“You always wear the same”.

Nov 18, 2017 | 46 comments

Ever since staring my journey towards minimalism over 2 years ago and build my first ever capsule wardrobe, I’ve been accused of things like “you always wear the same”, “your style is boring” or “why don’t you wear more colours”. Both on my social platforms but also in real life. And it’s got me thinking. One thing is that we demand change quite often from ourselves for example when it comes to dressing. I think many people (especially women) know this feeling. But do we actually get to demand this from others too? Ad why do we do that?

Lige siden jeg for over 2 år siden startede min minimalist-rejse og byggede min første capsule wardrobe, har jeg skullet udsættes for sætninger som “jamen, du går jo altid i det samme”, “din stil er kedelig” eller “hvorfor går du aldrig i farver”. Både på mine sociale platforme, men faktisk også i det virkelige liv. Og det har fået mig til at tænke. Én ting er, at vi måske forlanger af os selv, at vi skal tilbyde vores omverden hyppig forandring i form af fx nyt tøj. Det tror jeg især mange kvinder kan nikke genkendende til. Men forlanger vi det også af hinanden? Og hvorfor egentlig?

I understand that I’m already on a limb here, because I discuss sustainability and minimalism in general, so I have to own up to quite a lot. But seriously, where’s the constructive feedback in a comment like “you always wear the same”? Because YES, I’m totally guilty as charged, I do wear the sames things over and over again for seasons – even for years. When I purchase something for my wardrobe, I buy it to keep it. Not to throw it out next week. So yeah, I wear the same things again and again. But if that’s a crime doesn’t it tell you more about our society and our consumption than it tells you something about me as a person?

Jeg er helt med på, at skulle stå til måls for undren og konstruktiv kritik eftersom jeg har bevæget mig ind på et emne som bæredygtighed og en minimalisme, men hvad skal jeg helt ærlig bruge en sætning som “du går jo altid i det samme” til? Ja, at genbruge meget af mit tøj i flere sæsoner, endda år er jeg storslem til. Når jeg køber noget til min garderobe er det en investering der er købt for, at blive brugt. Så ja; jeg GÅR i det samme hele tiden. Men hvis det er en forbrydelse siger det så ikke mere noget om, hvor vores samfund er rent materialistisk end det siger noget om mig?

I think what I want to express with this post is my wish for us (again – especially women) to empower each other more, than constantly demanding from ourselves and each other, that we need to be perfect. Have a perfect home, makeup, wardrobe – you name it. I’m no Scandinavian IT-girl who’s got all the latest trends covered even though I’m what you would call a “blogger”. And even though I still make mistakes whenever I purchase something because I’m no sustainability-expert, in the end I’m just trying to rethink a business that is polluting our environment in so many ways. Shouldn’t I get just a little credit for having the guts to go against normalities, and use my clothes more than 2-3 times? I think so, if I do say so myself. But if it’s more meant as a challenge that I wear the same looks over and over again; well, challenge accepted. I’ll try styling my wonderful wardrobe in  even more new ways in the future.

Jeg tror jeg er ude i, at jeg ville ønske vi kunne hylde hinanden lidt mere (især som kvinder), end konstant at forlange af hinanden, at vi skal være perfekte. Have styr på makeup, garderobe, hjem – you name it. Jeg er ikke en Skandinavisk IT-girl med styr på de nyeste trends på trods af at mit erhverv er såkaldt ”blogger”. Og selvom jeg stadig selv kan lave fejlkøb og somme tider famler lidt i blinde når det kommer til bedre forbrug, fordi jeg ikke er øko-ekspert, så prøver jeg i sidste ende bare på, at nytænke en branche der forurener vores miljø på så mange måder. Burde jeg egentlig ikke få kredit for at jeg tør sætte mig mod normen, og bruge mine ting mere end 2-3 gange? Det synes jeg, hvis jeg selv skal sige det. Men hvis dét at jeg konstant går i det samme mere er ment som en udfordring; så er den hermed accepteret. Jeg vil med glæde forsøge (endnu mere), at style min garderobe og de ting jeg i forvejen har på nye friske måder!


  1. Andrea

    Jeg har hørt det samme: “Du går altid i det samme” og “hvorfor går du ikke i flere farver”? Ligesom dig bruger jeg mine ting i årevis, og min garderobe er sort, hvid og grå + en lille smule farve på accessories. Så ja, mine outfits er variationer over et ret stramt koncept. Men det er noget, jeg bevidst har taget til mig i de sidste 5-7 år, og jeg elsker det, for det sparer mig både tid og penge. Jeg ved, hvad jeg kan lide – jeg har en genkendelig stil – og mit tøj kan kombineres i en uendelighed.

    Jeg kan iøvrigt bedst lide de bloggere, hvor jeg kan se, at de formår at bruge deres ting igen og igen – i favoritoutfits og nye kombinationer (det er dig ?)

    Det sagt har jeg fulgt med i nogle debatfora på Facebook, hvor der var kvinder, som sagde, at de aldrig havde det samme på (altså samme tøj i samme kombination) flere gange. Det kom som en stor overraskelse for mig, at nogle virkelig kan have det sådan. Det handlede om en kombination af idealer og ideer, som mange fik i teenageårene, hvor presset for at skille sig ud er størst. Men det var virkelig en øjenåbner for mig, at nogen har det forhold til tøj. Tænk ikke at kunne lavet et yndlingsoutfit og bruge det igen og igen! Det gjorde det virkelig klart for mig, at jeg er vanedyr. Mit tøj skal være pænt, men det skal også sidde godt og kombinationen skal virke, og jeg har hverken tid eller lyst til at bruge timevis foran skabet hver morgen for at vælge tøj… Det er endnu en fordel ved at have en genkendelig stil ?

    • signeh24

      Tusind tak for din kommentar! <3 Det er skørt at vores samfund har udviklet sig sådan, primært blandt kvinder. Min mand brokker sig aldrig over, at han har haft samme skjorte på til samme arrangement. I det hele taget beundrer jeg mænd's påklædningsvaner og -muligheder, og det siger altså lidt om hvor vi kvinder er havnet! Jeg har omvendt også mødt debatter på Facebook hvor capsule wardrobe systemet bliver taget imod med stor kritik. For hvis man går i det samme hele tiden må disse ting jo også blive slidt op hurtigere, ikke? Det er en udbredt misforståelse. Og i det hele taget også en udbredt misforståelse at man skal købe nye ting hele tiden, for at kunne være blogger. Anyway, tak for din støtte! Det betyder meget for mig :-*

  2. Ana Maria

    Well said! There are many of us who support you and see you as a model. Go girl!

  3. Simone

    I completely agree with you, Signe! It takes courage to stand out in a crowd and to turn away from norms due to your own belief. And yes, women do need to empower each other!

    Thank you for a great blog and inspiring videos! I was so happy when I found your channel, because I’ve never met anyone who share my passion for a more sustainable society (meaning no, I don’t wanna go shopping at H&M) and to me you are a true inspiration.

    So here’s a little credit. You’re doing a great job!

  4. Skye Kro

    I have been following you, both here and on Instagram, for some time but this is the first that I’ve felt compelled to write.
    You should (there is that word again?) wear what you love and what you feel you look nice wearing. If you have chosen well, then of COURSE you are going to want to wear it again and again! Why would you want to wear ANYthing that you feel less comfortable/well-put-together/attractive wearing?!?
    Ideally, our wardrobe will consist of only items that we LOVE! Of course, there may be pieces that reside in our closet for a time until we find, or can afford to, replace them with ones we love.
    Most of my wardrobe is high-quality pieces that are over 10-15 years old. Well-made classics and I knew my style and tastes enough to only choose pieces that would work for me that long.
    I thoroughly enjoy your perspective and ideas and photos!
    Have a great weekend, Skye

    • signeh24

      Thank you SO much for leaving me a comment! <3 And you are so right!

  5. Polly

    I think there’s probably an element of jealousy in the complaint, “You always wear the same.” It shows you know yourself: your likes and dislikes and identity in general. Many people struggle with this, and their bursting wardrobes express that struggle. But that’s not your problem. You don’t owe your critics anything.
    Of course it’s worthwhile to strive to do your bit to combat fast fashion and environmental destruction and to encourage others to do the same! Many of us give you kudos for that and enjoy seeing your remixed looks: it takes style and ingenuity to find new ways to wear old things!

  6. dara

    Bravo Signe!

  7. Mai

    Successful people wear the same thing all the time. It allows them to focus on more meaningful things in their life.

    I am by no means living a minimalist / capsule wardrobe lifestyle, but I find I am discovering that I lean towards clothing that I feel good in and that last the test of time… it’s the ‘letting’ things go that I am still figuring out.

    I admire your style and I can hear in the way you describe your pieces when putting together an outfit, how much love, intent and thought had gone through your decision. Appreciation!

  8. Daphné

    I’m definitely agree with you. We don’t have to change our personal way of life for pleasing others. Beauty begins when you are true to yourself ?. Even when you’re a blogger. In fact, this is the point of your blog, like you just said, sustainability. I know opinions count in your position but be confident in your vision. Good night-out! ?

  9. Allison Craig

    Hi Signe. I live your style and have added a few of your staples to my wardrobe. I used to wear a lot of colour but found that I needed a more minimalistic and pared down life to stay well and happy. Keep up the good work and you’ve one more subscriber these days. Love from Scotland. X

  10. Mia

    Well said. I think it is awesome that you actually have a wardrobe you love so much that you want to wear it 🙂 I am slowly building mine.

    It is weird that some people feel the need to say phrases like that to you – I mean, are we not so much more than the clothes we wear?

  11. Amelie

    Y es ! You go girl !
    I love your blog and videos because you are unique, your content is so inspiring and i always think about what you say in it when i want To shop or style an outfit. Even though we have different styles!

  12. Myriam

    Hello Signe!!
    This blog post leaves me speachless and sad. Do these people have no other problem than judging you on what you wear?? What is the issue of this?? You are not telling anyone they should stop wearing their thungs only a few times, so why these critics??
    Here‘s one thing I have learned: people are afraid if people whi do not function the „normal“ way and who won‘t let themselves dragged by the fashion (or any other) industry to consume more and who have enough courage to live their lives differently. I have faced this a few times and now treat it as a compliment ?. It was not easy but when you are two (your husband and yourself) it is easier to support one another.
    Don‘t let the others put you down with these critics as here‘s one other thing: Fashion is fast, real style is longlasting!! Look at alk the great ikons – they wore their clothes constantly and had great style!!
    You have a great style and you can wear your clothes in different ways. And I find it great you are trying to live a more sustainable life. 50 years ago it was pretty normal to wear your clothes until you couldn‘t mend them anymore. Besides, you always change your wardrobe and add a few new things and let others go – much more slowly, but for me in a more natural time lapse. I‘ve been owning some of my jeans for 10 years now and they still rock!!
    Do you know Jenny Mustard (youtube blogger)? She has one post with fashion hacks to wear your clothes differently (white shirt with buttons on the back i.e.). That gives an interesting twist.
    But again: you have a style that covers everything with the clothes you own!!
    Be brave. Be your own best. Love from Luxembourg.

    • signeh24

      Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write me all this! And you are right. I should practise looking at it as a compliment and a way to keep myself motivated! I follow Jenny on Youtube, she’s really cool! But thanks for the tip anyway <3 xx

  13. Betina Schou | Betinaschou.dk

    Tusind tak for et godt indlæg. Jeg tror simpelthen, at det er fordi du stadig er lidt pioner på området. Jeg er selv i gang med et kapsel garderobe og en udbredelse af en minimalistisk tankegang, og hører gang på gang spørgsmålet: hvordan kan man klare sig med så lidt? Jeg synes du er mega sej inspirerende. Jeg synes det er al respekt værd, at du slider dit tøj op og bruger det sæson efter sæson.

    • signeh24

      Tusind tak Betina! Hvor er det sejt at du selv er igang med samme projekt! <3

  14. Alexandra

    Wonderful post! You are so right! I love your style and although you wear the same or similar pieces often, I really love browsing your instagram. You’ve found your own style and honestly, you do have “enough” clothes just like the most of us probably do… The majority of people probably has way too many including me! I have so many clothes that I do not wear because I am constantly searching for something new. I think it is so much better – for us, for our peace of mind and our environment – to own fewer clothes, but ones you really like. As I said, I love your style and hope to come to the point myself that I own less, but really like what I have. Keep doing your thing!

  15. Beverlee

    Dear Signe
    you are on the right track and an inspiration for your followers. There are always going to be ‘nay’ sayers. But they don’t get the bigger picture. We have to be conscious consumers or we will leave an uninhabitable planet behind.

  16. Anne

    Perhaps the response to “You always wear the same” could be “Yes, I try” or “Thank you so much. I do my best”…

    • signeh24

      You are so right! <3

  17. Sidsel

    Jeg synes din stil er superfed, punktum. Og så synes jeg faktisk at den er endnu mere fed, netop fordi du bruger de samme ting mange gange, og har gode ting i en ordentg kvalitet, hvilket kan ses. Du får så meget kredit herfra, og jeg synes du er mega inspirerende! Jeg er selv kun ved at tage de første små skridt på vejen mod en bæredygtig garderobe, så for mig er det så vigtigt at følge dig og andre eøder er længere på rejsen.
    Fedt, at du tager kommentarerne som en udfordring ?

    • signeh24

      Tusind tak Sidsel! Skønt med en dansk følger der bakker op om konceptet! <3

  18. Andrea

    You always wear the same things – and somehow it always looks fresh and wonderful. I don’t understand why people feel like they have to critique others. I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from your ‘same’ wardrobe. I’m actually wearing the same shirt pictured in this post. I was inspired to look for a cool blazer from seeing how you styled yours and seeing how versatile the look is (and realizing how much it fit who I am, and understanding that I have a lot of dresses because I love the look, but I don’t wear them because they don’t fit my lifestyle.) I like your ‘same’ style! Keep it up!

  19. Sara

    Even if it was meant as a critism- I would also take it as a compliment. Its easy in some ways to buy something new. Its more difficult to try and create new outfits with less and go against the norm.
    I find your posts/social media inspiring and down to earth – you aren’t doing anything wrong – keep positive and keep doing what you are doing.

    • signeh24

      Thank you so much for your support! <3 I will try to look at it as a compliment and a way to keep me motivated! "I'll show them!". <3 xx

  20. Lana

    You always look beautiful and stylish – do not listen to those who say you always wear the same. We should follow our own heart and not go with the crowd. You are an inspiration to me and many others and we appreciate your efforts at your blog and especially Youtube videos. If you want more color do it because you want to and not because others criticize.

  21. Shannon

    A very smart woman once said, “It’s not about having a lot of clothes it’s about having the right clothes.”
    Judging from all the capsule and sustainability websites and books out there being a fashionista is maybe not so fashionable anymore and in some cultures never was-think France…think Uganda.
    Check out all the challenges to wear the same outfit for a week websites (i.e. Huffington Post). It was day 4 before anybody noticed.
    In this day and age globally paring down, minimizing, sustainable living, protecting the earth and each other is the only responsible way to live.
    Great people doing great things have always been criticized.

    • signeh24

      You are so right, especially about that last sentence! Thanks for your support! <3

  22. julie sutcliffe

    HI, i have been following your blog for awhile now and i think you are amazing and i love love love your basic wardrobe capsule and your seasonal capsules. you are an inspiration to me and i have based my wardrobe on your basic wardrobe. you seem sad in this post…….dont let people get to you, or let them dictate to you what you should or shouldnt wear. You are the bomb! i have never written an comment like this before but wanted you to know that i think you and your site are awesome and i really look forward to your blogs………..julie (australia).

  23. Victoria Onken

    I think you touch up on some really interesting points here. In our world, for years, we’ve had fast fashion and this have us the appetite for new things, playing with style (which in itself is good). But it also brought over-consumption. I don’t think we can ask people to turn back and have minimalistic wardrobes. I, for one, would find it terribly boring. So what can we do? My theory on this is the following: building a basic, staple wardrobe out of the most beautiful, loved, sustainable pieces (70%) and the rest we should share. In Amsterdam we have a fashion library where you can borrow clothes as you would books, which is awesome. It’s not evening clothes, but everyday things. Also, I organize and attend clothes swapping parties, which are fun and a sustainable way to get something “new”. I think we need to embrace share-economy more and then all of us will actually have these massive wardrobes we can get creative with.

  24. Courtney Mason

    I appreciate the fact that you wear things over and over again. For me personally, I’m investing in my wardrobe so I want to buy things I wouldn’t mind wearing daily. The mindset needs to shift to purchasing items for longevity. I know my grandmother always thought that way and luckily passed that trait on to me. Keep doing what your doing!

  25. Tania S

    Hi Signe, some people just don’t get it!!

    I just read about Arianna Huffington’s latest project where she is encouraging women to wear their clothes more frequently. I think this is great but I guess this must be aimed at a certain woman (professional/rich?) as I always thought most women wear their clothes multiple times already. She talks about this concept as a way to free up women’s time and thought processes similar to how a man might just put on a suit and tie without much thought. Interesting anyway.

    Cheers Tania

  26. M

    You are true inspiration and role-model! And like many others before me wrote: Take it like a compliment. I watch and learn so much from your videos and pinterest so please, keep up the good work!

  27. Helena

    Hi Signe,
    Thanks for your inspiring post. It made me realize that in our fast fashion world we are so used to buying new clothes. Most of the time however we use only 20% of our clothes in our wardrobe which is often overflowing.

    A friend said to me once that you cannot wear a dress to two events because it looks odd. But now I ask myself why not. Who will notice if you change the accessoires like the bag and shoes? And even if they do, why should you be bothered.

    Your blog has made me think about quality over quantity and this is probably one of the first steps to take.

  28. Claudia

    Great Job Signe!

    Keep it up, you have inspired me to start my capsule wardrobe and I really love your style. I don’t think it is boring at all, in the contrary, it shows how versatile each piece of clothing you have can be.

    Thanks for inspire us 🙂

  29. Oana/OliveOanx

    I absolutely agree with you, Signe! I’m very happy to see you having lots of wear from your clothes and it’s such an inspiration to me to continue to minimise my wardrobe and live a healthy and sustainable life. It doesn’t happen over night and the process is so important. Thank you so much for making all your videos 🙂 I-N-S-P-O is crucial in motivating us to stay on the ‘right’ track ;). Love

  30. Mirjam

    O sweetie, if I got a euro for every time someone said something hatefull to me I would be a miljonaire. As you get onder you learn that it is impossible to please everyone. Just stay true to yourself and your own style and don’t give a damn about what the haters say! Lots of love!

  31. Amandine

    I completely relate to this problem, especially with my mom giving me the “you always wear the same clothes” every now and then (but still too much in my taste), so i totally support you with this ! (just saying : i’m a 25 years old french girl and i’m on the same journey toward minimalism in general but also in my style, and it can be very difficult at times. i recently discoverd you channel and your blog and i love both. keep on the good work ! you motivate me and make me believe that it will be possible for me to finally reach my real personnal style, even without being e crazy consumer. thank you !)

  32. Paula Esteves

    Hello Signe!
    I have just 2 Words: Brené Brown!
    All those who like so much to criticize others, should talk less, react less, and start to listen and observe more! And learn!!
    Kisses <3

  33. Mercedes

    Your style is beautiful! The fact that you “always wear the same” is admirable. Good job!!!

  34. Michelle Hamric

    Having fewer clothes takes a lot more thought and creativity to put an outfit together than someone who has an over-filled closet. The person with too many clothes has been influenced by advertisements, family, friends, and celebrities. I think it’s wonderful limiting our clothing choices in the closet! I have to admit that I still struggle with the feeling that I don’t have enough unless my closet is stuffed. That’s NOT how it was for me in earlier years. So, yes, I’m guilty too of allowing myself to be influenced by advertisers, etc. Note, I said “allowed myself to be influenced”. Each one of us has to decide whether or not to let advertisers have that much power. I want MY POWER BACK!! Thank you, Signe, for helping all of us to start rethinking what we purchase and why.

  35. Bouchra

    Hello Signe,
    I’ve discovered your blog and channel a few weeks ago, at a moment when I wasn’t feeling very weel, a bit lost, looking for myself. Among all the videos available on Youtube, most of them depressed me even more than I was: those women seemed so far from me! And I saw your videos, and they made me feel better. I discovered a beautiful woman wearing “always the same things”, but wearing them so well! You helped me understand what having your own style means: it’s not wearing a costume to look like something or someone, it’s not trying to look special. It’s wearing outfits in which you recognize yourself when you cross a mirror; it says “no doubt, this person is me and I like her”. I understand now why I keep buying the same kind of items: it’s not a lack of imagination, it’s simply because those are the clothes in which I recognize myself. And you helped me accept it and stop trying to fit myself into outfits that are simply not me and in which I feel strange.
    Don’t let any comment hurt you, Signe: you are not perfect, you don’t pretend to be, you are honest and you try to improve in living the way you believe in. And doing so, you help us try too. I think you are a beautiful person, and I want to thank you for the peaceful feeling you have already brought into my head.
    Bouchra, 48 years old parisian

    • signeh24

      Can’t describe how happy I was when I read this comment! Thank you SO so much for all your support, it really means the world to me. Well, really it means even more that I actually get to empower and HELP women like you. <3 I am here with you, whenever you need it, feel free to tune in on my platforms and just let yourself breathe for a bit. I for one being both highly sensitive and introvert too, know how overwhelming the world outside sometimes seem. You are doing so well, from what you've written here I can tell! Be proud of yourself! <3 Love Signe

  36. Vanessa Weber

    Hi Signe,

    Greetings from Canada! I came across your Youtube channel a couple of months ago, and it has really helped me shift my perspective on fashion and consumerism. I used to be a frequent shopper of fast-fashion, trendy clothing, and often found myself only wearing these items a few times in a season before giving them up for donation. It is taking some work to kick this habit, but your videos are super inspiring and are helping me become a more conscious consumer. I also think it takes a lot of creativity to reinvent an existing wardrobe to suit current trends, and you’re doing it effortlessly!

    My hope is for you to continue inspiring others to do good for the environment and for our closets, and to ignore the negativity.

    – Vanessa

  37. Iiris

    Hi Signe.
    I know this is an old post but I was compelled to write to you because it is a topic I struggle and feel anxious with. I highly dislike the current day athmosphere of buying new clothes all the time, and as this happens around you and peple wear something brand new all the time, my old clothes start to feel old and worn out. But I find this trend really dangerous and dislike it very much.

    An interesting note to this is that this trend seems to be much stroger in Denmark than in my home country, Finland. I’ve lived in Denmark for 2 years now and I love it here, but I’ve notised that here brand new styles and buying new clothes is very common, and quilty as chanrged has put me into a visous sircle of buying new things all the time. I visited Finland after a long time and it was so nice to see that my old and worn clothes were much better accepted, people love fleamarkets and there is so many options on sustainable, organic and resycled fashion. I think, I am sorry to say this, but Denmark is somewhat little behind in some these matters and you are one of the important people influencing this change. So, please keep doing what you do and know that there are people who highly appreciate what you are doing and follow your advices.

    Greetings from Aalborg.
    – Iiris


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