Meat-free meal prep ideas for the freezer (getting ready for baby’s arrival!)

Oct 11, 2020 | 1 comment

A while ago I shared some snippets in my stories on Instagram of us prepping a handfuld of meals for our freezer, so that we are prepared for our little girl’s arrival in October. I also promised I would gather the recipes up in a post for you, so that’s what we’re doing today! Almost all our food containers and jars are occupied now and full of lovely meals (both lunch and dinners), that we can take out of the freezer and heat in no time during our first weeks as new parents. I think that in total we probably have food enough for around 3 weeks, but I’m sure we’ll eat something else in between sometimes too. Maybe we both need a break from the baby-bubble sometimes, and then we’ll definitely go to the grocery store and cook something fresh instead. But the first month where everything is probably going to be equally emotional, hectic and overwhelming trying to settle into our new routines with the little one, I just know it’s going to be nice to have lots of healthy food prepared for us in the freezer. It’s something lots of you have also recommended us to do. We’ve made a handfuld of different vegan/vegetarian stews, so all we need to do is heat those and then cook some rice or pasta on the side. Then we can always cut out some easy, fresh veggies like cucumber or carrot sticks too, to eat on the side of those. These stews are nonetheless perfect for the autumn season! We’ve also made some different vegan spread to whack on a piece of fresh rye bread from the local bakery, to eat for lunch. So this way we make sure we have some healthy, nutritious food available to help carry us through the first time after expanding our family. Anyway, here’s a list of the different meals that we have stuffed in our freezer!

For noget tid siden delte jeg nogle små snaps ovre i mine stories på Instagram af, at vi var i fuld gang med ”meal prepping” inden vores lille pige kommer til verden i Oktober. Jeg lovede i samme ombæring også, at samle de forskellige opskrifter i et indlæg – så det kommer her! Samtlige bøtter i vores husholdning er nu brugt og fyldt op med en helt masse dejlig mad, som vi løbende kan tage op og varme i den første tid efter vi er blevet nybagte forældre, både til frokost og aftensmad. Noget som jeg tror vi bliver rigtig glade for, og som mange også har anbefalet os. Jeg tror vi har mad til en 3 ugers tid sammenlagt, men vi kommer helt sikkert også til at spise noget andet indimellem. Måske har man jo netop brug for et lille afbræk, hvor man lige kommer ud og får handlet ind og lavet mad indimellem, mens det nok primært er den første måneds tid, hvor vi lige skal lande efter fødslen og finde ud af hvilke rutiner der fungerer for os, hvor det bliver dejligt ikke at skulle tænke på madlavningen – det meste af tiden ihvertfald. Vi har lavet nogle gode, veganske/vegetariske gryderetter, hvor der så bare lige skal koges nogle ris eller noget pasta til. Måske skal der også suppleres med lidt nemt og friskt grønt i form af agurke- eller gulerodsstænger. Det er i hvert fald dejligt nemt og perfekt til efterårssæsonen, med de her varmende gryderetter. Udover det har vi lavet nogle veganske alternativer til forskelligt slags pålæg til at smide på friskt rugbrød fra bageren, som vi kan spise til frokost. Så vi kan sørge for at få noget god og sund mad, selv hvis (eller når, skulle jeg måske hellere sige) tingene måske bliver lidt overvældende og hektiske. Anyway, her kommer de retter som vi har fyldt fryseren med!

Vegan lunch spreads (recipes are further down in the post)

I might as well jump in here and let you know, that for some of these recipes you’ll be needing Rachel Ama’s Vegan Eats cookbook. I met Rachel during a photoshoot in London last year, and she just became a mother too! I highly recommend her cookbook. She does also share lots of recipes over on her YouTube channel sometimes.

Til nogle af disse retter kan jeg ligeså godt afsløre, at vi har fundet dem i Rachel Ama’s Vegan Eats kogebog. Jeg mødte Rachel til et photoshoot i London sidste år, og hun er i øvrigt selv lige blevet mor til en lille dreng! Jeg kan virkelig varmt anbefale hendes kogebog! Hun deler i øvrigt også mange super lækre retter ovre på sin YouTube somme tider.

DINNER (to eat with pasta or rice)

  • Vegetable Chilli w/rice (Vegan Eats p. 106)
  • One-tray roast vegetables (Vegan Eats p. 117)
  • Plant-based bolognese (Hannah Grant, find it here)
  • Comforting vegan stew (my own recipe, find it here)
Hannah Grant’s veggie bolognese
Chuna with homemade pickled cucumber

LUNCH & SPREADS (to eat on bread)

  • Chuna ( vegan version of tuna salad, Vegan eats, p. 150)
  • Vegan ”egg” salad (find it here)
  • Jackfruit salad (vegan version of Danish ”makrelsalat”, here)
  • Bean spread (vegan version of Danish ”leverpostej”, here)
  • Veggie pizza rolls (my own recipe here)
Veggie pizza rolls, recipe linked above

We’ve put the different dinner meals into medium sized containers, so that there is a serving for both of us at a time. Some of the dishes are rather large already, but otherwise we just made double the amount to make sure we would have enough for a couple nights. We’ve put the different spreads for lunch into even smaller containers, so that we again can take out a little at a time and only defrost what we feel like eating on the specific day.

It’s so weird to think about the fact that we will soon become a family of 3! Well, of course Oskar and Luna our fur babies will be here too, and they are just as much a part of the family. It’s going to be an adventure for them too I bet!

Retterne til aftensmaden har vi frosset ned i bøtter, så der er til et måltid til os hver ad gangen. Så kan vi som sagt løbende tage det op. Nogle af retterne er i sig selv ret store, men ellers har vi bare lavet dobbeltportion, sådan så vi netop var sikre på der ville blive til et par dage. Tilsvarende har vi frosset pålæggen til vores frokost ned i nogle endnu mindre bøtter, så vi igen ikke skal tage for meget op af gangen og kan skifte lidt rundt i hvad vi nu lige har lyst til.

Det er så underligt at tænke på, at vi lige om lidt bliver en familie på 3! Ja, ikke at forglemme Oskar og Luna selvfølgelig, vores små pelsbørn som jo var her først. Det bliver spændende at se, hvordan de reagerer på vores nye hverdag!

1 Comment

  1. Christina

    Why did you become vegan and has it changed how you feel?


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