle af lige nu, så derfor kommer jeg ikke til at tage del i udsalgsløjerne. Hvis man forholder sig rationelt og ikke går all-in på overforbrug. Hvis man holder sig til de langtidsholdbare items, der måske ovenikøbet er fair produceret (du kan bl.a. tage et kig på Asos’ Eco Edit lige HER) og som man egentlig også ville købe selv når de ikke var på udsalg. Så ville det da være ganske fornuftigt, at spare nogle penge. Ikke?


On the other hand, I don’t want to be yet another blogger encouraging you to over-consume. It just doesn’t fit with my concept, and it feels wrong. For me personally it’s become more the rule than the exception to always check up on my options secondhand, before putting my money on the table when I shop for new clothes. Besides that I constantly seek to reinvent my wardrobe in new clever ways by building seasonal capsules, steal the style of my icons, fix items that need it – just to keep some distance to our overconsumption of garments. As a lot of other people (especially women) I LOVE fashion. But not for any price anymore. I would have dived straight into a sale like Black Friday without being specifically thoughtful about it in the past, but I’ve changed. So unless I’m really in the need for something, I wont buy it.

På den anden side, så vil jeg ikke være den type blogger der opfordrer til konstant forbrug. Det stemmer ikke overens med mit koncept og det føles forkert. For mig personligt er det jo næsten blevet mere reglen end undtagelsen, altid at tjekke secondhand udvalget (både online og i fysiske butikker) før jeg køber nyt tøj. Desuden forsøger jeg konstant, at genopfinde min garderobe ved, at lave sæsonbaserede capsules, stjæle mine stil-ikoner’s stil, ordne de ting der er gået i stykker eller lignende, netop for at tage afstand fra den her forbrugsfest modebranchen desværre er blevet. Som mange andre (især kvinder) så elsker jeg mode og jeg elsker at udtrykke mig gennem mode. Engang ville jeg have hoppet i med begge ben uden at blinke i forbindelse med et udsalg som Black Friday. Men ikke længere. Medmindre jeg som sagt kan drage nytte af det, hvis jeg alligevel stod og manglede et eller andet.


I highly believe that great style and everything that is fun about fashion can still be all that without constantly filling up our closets with new deals. That’s what my whole concept is about! But I’m also just a human being, trying to stay as stress-free as possible and keeping a good balance in all I do. Do I believe that the answer to the pollutant presence of the fashion business is to just stop consuming all at once? No, as the matter of fact I dont. I don’t think that the brands who are seeking to make an effort and a difference should be punished for a concept that was invented because of mass production. I work in the fashion industry myself and I’ve done so for quite a few years now – luckily, because it has truly taught me so much. But it would mean that all my colleagues and I would loose our jobs. And then what? I do believe though, that we all need to start taing some responsibility. Bloggers too. And we should not only be conscious; we need to act. Even if it’s just a little bit to begin with.

So with all this being said, I want to encourage you to think about what YOU can do to minimize your consumption in the future. And if you do really want to take part in the Cyber Week sales be rational and don’t go overboard. Stick to the longterm items you would have bought even outside the sales. Buy less choose well. Anyway, that was a stream of thought to get the weekend started – I hope it gave you something to think about. Feel free to share your thought below too <3

Jeg tror et eller andet sted godt, at man kan forene god stil og alt dét der er sjovt ved mode uden konstant at købe nyt. Det er jo netop det hele mit koncept handler om! Men jeg er også bare et menneske der forsøger, at holde balancen samtidig. Og indimellem så holder mine idéer måske ikke 100%, men det er også ligemeget; for jeg prøver virkelig på, at gøre en forskel. Tror jeg svaret på modebranchens forurenende tilstedeværelse er nul forbrug sådan uden videre? Nej, det tror jeg faktisk ikke. Jeg synes ikke, at de mærker der rent faktisk prøver på at gøre en forskel, skal straffes for et koncept, som er udsprunget af masseproduktion. Nu arbejder jeg selv i branchen og har gjort det i en del år efterhånden – og gudskelov, for det har gjort mig klogere henad vejen. Men det ville betyde at jeg, og alle mine kolleger ville miste vores job. Og hvad så? Jeg tror dog på, at vi allesammen skal til at vågne op og tage noget ansvar (også os bloggere) på den ene eller anden måde; og vi skal ikke bare blive bevidste, vi skal også handle. Også selvom det i første omgang bare er lidt.

Så med alt det sagt, så vil jeg gerne opfordre dig derude til at tænke over hvad du kan gøre for, at minimere dit eget forbrug fremadrettet. Og hvis du virkelig gerne vil tage del i Cyber Week udsalget så vær rationel, og gør det med måde. Hold dig til de langtidsholdbare basisprodukter du ikke kan leve uden og alligevel ville have købt, også selvom de ikke var en del af et godt tilbud. Buy less, choose well. Anyway, det var en tankestrøm fra mig lige inden weekenden går løs – jeg håber det gav jer allesammen noget at tænke over. Del gerne dine tanker med mig nedenfor <3


  1. Raluca

    Signe, you ‘ve inspired me to truly think about the things I need and use regularlly in my life and the things that I only want because they are in trend. As for this Black Friday/Cyber week, I think, as you said, that we should only buy the things that we really need and are a great deal this week. Not to over spend money just because is the only time of the year there are big sales. I discovered you on youtube only a week or so ago, but since then I’ve seen all of your videos. You’re truly an inspiration to me. -Raluca, Romania

  2. BOŽA

    I must say that you change my life in general by things you said.I love your style and the way you slow this madness in fashion.simple but beautifull….i will continue to follow you.thank you so much for your simple beauty.Boža from CROATIA

  3. BOŽA

    I forget to say that when I say that you change my life I dont think only in fashion I mean on others part of life,house,make up,enviroment,life style.sorry for my bad english…

  4. Helena

    Hi Signe,
    I like your approach to black friday, especially the overconsumption. I agree that buying clothes that you planned on sale is a good thing. You can prepare a list and go shopping. However it is hard not to buy too much in the end, especially things you have not planned to buy but somehow suddenly think you might need. And this can cause a lot of stress.
    Maybe it is easier to skip black friday shopping.
    Love from Germany

  5. dianne obeso

    Signe I am avoiding Black Friday! The only item I need is a good coat..have my eye on one and hoping the price will drop. It has been over 80 degrees here in SocCal this week so coat hunting is weird. The way the weather is we may have a warmer Winter possibly. All the better for some Tee shirts I purchased last Spring I, black, charcoal, navy, and rust color…5 the same design…should last several years with care. I hear your voice now..’Do you really need it?’ So helpful..thanks!

  6. Vicky

    Signed I agree with your feeling about black Friday. It’s businesses just about forcing us to buy, because it’s a sale! I refuse to do this. Your thoughts on consumption are spot-on. You have helped me to see that a more minimal approach to all things is good. I’m working towards this and I’m committed to this! I’m reading the book you mentioned about tidying and it’s already helpful. Thank you! Vicky from US.


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