5 style tips to always look chic

Jan 3, 2022 | 6 comments

For mig handler personlig stil ikke blot om, at give et godt førstehåndsindtryk eller at udtrykke hvem jeg er til omverdenen, uden brug af ord men blot gennem min påklædning. Det handler i ligeså høj grad om, at føle mig godt tilpas og mere selvsikker. Her får du en introduktion til nogle simple styling værktøjer der kan hjælpe dig med, at få disse ting til at gå op i en højere enhed for lige netop dig og din stil. Så du kan sammensætte lækre outfits – hver dag.

ENG.: To me, personal style is not just about giving a good first impression or expressing who I am to the outside world, without the use of words but simply through what I wear. It’s just as much about feeling comfortable and more confident. In this post I will give you an introduction to a handful of simple styling tools, that can help you align these factors to suit you and your personal style. And so you can build chic and stylish outfits – every day.

1. It starts the night before

Før jeg blev mor var mine morgener noget roligere, og jeg havde generelt lidt mere tid til, at gøre mig klar og lægge tøj frem. Det billede har ændret sig drastisk! Forstå mig ret, vores morgener er hyggelige, men de er også ofte noget mere kaotiske. Det kræver lidt at nå at drikke sin morgenkaffe mens den er varm, lave havregrød, tage makeup OG komme i tøjet samtidig med man underholder sine små poder og sørger for, at de får en ligeså god start på dagen som én selv. Derfor har jeg gjort det til en vane, et ritual om du vil, at lægge mit tøj frem allerede aftenen før. Det behøver ikke tage mere end 5-10 minutter, men det sparer mig altså for at stresse med det om morgenen. Alt fra selve mit outfit til accessories, smykker og sko gør jeg klar. Selv min håndtaske står pakket og klar i entreen (smart hvis du godt kan lide, at skifte mellem forskellige håndtasker efter humør), så jeg er klar til afgang om morgenen; som den bedst mulige version af mig selv, vel at mærke. Dette er også en god måde at undgå, at iføre dig de samme 3 sæt dag ud og dag ind. Du kan bruge lidt mere tid på, at lege min din stil og det tøj du nu engang har til rådighed.

Få flere tips til at udvikle din stil gennem mit online kursus HER, og se evt. denne video om, hvordan jeg får inspiration til at sammensætte nye outfits. Du kan også booke en personlig konsultation med mig som din stylecoach lige HER.

ENG.: Before I became a mother, my mornings were a bit calmer, and I generally had a little more time to get ready and put on clothes. That picture has changed drastically! Don’t get me wrong, our mornings are cozy, but they are also often somewhat more chaotic. It requires some effort to have time to drink your morning coffee while it is hot, make oatmeal porridge, put on a bit of makeup AND get dressed while entertaining your little one and making sure they get as good a start to the day as yourself. That’s why I’ve made it a habit, a ritual if you will, to prep my daily outfits the night before. It doesn’t have to take more than 5-10 minutes, but it does save me a lot of stress in the morning. I prep everything from the outfit itself to accessories, jewelry and shoes. Even my handbag is packed and ready in the hallway; so I can leave the house as the best possible version of myself. This is also a great way to avoid wearing the same 3 outfits day in and day out. You leave room and energy to be a little more time playful with your style and the clothes you now have available.

Get more tips to develop your personal style through my online style masterclass HERE, and watch this video on how I get inspiration to put together new outfits. You can also book my for a personal wardrobe review right HERE.

2. Create contrast & tension

Hvis du, som jeg, har en dominerende afslappet stilkerne (lær mere om stilkernerne på mit online kursus HER), så kan én af faldgruberne være, at du let kommer til at kede dig. Du drages af den simple, basic stil; men nogle gange føler du måske, at der mangler noget. Noget der kan løfte dit outfit fra ”blah” til ”lækkert!”. Et af de værktøjer jeg her foreslår mine klienter er, at blande deres dominante stilkerne med deres sekundære (og evt. tertiære). Undgå, at iføre dig et outfit som er afslappet fra top til tå – eksempelvis sneakers, en løs striktrøje og et par jeans. Du kan let løfte sådan et look ved ganske enkelt at tilføje et element mere, som trækker det i en lidt anden retning. For mig kunne det være en klassisk blazer. Jeg kunne også godt finde på, at tilføje et par mindre afslappede sko, som fx et par loafers eller støvletter med hæl. Kontraster og afsluttende detaljer gør altså en kæmpe forskel, og det er en super effektiv måde at være tro mod dig selv og din dominante stilkerne, samtidig med du opnår et lidt mere personligt og sammensat look.

ENG.: If you, like me, have a dominant casual style personality (learn more about the different style personalities through my online style masterclass HERE), one of your main challenges may be that you easily get bored. You are drawn to the simple, basic style; but sometimes you may feel that something is missing. Something that can lift your outfit from “blah” to “amazing!”. One of the tools I suggest my clients is to mix their dominant style personality with their secondary (and possibly tertiary) ones. Avoid wearing an outfit that is casual from head to toe – for example, sneakers, a loose knitted sweater and a pair of jeans. You can easily elevate such a look by simply adding one more element which pulls it in a slightly different direction. For me, it could be a classic blazer. I could also add a pair of less casual shoes, such as a pair of classic loafers or heeled ankle boots. Contrasting details make a huge difference, and it is a super effective way to be true to yourself and your dominant style personality, while at the same time achieving a slightly more interesting and detailed look.

Amp up a basic and casual jeans/jumper combination by adding contrasting elements: like a pair of classic loafers and a classic blazer

3. Re-think your basics

I stedet for altid at købe den samme hvide eller sorte t-shirt, så prøv næste gang at vælge én i en farve som komplimenterer din farve type. Eller i stedet for at købe den samme, simple type striktrøje, så gå efter én der fx har klokkeærmer eller små læg ved skulderen. Nytænk basis-begrebet, og vælg nogle basis items som er tro mod din stil og det du kan lide, som er nemme at style: men som lige giver dine outfits dét ekstra løft du måske somme tider savner.

ENG.: Instead of always buying the same plain white or black t-shirt, next time try choosing one in a color that compliments your color type. Or instead of buying the same, simple type of knitted sweater, go for one that has bell sleeves or small gatherings at the shoulders. Rethink the concept of basics, and choose some basic items that are true to your style and what you like, that are easy to style: but that just give your outfits that extra something to make it more interesting.

4. Become a layer-player

Afhængig af sæson, så prøv at være lidt mere kreativ med de lag du tilføjer dine looks. De køligere måneder er perfekte til en lille udfordring, hvor du sammensætter mindst 3-4 lag i samme outfit (overtøj ikke inkluderet, men lette jakker er ok). Det får dig til at tænke ud af boksen, og du vil højst sandsynligt også opdage nogle nye kombinationer, som du ellers aldrig før havde overvejet. Som tommelfingerregel så tænk indenunder, imellem og udover. Hvad kan du tilføje af lag for, at gøre det hele lidt mere interessant? Selvom mange lag kan være svært i de varme sommermåneder, så prøv dog alligevel også her at udfordre dig selv. Et par shorts med en simpel tanktop kan gøres mere spændende, hvis du tilsætter et bælte og smider en løs, åbenstående skjorte over som en slags ”jakke”.  

ENG.: Depending on the season, try to be a little more creative with the layers you add to your looks. The cooler months are perfect for a little challenge where you could include at least 3-4 layers in the same outfit (outerwear not included, but lighter jackets are ok). It forces you to think outside the box, and you will most likely also discover some new combinations that you would otherwise never have considered before. As a rule of thumb, think underneath, between and on top. Which layers can you add to make it all a little more interesting? Although several layers can be difficult in the hot summer months, try to challenge yourself there as well. A pair of shorts with a simple tank top is a lot more visually exciting if you add a belt and throw over a loose shirt left open like a light summer “jacket”.

Try adding an extra layer to your outfits: like a light jacket on top or a lace camisole underneath a shirt

5. Creating harmony

Der findes forskellige metoder til, at opnå mere harmoni i dine outfits. Det handler ikke om at forfølge dem alle (ligesom du i øvrigt heller ikke behøver at inkludere alle ovenstående tips i alle dine outfits, hver gang), men at håndplukke hist og her hvor det giver mening.

ENG.: There are various methods to achieve more harmony in your outfits. It’s not about pursuing all of them at the same time (just like you don’t have to include all the above tips in all your outfits, every time), but hand-picking here and there where it makes sense.

Rule of thirds
Rule of thirds udspringer fra arkitektur og kunst, og det kan overføres til beklædning som et værktøj til, at flytte din talje op og ned på kroppen. En 1/3 eller 2/3 opdeling anerkendes kort sagt som en måde, at skabe mere visuel balance og harmoni når man taler om opdeling. Derfor kan du lege med at undgå, at dele din krop lige over på midten. Der er intet galt med at gøre det, men det er bare lidt mere forudsigeligt. Flyt i stedet fokus opad ved fx at stoppe din overdel ned i din underdel og tilføj et bælte. Det vil flytte din talje lidt længere op. Få mere inspiration i denne, korte video guide.

ENG.: Rule of thirds originates from architecture and art, and it can be transferred to clothing as a tool to move your waistline up and down on your body. In short, a 1/3 or 2/3 division is recognized as a way to create more visual balance and harmony when dividing spaces. Try avoiding splitting your outfits in half. There’s nothing wrong with doing that, but it’s just a little more predictable. Instead, shift focus upwards by, for example tucking in your tops into your bottoms and maybe adding a belt. This will move your waistline slightly upwards. Get more inspiration in this short video guide.

Rule of thirds: avoid cutting your outfits in half  – create visual harmony by moving the attention to for example the upper 1/3

Bulky vs. sleek
En anden måde at skabe mere harmoni i dine outfits, er ved at skabe en god balance mellem items der fylder og items der ikke gør. For eksempel: hvis du er iført bukser med meget volume, så kan et par tunge, voluminøse sko virke voldsomme, og gøre det samlede udtryk meget tungt nederst på kroppen. Jeg ville i stedet gå efter en type sko, som var mere elegant og let i udtrykket i dette tilfælde, og på den måde lade bukserne stå lidt mere for sig selv. Jeg ville på samme måde undgå at sætte oversized overdele sammen med oversized underdele, for så ville jeg drukne fuldstændigt. Så forsøg så vidt muligt at skabe proportionel balance mellem lette/tunge items.

ENG.: Another way to create more harmony in your outfits is by creating a good balance between bulky/voluminous items and the more sleek ones. For example: if you are wearing pants with a lot of volume, then a pair of bulky, voluminous shoes can make the outfit very bottom-heavy. I would instead go for a type of shoe that was more elegant and light in this case, and in that way let the pants do the talking. I would similarly avoid styling oversized tops with oversized bottoms, because that might make me feel like I’m drowning in fabric. So try as much as possible to create a balance between lighter/heavier items to make your outfits more proportionately balanced.

Hvis du føler dine outfits kan være lidt for meget allover the place, så prøv 3-colour-rule. Dette værktøj går i alt sin enkelthed ud på, at begrænse farverne i dit outfit til max 3. Sort og hvid tæller egentlig ikke (eftersom de ikke reelt set er farver), så de kan bruges som en slags jokere sammen med andre farver hvis du synes. I hvertfald er dette en super effektiv måde, at opnå mere harmoni og skarphed i dine outfits.

ENG.: If you feel like your outfits may be a little too allover the place, try the 3-color rule. In all its simplicity, this tool is about limiting the colors in your outfit to a maximum of 3. Black and white don’t really count (since they are not really colors), so they can be used as jokers along with other colors if that feels more comfortable to you. In any case, this is a super effective way to achieve more harmony in your outfits.

Examples of how limiting the total number of colours in an outfit to 3 can calm things down and look more sharp


  1. Sharon Stanley

    As always these tips are super helpful and great to add to my box of fashion tricks. I had an aha moment when you said black and white are not really colors in the true sense so don’t absolutely have to count in the rule of threes!🤯👏🏻

    • signeh24

      Glad you found these tips useful Sharon! Signe xx

  2. Dianne

    Thank you for the renewed challenge for shopping in your wardrobe for 2022! Fall 2021 I did have to replace 2 cardigans but gave the older ones to my daughter to share with her or her friends..likewise with blankets and books. A sense of relief to pass on things happens. I did purchase a pair of black trainers that are very well made and good for older feet but still stylish. I am trying to focus on editing bits and pieces of kitchen stuff I no longer use..still good so someone can enjoy these things; I donated them to a charity shop. My goal for 2022 will also be to do one task in the garden or for others if possible daily. Really love your videos and life planning!

    • signeh24

      That sounds like a wonderful plan! Thanks for your comment and good luck with the challenge! Signe xx

  3. Susan Van Meter

    Signe would you please tell me the face size of your Nordgreen watches. I noticed Nordgreen has three sizes on their webpage. Two of the sizes are recomended for women and one for men. Did you get the larger one for women or the men’s size?

    I love the organic basic jeans you wear. It is very expensive for me to return or exchange there. Would you mind telling me what size you got and your waist and hip measurements. I hope that is not too personal to ask, but it would be very helpful.

    Lastly, would you also tell me the size of the Everlane blazer you have. I really appreciate learning from you and your utube videos.

    Can you suggest a good steamer for clothing? I got the defuzzer you recommended.

    • signeh24

      Hi Susan. The Nordgreen watch is a 5-link strap 🙂 I’m not sur if the watch I have is women’s or men’s, I’m pretty sure it’s women’s. But definitely 5-link strap and then you can remove/add links to adjust the size.

      My OB jeans are a size 28 and I’m a regular EU 36 in bottoms. Hope that helps!

      My Everlane blazer is a size 2 🙂 For steamers, check the Cirrus No. 3 from Steamery, it’s a hybrid between a steamer and an iron, it’s quite good.

      Hope that helps!

      Signe xx


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