3 apps to help you organize your wardrobe (and lower your consumption)

Jan 17, 2018 | 18 comments

If 2018 is gonna be the year where you are going to change your own buying habits to the better, get more structure into your wardrobe and really stick with your own style these apps might be a lifesaver or at least be a good place to start! The main purpose for all these apps is basically the same; you can register your entire wardrobe and put together endless looks, packing lists and more, but there’s still a huge difference between the 3 (especially economically) so in this post I thought I wanted to help you guys decide which one of the 3 apps that suit you and your situation best. It’s probably not hard to tell which one of the apps that is my personal favourite if you look at the amount of text, but I’d like to highlight that this post is NOT sponsored in any way.

Hvis 2018 er året hvor du for alvor gerne vil ændre dine forbrugsvaner, få mere styr på garderoben og generelt hvile mere i din stil, så kan én af disse apps muligvis være din redning eller ihvertfald et super godt sted at starte! Hovedformålet med disse 3 forskellige apps er sådan set det samme; du kan registrere hele din garderobe og sammensætte et utal af forskellige looks, pakkelister m.m., men der er alligevel lidt forskel på de 3 (især økonomisk), så i dette indlæg tænkte jeg, at jeg ville hjælpe dig derude med at vælge den, som passer bedst til dig. Det vil nok skinne lidt igennem hvilken app jeg selv er mest begejstret for hvis man ser på mængden af tekst (ahem), men jeg vil gerne understrege at dette indlæg på ingen måde er sponsoreret.

1. Cladwell

What? Cladwell is the only app that I’ve listed here, that can generate outfits automatically, based upon your registered wardrobe. You can upload your own images or choose similar from a huge library which makes it super convenient and easy to get started. You can register you basic wardrobe, your seasonal capsule, special occasion clothes and more and you can even register what you have stored away. In that way you’ll constantly know what you have in your closet. Based upon my winter capsule with 45 items in it, the app has generated almost 8.000 (!) different looks. I’m really looking forward to try using the app as a tool for packing for travels too, just so I’m sure I don’t overpack but stil pack enough. The app gives you daily outfit ideas based upon the weather on that particualr day, which is pretty cool. I suggest you take the photo of your style on a white background, then remove it (I use Photoshop, but if you have a free alternative let me know!) and save it as a PNG file. Lastly the app is not really effective in filtering certain items from each other. For example it puts outfits together with my knee high boots and boyfriend or straight leg jeans. I’d never do that in real life, so it would have been cool if you could kind of filter certain items more thoroughly.

Pros? Cladwell wants to tell us that we are good enough as we are, and that we need to just take it easy as consumers. We need to become better at focusing on the clothes we already have and that we love using! The fashion industry is only surpassed by the oil industry when it comes to which industries that pollutes our planet the most and the people behind the app is ready to challenge this fact. I love the fact that it can help you make a lot of different looks without you having to do anything at all, and this is primarily why this is my personal favourite of these 3 apps. It’s also a bit more simple and user-friendly than the others, especially because of the huge registered library where you can just pick the items that are similar to what you have yourself. I only had to upload a few of my own things, because I couldn’t find them. You can also get a lot of capsule wardrobe inspiration and guides through the app if you’re starting from scratch. You get inspired to style each individual item in new, surprising ways in no time plus you can get a little inspiration on which type of new items that would fit your registered wardrobe.

Cons? This is the most expensive app of the three because you have to subscribe to the service: weekly (3$), monthly (8$) or yearly (39$). The first 3 days are free though, so it’s not before after your trial you have to actually pay. The app is also only been available for iOS/iPhone, but you can get the app as a desktop version for your computer too though. Another thing that really bugs me is that, if you upload your own image to the app you can’t remove the background in there – you’ll have to do that yourself, before uploading the image.

Conclusion? I’m still not sure about the subscription part, I think it’s a lot of money in the long run. But if you’re totally new to the capsule wardrobe system, it’s definitely worth a try and it will without a doubt be super helpful to you! I use it to figure out what to wear each day and for events too, and for this it’s become a total lifesaver! Right now I can’t do without this app in my life, haha!

Hvad? Cladwell kan automatisk kan generere og sammensætte looks til dig. Du registrerer hele din garderobe og du kan vælge lignende produkter eller uploade dine egne billeder. Jeg har primært valgt produkter der minder om dem jeg selv er i besiddelse af, hvilket er super nemt og du kommer hurtigt igang. Du kan registrere din basis garderobe, dine capsules og sågar de produkter du har gemt væk fra tidligere sæsoner. På den måde kan du hele tiden strukturere din garderobe og holde øje med hvad du er i besiddelse af. Med min vinter capsule på i alt 45 items har app’en sammensat intet mindre end næsten 8.000 (!) outfits. Jeg ser også frem til, at prøve at bruge app’en i forbindelse med rejser, sådan så jeg er sikker på jeg ikke overpakker, men samtidig pakker nok. App’en tager også højde for hvor i verden du befinder dig, registrerer temperaturen udenfor og kommer således med et par forskellige outfit idéer hver dag baseret på vejret.

Fordele? Cladwell vil gerne signalere, at du er god nok som du er og samtidig også opfordre os som forbrugere til, at tage den med ro. Vi skal blive bedre til, at bruge det vi allerede har og fokusere på det tøj vi virkelig elsker at bruge! Modeindustrien er den industri næst efter olie, der forurener vores miljø allermest og det er menneskene bag app’en klar til, at gøre noget ved. Dette er den eneste app af de 3 jeg har listet her, som automatisk kan sammensætte outfits baseret på din garderobe uden du skal røre en finger, hvilket er den primære årsag til, at det også er den jeg bedst kan lide. Den er i min optik også lidt mere simpel og brugervenlig end de andre især fordi man bare kan vælge items fra et bibliotek, og slippe for besværet med at uploade sine egne ting. Der er også hjælp at hente i app’en, hvis det er første gang du skal prøve at bygge en capsule wardrobe, hvilket jeg synes er ret sejt. Man får inspiration til, at style de enkelte produkter i sin garderobe på nye, overraskende måder i løbet af ingen tid og man kan også få inspiration til hvilke eventuelle nye køb der ville passe godt sammen med de ting du har.

Ulemper? Dette er den dyreste app af de tre jeg har listet her, eftersom man abonnerer på app’en og altså således skal vælge om man ønsker et ugentligt (3$) månedligt (8$) eller årligt (39$) abonnement. De første 3 dage er gratis, så det er først efter prøveperioden, at man begynder at blive opkrævet. App’en er indtil videre også kun lavet til iOS/iPhone, men kan dog hentes som skrivebords version til din computer også. En anden ulempe er, at hvis man uploader et billede af en style, så kan man ikke inde i app’en få lov til, at fjerne baggrunden så det skal du gøre inden du uploader dit billede. Sørg for, at tage et billede af dine ting på et hvidt underlag og hvis du har mulighed for det så fjern baggrunden og gem dit billede som en PNG fil. Jeg bruger Photoshop til dette, men det er jo ikke alle der lige har adgang til photoshop, så hvis der sidder én derude der kender til en gratis service hvor man kan gøre dette, så sig endelig til! Sidst men ikke mindst, så kan app’en ikke filtrere items fra hinanden, ihvertfald ikke særlig effektivt. F.eks. kan den finde på at sætte mine knælange støvler sammen med boyfriend jeans, hvilket jo ikke rigtig kan lade sig gøre. De skal sættes sammen med tights, nederdele/kjoler eller skinny jeans i min optik. Så det kunne jo være fedt hvis man kunne filtrere disse items bedre på én eller anden måde.

Konklusion? Jeg er stadig ikke helt sikker på jeg synes app’en er alle pengene værd, men hvis man er helt grøn og virkelig har brug for, at få ændret sine forbrugsvaner til det bedre er den nok en stor hjælp. Jeg bruger den primært til outfit inspiration både til dagligt og til events, og til det er den altså en lifesaver! Jeg elsker, at “shoppe” min egen garderobe ved hjælp af denne app. Den er vanedannende og det er blevet en leg at klæde sig på om morgenen. Lige nu kan jeg slet ikke undvære denne app i mit liv, haha!

2. Stylebook

What? Stylebook is like Cladwell an app where you can build your own virtual wardrobe, put together different looks, get lots of style inspiration, make packing lists and get better at using what you already have in your wardrobe instead of being on a constant hunt for new things.

Pros? It’s 4$ and you pay this one time only which is a very low cost! The app is simple and very user-friendly, and you can easily upload and remove the background on all your style images. You register your styles/images after what type of product it is (tops, bottoms, shoes and so on) and in that way you can easily put together a whole lot of looks that you can get inspired by every day. You can also upload inspiration images and you can keep a wish list of things you want to add to your wardrobe.

Cons? I really miss the automatic outfit generator! It does have a so-called outfit “shuffler” though, where you choose 3 items (fx top, bottom and shoes) and then the app makes a bunch of different outfit ideas based upon that selection. So you do actually get just another version of the outfit generator with this app. But because I really wish to challenge myself in styling certain items in new, refreshing ways and it’s not always possible for me to come up with these by myself in a busy, hectic everyday life, I kinda miss the automatic generator. So you basically have to put together many looks yourself along the way, and then it will come up with more options. In general you need to do a lot of the hard work yourself here, but of course that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

Conclusion? For the price I think the app is so cool, and in time it might well be that I switch from Cladwell to this one. It reminds me a bit of Polyvore, which I’ve been enjoying using a lot over the years to structure and organise my wardrobe too (watch my video here). This app offers kind of the same deal as Cladwell, but you have to do all the hard work yourself, so you need to be willing to do that. At the same time, you do all save a lot of money.

Hvad? Stylebook er ligesom Cladwell en app hvor du kan bygge din egen virtuelle garderobe, sammensætte looks, få masser af stilinspiration, lave pakkelister og dermed blive bedre til at bruge de ting du allerede er i besiddelse af i stedet for konstant at være på jagt efter nyt.

Fordele? Den koster kun lige knap 4$, og du betaler kun denne ene gang. App’en er simpel og super brugervenlig, og du kan nemt uploade og fjerne baggrunden på alle dine billeder. Du registrerer dine billeder/items efter hvilken produktgruppe de hører til (toppe, bukser, sko osv.), og derved kan du nemt sammensætte en masse looks, som du så i det daglige kan lade dig inspirere af. Du kan også uploade inspirationsbilleder og desuden kan du holde en ønskeliste med ting, som du gerne vil tilføje til din garderobe.

Ulemper? Jeg mangler virkelig den der service, der helt automatisk generer outfits til dig uden din indblanden! Dog skal det siges, at app’en har en såkaldt “shuffler” funktion, hvor du kan vælge 3 items (fx top, bukser og sko) og så kommer den med en hel masse outfit idéer baseret på dit valg. Så lidt outfitgenerering får man trods alt. Nogle gange kan man godt være på bar bund, så der mangler jeg som sagt den automatiske del af det. Alle dine looks skal du derfor groft sagt opbygge henad vejen, og så kan den så komme med flere forslag baseret på disse. Generelt skal du selv gøre det meste af det hårde arbejde her; du skal selv uploade alle dine items, sortere dem, fjerne baggrunden og kan ikke bare vælge lignende fra et bibliotek. Men det behøver selvfølgelig ikke kun være en dårlig ting.

Konklusion? Til prisen synes jeg app’en er super fed, og på sigt kan det sagtens være jeg skifter fra Cladwell til denne. Den minder lidt om Polyvore, som jeg jo også har været rigtig glad for at bruge (se min video her). Denne app kan lidt det samme som Cladwell, men man skal bare arbejde mere for det selv hvilket man jo så skal være indstillet på. Samtidig så sparer du selvfølgelig også en del penge i det lange løb.

3. ClosetSpace

What? Closetspace lays within the same category as the other two apps; same concept about building a virtual version of your own wardrobe, where you can put together different looks but this app is completely free of cost.

Pros? You’ll get inspired by a bunch of already registered streetstyle looks, which you can filter based upon occasion and weather. You can then save these looks and use them as daily outfit inspiration. You get to choose items from a catalogue in the app for your wardrobe, or you can upload your own styleimages. There’s also a magazine in the app where you’ll find lots of style inspiration and lastly there’s a whole shopping feature with certain items, shops/brands and promo codes.

Cons? As much as it’s a great feature that the app focuses so much on these streetstyle looks, you can’t upload any of your own personal favourites. And stylewise, I just didn’t find many looks that I personally related to. I wish you were able to filter the images way better (for example be able to choose only to see minimal/classic looks) and then in general that there were more images to choose from, you run out pretty quickly I think. I’m not a huge fan of the shopping feature either. You move a little too far away from the concepts of using what you already have, plus I think it’s pretty obvious that the app is sponsored by certain brands/webshops. You can’t remove the background on the styleimages you upload, and many of the items you can choose from their catalogue is stting on a model. I like it better when you only get the image of the style so you can make nice, clean collages with them.

Conclusion? It’s cool that this app is free and all, and if you don’t mind doing all the hard work yourself then it’s definitely a good alternative.

Hvad? ClosetSpace minder rigtig meget om de to andre apps; samme koncept om en virtuel garderobe, hvor du kan sammensætte looks, men denne er helt gratis.

Fordele? Her bliver du inspireret af en række allerede registrerede street style looks, som du kan filtrere efter vejr og anledning. Du kan gemme disse looks og lade dig inspirere af dem i det daglige. Du kan både vælge items fra et såkaldt katalog eller selv uploade billeder. Der er også et magasin indbygget i app’en, som du kan lade dig inspirere af ligesom der er en feature der hedder CS picks, som er en slags shopping guide med udvalgte items, webshops og rabatkoder.

Ulemper? App’en fokuserer rigtig meget på de her inspirationslooks, og selvom det er fedt at du kan vælge ud fra deres bibliotek, så kan du ikke selv få lov til, at uploade nogle af dine egne favorit inspirationsbilleder. Og stilmæssigt er der ikke så mange af de billeder de tilbyder, som jeg kan relatere til. Jeg gad godt, at man kunne filtrere billederne lidt mere (fx vælge kun at se mere minimalistiske/klassiske looks), og så at der generelt var lidt flere inspirationsbilleder, for man løber hurtigt tør. Desuden er jeg heller ikke så vild med deres shopping feature. Der bevæger man sig for langt væk fra budskabet om at fokusere på dét man allerede har, synes jeg og det er ret tydeligt at app’en kun samarbejder med nogle udvalgte brands/hjemmesider. Du kan ikke fjerne baggrunden på de billeder du uploader, og på mange af de produkter du kan vælge fra deres katalog sidder stylen måske på en model. Der kan jeg bedre lide når det kun er et billede af stylen, så man kan lave nogle fine, simple collager.

Konklusion? Det er fedt at denne app er helt gratis, og hvis man ikke har noget imod at lave alt selv fra bunden (uploade items, sammensætte looks osv.), så er den ganske udemærket.


  1. Katja

    Spændende at læse dine erfaringer. Jeg har tidligere brugt ClosetSpace, men blev træt af det og er ved at skifte til Smart Closet som jeg indtil videre er glad for. Smart Closet har en mulighed for at man opsætter nogle regler hvor efter den så foreslår looks. Fx kan man sige den skal sammensætte tops + skirts og så kommer den med forslag. De er ikke alle lige brugbare men dog gode til at arbejde videre med.

  2. Mel

    I use pureple. I think the functionality could be better but you can upload your own clothes and it will creates outfits for you.

  3. Jessica

    Hello Signe! I recently discovered your site and Youtube station and I am such a HUGE fan! Thank you so much for the important work that you are doing. I love your authenticity and openness. You inspire me on so many levels.

    Regarding wardrobe apps, have you heard of Finery? I just read about it (haven’t tried it yet) and it looks promising as a tool for creating a sustainable wardrobe, spending less time shopping and they have some interesting plans for the platform. I would be so curious to hear your thoughts. Thank you! Hugs from Wisconsin – warmly, Jessica

  4. Ana

    I use an app called “smart closet”. It is free and it works with android (I suppose it works with iphone too). You can upload photos of your clothes, create outfits, create pakings lists… I like it very much!

  5. Marie

    Jeg har hentet cladwell og er allerede helt pjattet med den. Tak for det gode råd 🙂

  6. Isabella

    I have used Stylebook in the past but tried out Cladwell and am now totally hooked on the generator. I really find it useful for styling my clothes new ways. I also really like their shopping advice. Showing items you can buy and how many new outfits that item would give you. The same company also have a capsule guide online to help you pick together a capsule, that’s where I started. Really useful for a beginner!

  7. Paula

    Cons of Stylebook is tgat is only available to iOS/iPhones too. Sigh. So the only real option for Android users is the Closet Soace, though personally I don’t like that much, too many vobs with it (I agree with you on that).
    Overall, it looks like to dress stylish and organize your outfits deserve only Apple consumers. ?

    • Paula

      Sorry for my spelling mistakes. I meant *cons instead of vobs, jeez. ? and *that instead of tgat

    • signeh24

      I know, so annoying! I think I read somewhere that Cladwell will be coming for Android too at some point, but I’m not sure if that was just something I dreamt 😉 You can actually get Cladwell in a desktop version for your computer though 🙂

  8. Ida

    I can really also, like others, recommend the Smart Closet app. Considering it’s free I think it works really well. Very easy to enter clothes and make nice layouts and it has a really nice ‘Statistics’ function that e.g. tells you wich items you wear the most (if you enter in the calendar). I think it’s missing the ‘capsule’ functions (I use some customizable categories, but it is really not perfect). And I think it would be very nice with a ‘Help me out’-function that would have the app suggest your outfit. Just for those days when it’s hard to decide. 🙂

  9. Katherine

    I used to use Style Book but I just think the design is a bit clunky. I use Intelistyle now – it’s all done through AI so you can train it to pick your looks kind of like how spotify does.

  10. Marita

    Hej, det finns ett gratis sätt att redigera bakgrund gratis och lätt. I Iphone, med Keynote, på svenska heter funktionen ”Direktalfa”. Kan vara användbart för detta 🙂

  11. Claudia

    What app do you use now since Polyvore’s closure?

    • signeh24

      Cladwell app is my fave! There’s also Stylebook which is quite similar :-*

  12. Sunita

    I think this post is a little bit old now. A few of the above mentioned apps are either not working or not maintained.
    The most recent Wardrobe app truly working i came across is called “What’s in my closet”.
    This app is maintained and support is just awesome. If anybody is interested please check this out here https://wardrobe.app.link/

    • signeh24

      Thanks for you inputs – Stylebook and Cladwell still work though, Cladwell is even made completely free now and will soon be launched for Android too 🙂

      • Silja

        Cladwell is not free at all. In fact annual price is almost 70 € now. Only first 7 days are free as a trial.

  13. Maria

    Cladwell started to become quite expensive for what they offer, their generator often FAILED to combine properly my own uploaded clothes albeit I described them as accurate as possible. Moreover… the featured persons there seldom relate to my style.

    Their suggestions to complete my wardrobe with certain items doesn’t work very well either.
    Sometimes they have some bugs and the app site shut down all by itself while scrolling for a longer while to find inspiration. Othertimes I cannot log my daily choices and it says that I don’t have enough clothes in my capsule but after I retry, they log twice the same outfits and I cannot even delete anything. Have reported this issue, customer service is great but nothing has been done to solve the problem…

    Therefore I decided not to pay anymore for it and use instead Smart Closet which is free.


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