Discover your best colours and feel more confident


Certified and trained through Colour Me Beautiful, 2,5 years of experience, bronze certificate of achievement received in 2023 for outstanding performance and nearly a thousand happy customers later: welcome to my colour studio where I help you take the guesswork out of finding colours that enhance your natural beauty!

01 Enhance your personal style

By understanding your best colours, you can select clothing and makeup that harmonize with your features, making you look more vibrant and boost your confidence.

Streamline your wardrobe

By selecting colours that complement each other (and you!), you can create various outfit combinations with a limited number of versatile pieces.

03 mindful spending habits

When you know your best colours and combinations, it can save you time and money wasted on items that end up sitting unworn in your closet.

Maternity leave notice: book now before it’s too late!

I am going on maternity leave from November 2024, and will be closing down my services from then and through most of 2025.

Personal colour guide

From €99
Virtual or in-person

You send me your pictures or we meet in-person in my studio in South Denmark. Either way you’ll get my personalized 20 page guide that includes:

• Analysis of your colour type
• An explanation of the tonal system colour analysis
• A digital palette with (at least) 30 of your best colours (dominant colour type)
• A guide on how to use and wear your colours
• A makeup guide and makeup colour palette
• In-person sessions also include a physical wallet with fabric swatches (full set of 42 colours)

Keep scrolling to book your  desired session!

**Please read the disclaimers further down the page before booking


why colour me beautiful?

The colour me beautiful Tonal System is unique. We moved from the traditional ‘seasons’ approach many years ago to offer clients more flexibility in the way that we analyse. This doesn’t mean that the ‘seasons’ approach is wrong – or that any other way of doing colour analysis is wrong for that matter – it’s just a different, slightly more flexible approach. As well as assessing the look of someone, I also take into account their style personality and profession. This allows me to provide my clients with a palette of colours that work for them on every level of their life and style preferences. And more importantly, I teach them how to wear their colours too.

In its simplest form, the colour me beautiful tonal system is made up of 6 dominant colour types. I then build upon these to find your secondary and tertiary colours through what we call an advanced analysis – and with all the combinations possible we then end up with no less than 24 different colour types! Can you spot your dominant colouring from this post?


what my clients say

It's been almost a month since we met and I can't explain how grateful I am that you could give me the clarity I needed. Ever since we met I've been recreating amazing outfits. I feel great. a new me has been born.

Client, Virtuel wardrobe review

Signe helped me find my way back to the core of my style, and in no time she came up with a lot of new outfits using items from my closet. I have items within my wardrobe that I haven't used for years upon years which have now become my new favorites just by styling them in the right way - I never thought this would be possible!

Arlen Aguilar
Client, in-person wardrobe review

Booking this session was my treat to myself for the new year, and it was worth every penny. As we went through my color type. the light bulb went off and I feel more confident now, as previously I was pretty confused about what colors and combinations work best for me. Defining my style and reviewing my wardrobe has also really given me clarity about how to create outfits I feel both comfortable and chic in. I know this section in particular will really help me dress in a way that truly expresses who I am. Thanks so much Signe!

Hannah Lobb
Client, ivirtual wardrobe review & color analysis

is it really possible to conduct a colour analysis virtually?

Get your dominant colour type with a virtual colour analysis


Traditionally a colour analysis would have involved you coming to my studio and having lots of different coloured fabric drapes placed underneath your chin to see which ones suit you best. But, as an experienced colour consultant I have a fairly good idea of what your dominant colour type is the second you walk in the door. Sometimes further testing can be needed to make absolutely sure, so if I need more information I’ll simply ask you a few extra questions or ask you to send me some more photos to find out more about you. From there I will make the best possible decision to match your colour palette with your appearance, lifestyle and personality too.

Thanks to the flexibility of The Tonal System we use at CMB we can cover part of the analysis even when it takes place online. Do note though, that a virtual consultation of course has a few limitations and if you have the option, I’d always recommend face-to-face consultations to get the full experience. Having said that, we would always be able to define what we call your “dominant” colour type through a virtual consultation. Have a look at this post for a deeper explanation of what that means. Basically you get 1 of 3 main descriptors covered with the virtual analysis, which will either be within depth, undertone or clarity.

The dominant colours in your palette take up 30 out of up to 42 in total, so even the virtual consultation will be a helpful eyeopener and can get you off to a great start.  For finetuning and adding the final 12 colours, often defined by factors that can’t always be seen with the naked eye, I’d always advice in-person consultations over virtual ones. We rely heavily on our technical coloured testing drapes when we do the advanced, full analysis on our clients. A person’s undertone for example can be hard to get right just by looking at pictures. In case I can easily add those extra 12 colours to the analysis I will of course offer you this, but please note that the virtual consultation by default doesn’t include it.

please read before booking!


Virtual analysis limitations

If you are booking a virtual analysis, please ensure that you have carefully read what it includes and which limitations it might have above. As wonderful as virtual analysis can be, it is always recommended to have them backed up by in-person sessions if you can, to get a more full and precise experience. I will cover your dominant colour type during a virtual consultation (30 out of 42 colours) as stated in the segment above. Please note that virtual analysis by default doesn’t cover secondary and tertiary charcteristics, as we will need to be face to face (in most cases) to find these. However, do also note that many people are happy just with their dominant palette, as this one offers you your main keywords and guidelines for wearing colour either way.

Booking a virtual colour analysis also relys on your ability to send sufficient pictures and thorough questionnaire answers (a guide will be send to you after booking, but you can have a look at the general picture requirements here).

The digital colour palette

The digital colour palette is created to be viewed on a screen (e.g. phone or computer), and all colours are created carefully to match the colours of a physical colour palette. Printing out the digital colour palette will distort the colours and is not recommended. Individual settings like screen exposure and temperature can also impact the colours slightly. Therefore I do recommend purchasing a physical wallet with any consultation where it’s not already included to get the most accurate experience.

In your digital colour guide you will have lots of examples of how to wear your colours, but please bare in mind that the guide is made to fit a universal range of aesthetics. If you are looking to develop your style identity have a look at my styling services.

Who is "wrong" or "right"

Colour analysis is a much more subjective matter than what it is often made out to be, simply because everyone will perceive colours differently. This means that even the most skilfully trained and experienced colour consultants may sometimes disagree or type clients differently. This is not equal to either of us being “wrong”.

Be careful to not fall into a colour analysis rabbit hole, trying to look for a “perfect” answer. Some people are not straight-forward and may have mixed characteristics especially if they change their look a lot, which can give variying results. Colour analysis should be a fun and liberating way of working with colour; not confuse you further.

Tonal vs. seasonal analysis

Some clients want to know what colour type they are according to the Seasonal system after having their result from me. As I work with the Tonal System, please note that this is not possible as the two techniques are simply not the same, despite any similarities they may have.

Refunds & cancellations

Once consultation is conducted, refunds are not possible and will only be considered on a case-by-case basis as stated in my general terms.

Physical consultations: if you need to cancel your appointment, please do so at least 24 hours before the start of the session, otherwise 50% of the consultation price will be charged. If you fail to attend to your scheduled appointment, you will be billed 100% of the consultation price.

Virtual consultations: if you wish to cancel your Express Colour Analysis it must be done so within 24 hours after booking. Hereafter refunds are not possible.

virtual colour analysis (email session)

(worldwide bookings - please read the disclaimer above before booking!)

why choose the virtual option?

The virtual colour analysis is efficient, time-saving and perfect for anyone who are unable to come meet me in person. It is based on email correspondence so we won't have to meet at a specific time; rather you can fill out the questionnaire and send me your photos at a leisurely pace from the comfort of your home.

With the virtual colour analysis you simply send me some well-lit pictures of yourself (a guide will be included in the confirmation email upon booking but you can see the general picture guideline here), and I will then use those to define your dominant colour type. Within 5 days from your booked date you will receive your personal colour guide.

This analysis is lightly stripped down compared to my in-person sessions, but it offers you lots of valuable information regardless – so you can get off to a good start if you have no idea what your best colours might look like.

*Please note that virtual analysis by default doesn’t cover secondary and tertiary charcteristics, as we will need to be face to face (in most cases) to find these. Read more in the section above.


Save time and money by booking as a group! I’ll pack my consultation tools and come to you. This is a perfect opportunity for a private group of friends, a hen party, company events or similar.

Read more HERE.

in-person colour consultations

(in my studio in Aabenraa – please read the disclaimer above before booking)

Though the virtual consultations are great especially if you are unable to come see me (or any of my Colour Me Beautiful colleagues) in-person, there’s no doubt that the absolute best experience with colour analysis will be the face-to-face ones conducted in my studio.

During these consultations you will have all your wonderful colours draped directly underneath your chin, so you can see the impact they have on your face, appearance and wellbeing. This is a great opportunity to discover some new colours you wouldn’t have thought about wearing before; in fact, most of my clients leave my studio floating on a little cloud of confidence after an in-person consultation!

*I will be using makeup from Colour Me Beautiful‘s own range. The makeup is produced within Europe and cruelty-free. Some products contain perfume. Read more HERE. I also use makeup from RMS, Gosh and Ilia. Please reconsider the makeup session if you have severe allergies against certain types of makeup or fragrances.

consultation follow-up (virtual)

*Must be booked within 6 months after your first consultation (offer expires hereafter)

The follow-up consultation is specially made for clients who have had a colour analysis done by me previously. It’s only natural that you might run into some unexpected challenges or questions when you start diving into the depths of evolving your style and colour palette; and this session is meant to help you pick back up if you feel a little stuck or simply answer any questions that might have occurred since we last spoke.



Hi, I’m Signe!

I’m a former fashion designer turned certified style coach & colour consultant from Denmark. USE LESS is a personal styling service working within the field of slow fashion. Since 2015 I’ve helped my audience put on the right clothes, say goodbye to fast fashion and hello to lasting style that makes you glow from the inside and out. I embody a slow lifestyle where not being afraid of missing out – but committing to the important things in life – is at the core of everything I do.